Ryan's Hope hosts a Silent Protest and Solidarity Sleep-Out at City Hall, to address the growing housing and homelessness crisis facing our community
Posted by Christine Nayler, Contributing Member
Details at a Glance
Solidarity Sleepout
A bridge building event to bring members of our community together, housed and unhoused
An opportunity for you to experience for one night what unsheltered Barrie residents experience every night, and to show support and solidarity for them
Wednesday, November 23
set-up begins 6pm
silent protest at 7pm City Council meeting
Sleep Out begins 9pm or immediately following the Council meeting
Barrie City Hall, 70 Collier Street
Organized by Ryan's Hope - please direct all enquiries to them
More Info:
Description from Organizers
Ryan's Hope would like to invite you to join us for a Solidarity Sleep Out at City Hall on Wednesday November 13th. This is a bridge building event to bring members of our community together, housed and unhoused. It is an opportunity for you to experience for one night what unsheltered Barrie residents experience every night, and to show support and solidarity for them.
We have invited the Mayor and Council to join us and would like our community partners to be there as this is a good opportunity for us to come together to discuss root cause solutions to address the growing housing and homelessness crisis facing our community and country.
Our Sleep Out will take place immediately following the Barrie City Council meeting that evening but you can arrive at 6:00 pm to set up. We will holding a silent protest during the Council meeting to protest Ontario Big City Mayors motion so bring a sign, or you can borrow one of ours. See press release from OBCM here: https://www.ontariobigcitymayors.ca/ontarios-big-city-mayors-are-calling-on-the-provincial-and-federal-governments-to-take-action-on-homelessness-mental-health-safety-and-addictions
This is a BYOT event, bring your own tent, and sleeping bag. We suggest you bring a few as the nights are already getting pretty cold. Also might want to bring a camp chair.
We look forward to having you join us and spending time together discussing root cause solutions.
In solidarity,
Reverend Christine Nayler (she/her)
Co-founder and Director of Ryan's Hope

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