A group of concerned citizens has organized a rally to protest Council's approval of a multi-use synthetic sports field in the naturalized area of Southshore
For background details and links to more recent posts, please visit https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/get-engaged-re-multi-use-sports-field-proposed-for-southshore-centre
Posted on behalf of the organizers - this is not an EBO-organized event
Event Details-at-a-glance
Wednesday, May 29 at 5pm
Barrie City Hall
70 Collier Street
The purpose of the rally is to tell our politicians that the Southshore (Allandale Station Park) is the last remaining piece of naturalized waterfront shoreline, and should not be the location of a Multi-Use Synthetic Sports Field.
City Council has already approved this as the preferred location in a 8-2 vote last week at council.
We are asking council to reconsider this decision.
There is also a link to a petition in the article below, so please consider signing and sharing that as well.
Hope to see you at City Hall next Wed!
Rally Planned to Make Waves Over Sports Field at Barrie Waterfront

Will signs be provided, or should we make our own? Also, I know there are other rallies happening within the next week or so, and I'm not going to be attending all of them. If anyone would like to borrow a sturdy permanent sign, I have three, which are as follows: 1. This Is The House That Lack Built, with a picture of a tent.
2. Transform Transphobia, with the Transformers logo in the transgender flag colours.
3. Save Safe Injection Sites
If you'd like to borrow a sign, all I ask is that you pick it up and drop it off, and cover it in plastic if rain is forecast. I live at 108 Burton Avenue, and my phone numbe…