Please note the earlier-than-usual start time! This is being tucked in before General Committee. No Public Meetings, just staff reports regarding properties in Wards 2, 4 & 10, as well as a report about the impacts and potential implementation measures required as a result of Bill 109 and Bill 23 (Spoiler Alert: the City could potentially lose a lot of money)
Engage Follow-up: coming soon!
Watch Again:
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🏘🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 969, 979 & 989 Mapleview Drive East (Sandy Creek Estates) (Ward 10)
HELD by Hamilton
Staff Report:
Recommending approval of the application to rezone from 'Agricultural General' (AG), 'Rural Residential' (RR) and 'Environmental Protection' (EP) zones to 'Neighbourhood Mixed Use with Special Provisions' (NMH SP-XXX), 'Residential Neighbourhood' (R5), and 'Environmental Protection' (EP)
Special Provisions for NMH zone:
private roads and a storm pond are permitted
where a lot has multiple frontages, "lot line, front" shall be the shortest private road frontage, and vehicle access shall only be permitted from a private road
other than the lands fronting on Mapleview Drive East, the provision that requires front yards to be fully paved and seamlessly connected with an abutting sidewalk shall not apply
units fronting on Mapleview Drive East shall include paving and/or a hard landscape treatment to accent and connect the ground floor commercial uses with each other and the municipal sidewalk
remove the provision that permits minimum front yard setback of 0m and maximum of 50% of the frontage to have buildings within 5m of the front lot line
units fronting on Mapleview Drive East shall have 2-5m front yard setback, and minimum setback to any daylighting triangle will be minimum of 1m
balconies permitted to be setback a minimum of 1m from any private road
subject lands to be considered as one lot for purposes of zoning, and parking spaces may be provided on separate lots within the same subject zoning parcel
Hamilton had questions for staff re: affordable housing targets, participation of School Boards in planning, and how densities are managed.
Motion CARRIED unanimously
📜💸 Implementation of Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022
HELD by Riepma
Staff Report:
Report is about the impacts and potential implementation measures required as a result of this provincial bill.
"While the City is supportive of the intended goals of the legislation, there may be unintended consequences with implementation of the Bill particularly related to financial risk, limited public consultation, and increased litigation."
Potential revenue loss of $906,368.04 in planning revenue for 2023
repeal and replace the Site Plan Control By-law and any related Council policies to reflect the changes in legislation
amend Pre-Consultation By-law to reflect the required changes to the pre-consultation, pre-submission, and complete application review process
undertake a comprehensive fee review for Planning and Development application approvals in 2023, with the intent of supporting full cost recovery
Development Services to work with the Clerk to ensure the frequency of Planning Committee and Council meetings in 2023 will facilitate the consideration of planning applications on a regular and "as-needed" basis
undertake any necessary amendments to the City's new Official Plan, including any required public planning meetings
authorize the CAO to retain a strategic advisory firm at ~$90,000 through non-standard procurement, to assist City in communicating with the Province (funded from the Reinvestment Reserve)
Riepma asked about an email that had been circulated regarding the approval of our new Official Plan. Michelle Banfield confirmed the application has been re-opened by the Province for commenting until January 4, to allow additional opportunities for engagement.
Riepma had some other questions to staff regarding timing of approvals, etc.
AMENDMENT by Riepma to add a section to paragraph 4 (re: retaining a strategic advisory firm): That the CAO report back to General Committee on success of this initiative in August, 2023, and provide a request for proposal.
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
🏬👍 Temporary Use Bylaw – 164 Innisfil Street (Liquidation Nation) (Ward 2)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Recommending to approve the Temporary Use Bylaw, to allow Liquidation Nation to continue operating a retail store on the property for three years until December 12, 2025
🚚🔐 Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 320 Bayfield Street (Ward 4)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Recommending to approve the Official Plan Amendment application, to allow for self-storage use in a portion of Bayfield Mall
Recommending to rezone from 'Shopping Centre Commercial' (C3) to 'Shopping Centre Commercial with Special Provisions' (C3 SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
self-storage permitted on a portion of the lands – this use is restricted to the existing Bayfield Mall, and to a total of 6,039 sq.m / 15% of existing commercial shopping centre
🏙🌇 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 129 Collier Street (Ward 2)
HELD by Riepma
Staff Report:
Recommending to approve rezoning from 'Transition Centre Commercial-1' (C2-1) to 'Transition Centre Commercial-1 with Special Provisions' (C2-1 SP-XXX), to allow for the development of a building with two residential towers (12 and 13 storeys), consisting of approximately 297 units.
Special Provisions:
increase building height to 47m for south tower, 45m for north tower, with minimum 2m step-back taken above 3rd storey
reduce side yard for north tower to 9.5m from west property line and 7.5m from east property line
reduce side yard for south tower to 1.5m from west property line and 6m from east property line
reduce minimum coverage for commercial uses to 1.9% of lot area
reduce variable landscape buffer width to 1.5m
reduce parking ratio to 0.85 spaces per dwelling unit
reduce parking ratio to 0 spaces per 24 sq.m of commercial ground floor area
reduce parking space width to 2.6m
reduce drive aisle width to 6m
AMENDMENT by Riepma - That all floor levels of the buildings fronting on Collier Street and Dunlop Street West shall be required to be comprised of residential and/or commercial uses, to activate the street frontages.
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously