If there are more we don't know about, please let us know!
There are three rallies (we know of) organized to spread a little love and counter the transphobic "1 Million March" planned for this Wednesday, September 20 at City Hall. Please note that EBO is not involved in organizing any of these events, we're just supporting them by helping to spread the word – if you want to know more details than what is available here, please check in with each organizer.
(These are posted in order of start time, and the wording for each event is quoted directly from its organizer.)
Protect Trans Kids Rally – 9am
Organizer: Transgender Antifascists International
Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/337254942083637
Counter protesting 1 Million March 4 children at Barrie city hall Sept 20 at 9am
protect trans kids any way we can by standing up against transphobia and telling 1MM4C their hate has no place here!!!
Take a Stand Against Hate – 10am
Organizer: Barrie & District Labour Council
Hate Has No Place Here!
On September 20, 2023, the ultra conservative right have planned nationwide events to protest teaching 2SLGBTQIA+ content in schools under the guise of protecting children.
As Labour we know that far from protecting students this will hurt them in so many ways.
In this time of unprecedented hate and emboldened anger against so many people, it is time now, more than ever, for labour to show up as allies to protect targets of hate and bigotry wherever they may be.
There is a March planned for Barrie on September 20 at Barrie City Hall, the march begins at 11 a.m. We must make our voices louder and the message heard that there is no place for hate here.
Encourage your friends and family to join a counter protest and let the #1MillionMarch4Children know that we will not tolerate hate, intolerance or indoctrination in any form from any camp.
No Space for Hate Rally – 11am
Pride Safety Toolkit: https://ofl.ca/wp-content/uploads/Egale-Pride-Safety-Toolkit-2.0.pdf
On September 20th, the conservative right are planning nationwide events to protest teaching 2SLGBTQIA+ content in schools, under the guise of protecting children.
The protests are against education that is inclusive of 2SLGBT+ people and history, and in support of bills that would require school employees to notify guardians if a student requests a change to their name or pronouns. We know that far from protecting students this will hurt them in so many ways. This will put 2SLGBT+ students at risk. We have already lost too many queer youth to unsafe homes and bigoted policies.
It is time now, more than ever, for 2SLGBT+ people and their allies to show that we've always been here and always will be, and that we won't be legislated and silenced out of existence.
It's time for us to stand for 2SLGBT+ students who may have no other safe space than school. It is well documented that a safe and supportive space is often the difference between life and death for trans youth. We cannot take that away.
We are organizing one of many peaceful counter protests in cities and towns across Ontario. Let's show Barrie how much louder our queer joy is than their ignorance and fear.
On September 20th, let's drown out hate!
Community Groups and Organizers – do you have an event or a cause that falls under the EBO umbrella*? We're always happy to help you spread the word via our website and social media channels. Please get in touch with us if there's something you'd like to submit.
*Our Board of Directors will assess your submission by how well it fits within our Mission, Mandate and Values, as well as our Founding Principles and relevant policies.