First Planning Committee meeting for the new Council! Public Meetings for proposed developments at 70 and 76 Edgehill Drive (Ward 4), and 164 Innisfil Street (Ward 2). A presentation on the new Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw. Plus a Zoning Bylaw Amendment for the Barrie Central site (Ward 2), and Site Plan Control for 10-24 Grove Street West (Ward 2).
Engage's Follow-up:
Watch Again:
The Public Meetings are now being held in person OR by electronic participation.
If you wish to provide oral comments electronically, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 x5500 during regular office hours prior to Tuesday, November 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting with electronic participation. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353.
🗣👥 Public Meetings
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 70 and 76 Edgehill Drive (Ward 4)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence:
Application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Proposal to facilitate the development of a residential apartment building with 396 units
Application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. on behalf of AuroEdge Ltd.
Seeking to amend Defined Policy Area 'HH' of the Official Plan to increase the permitted height from 12 storeys to 16 storeys
Seeking to amend zoning from Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density (R2), Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions - Hold (RA2-2, SP-508, H-128) and Environmental Protection Area (EP) to Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions (RA2-2, SP-XXX) and Environmental Protection Area (EP)
Requested special provisions include:
increase maximum height from 45m to 51m
increase maximum gross floor area from 200% to 345%
reduce parking from 1.5 spaces per unit to 1.09 spaces per unit
Councillor Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest, as one of the owners is a business partner
one member of the public spoke with some concerns on behalf of himself and his neighbours
there were two written submissions
🗣🏬 Public Meeting – 164 Innisfil Street (Ward 2)
Public Meeting Notice:
Revised Presentation:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Temporary Use Bylaw
Proposal to permit a retail store on the property for three years until December 12, 2025
Application submitted by MHBC Planning Inc. on behalf of Jamie Salter
Seeking to allow a standalone retail store, which is not permitted under the General Industrial (GI) zoning – two previous Temporary Use Bylaws have been granted in June 2019 and March 2021
one member of the public had a question, but no objections
there was one written submission
🧑🏫🗺 Presentation: New Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw
The City is in the process of creating a new Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, designed to implement the vision and policies of Barrie's recently adopted Official Plan.
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🏙🏘 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 34-50 Bradford St. / HIP Barrie Central (Ward 2)
approved on Consent
Staff Report:
Approve the rezoning from Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions, Hold (C1-2,SP-589,H-147) to Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions (C1-2,SP-XXX) and Central Area Commercial-2 with Special Provisions, Hold (C1-2,SP-XXX,H-XXX)
Site-specific standards:
reduced parking to 0.8 parking spaces per residential unit (1 required)
minimum height of 4.5m and maximum of 22m (5-6 storeys) within 5m of Bradford Street lot line (max 10m / 3-4 storeys permitted)
maximum height of 75m (25 storeys) in addition to Phase 1 tower heights at 86m (26 storeys) and 101m (30 storeys) beyond 5m of lot frontage and lot flankage (45m / 12-15 storeys permitted)
no landscape buffer (3m required)
min 338 sq.m / 30% more of building street frontage of ground floor commercial uses (50% of lot area is standard)
subject lands to be considered as one lot for purposes of zoning, regardless of future land division or condominium, and parking spaces may be provided on separate lots within the same zoning parcel
Hold removed from Phase 2 lands when the following has been submitted:
Master Site Plan demonstrating integration of Phase 2 lands with Phase 1 concept and proposed/approved development on adjacent lands owned by City, including:
vehicular access, traffic circulation, and alignment of private and/or municipal road connections
site design that provides multi-modal, pedestrian and accessible access to public streets/sidewalks, transit stops and open spaces
Traffic Impact Study and Parking Strategy demonstrating the proposed parking reduction meets the needs of residents
detailed Urban Design submission, including:
design attributes that justify increase in height of buildings from 45m
buildings of various built forms and height with good placement, orientation, massing and design to enhance transition to adjacent lower scale neighbourhood areas
mitigation of wind and shadow impacts on adjacent streets and open spaces
conditional approval of a site Plan control application
🏙🌃 Site Plan Control Requirements – 10-24 Grove Street West (Ward 2)
approved on Consent
Staff Report:
Approve in principle the Site Plan Control Application
Staff to maintain delegated responsibility for final clearance of the Site Plan Control Requirements for Processing that culminate in the preparation and registration of a Site Plan Agreement for the project