Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=908729&GUID=E1838E78-ECC6-427D-B3DF-41A2714A99E4
Watch Online: https://youtu.be/G1ddWXV7evM
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=908728&GUID=981777FE-8C09-486F-9433-00CCE51A41D7
🧕🏾👨🏽 Community Anti-Racism Initiative
Investigate City Procedures and Policies to Encourage Greater Diversity on City Committees
That staff in the Legislative and Court Services Department, in consultation with the Anti-Racism Task Force, revise the Discretionary Committee application procedures and policies to encourage and recruit a greater diversity of membership on City committees and report back to General Committee
Review of Boarding, Lodging, Rooming (BLR) House Regulations
That staff in the Development Services Department, in consultation with the Legislative and Court Services Department review the regulations associated with Boarding, Lodging, Rooming (BLR) Houses and possible ways to increase compliance with zoning and licensing requirements and report back to General Committee.
Participation in the "It Starts With Me" Initiative
That staff in Access Barrie, in consultation with the Anti-Racism Task Force and the County of Simcoe, investigate opportunities for the City of Barrie to participate in the “It Starts with Me” initiative and report back to General Committee.
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