A presentation on the Allandale Transit Mobility Hub, plus the Accessibility and Age-Friendly Community Plans
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1103109&GUID=E4DBCD9B-6248-4514-9FD7-1E2775AB954D
Meeting Location: Sir Robert Barrie Room
(please note that the meetings of Advisory Committees are no longer being broadcast online)
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
🚍🚉 Allandale Transit Mobility Hub Project
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11973390&GUID=C3D8163E-A844-4FC7-B686-82CAFD0E1D3E
Presented by the Lead Architect, Walton Chan, and the City's Senior Project Manager (Capital Facilities), Natalie Calder
Project overview, conceptual design and accessibility provisions for the planned hub
💡🗣️ Discussion Items
♿️🗓️ National AccessAbility Week (NAAW)
♿️📋 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
📑📊 2022 Update
❓✅ Community Survey
🧓📋 Age-Friendly Community Plan
❓✅Community Survey
↪️📥 Referred Items
📑🗂 Reports / Memos to Committee
