Public Meetings for 969, 979 & 989 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10), and 947 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10). Plus Official Plan & Zoning Amendment application for 521 Huronia Road (Ward 9), Zoning Amendment application for 189 Summerset Drive (Ward 6), and delegation of authority for the removal of a holding symbol.
Watch Again:
If you wish to provide oral comments at the Virtual Public Meeting, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 Ext. 5500 during regular office hours prior to Tuesday, April 12 at 12:00 p.m.
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting with electronic participation. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353
ON LEAVE: Lehman
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 969, 979 & 989 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
No members of the public spoke at this meeting
The Ward Councillor, Councillor McCann, was absent, so no questions were asked on behalf of Ward 10 constituents
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision in the Hewitt's Secondary Plan Area
Proposal creating 11 blocks – 2 for mixed-use development, 2 for residential development, 1 for road widening, 1 for a stormwater management facility, 2 for the natural heritage system, 1 for a temporary cul-de-sac, 1 for the future road allowance, and 1 for future development (only the first 10 are proposed for rezoning under this application process)
Application submitted by MHBC Planning Ltd. on behalf of Sandy Creek Estates
Seeking to rezone Blocks 1-10 from Agricultural General (AG), Rural Residential (RR) and Environmental Protection (EP) in Town of Innisfil to Neighbourhood Mixed Use with Special Provisions (NMH SP-XXX), Residential Neighbourhood (R5) and Environmental Protection (EP)
Special Provisions proposed include modified setback provisions, vehicular access restrictions to Mapleview Drive, reduced street level floor height to 2.3m and permissions for the stormwater management pond use
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 947 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
No members of the public spoke at this meeting
The Ward Councillor, Councillor McCann, was absent, so no questions were asked on behalf of Ward 10 constituents
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment in the Hewitt's Secondary Plan Area
Proposal to permit the construction of a 6-storey mixed-use building containing 96 residential units and approximately 300 sq.m of ground floor commercial space, with 158 surface parking spaces
Application submitted by the Goodreid Planning Group on behalf of Mapleview Friday Corporation
Seeking to rezone from Rural Residential (RR) in Town of Innisfil to Neighbourhood Residential Multiple Zone - Special (RM3 SP-XXX) with site-specific provisions
Site-specific zoning provisions include:
recognizing the Mapleview Drive East frontage as the front lot line
front yard setback of 0m (3m required)
landscaped buffer strip with minimum width of 2.6m along side & rear lot lines (min. 3m required)
maximum parking lot coverage of 45% of the lot area (max. 40% permitted)
🏗🏘 Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 521 Huronia Road (Ward 9)
APPROVED on Consent
Staff Report:
Amend Official Plan to redesignate from General Industrial and Environmental Protection to Residential and Environmental Protection
Amend Zoning Bylaw to rezone from Agriculture and Environmental Protection to Residential Multiple Second Densitiy with Special Provisions, Hold (RM2 SP-XXX H-XXX) and Environmental Protection
Special Provisions for Residential Multiple Second Density with Special Provisions:
minimum residential parking standard 1.2 spaces per unit (1.5 is standard)
permit back-to-back townhouse units, to maximum of 50% of the total unit count
maximum density 47 units per hectare (currently max 40 u/ha)
minimum consolidated outdoor amenity area provided at 5 sq.m per unit, and 12 sq.m per unit in an unconsolidated form (12 sq.m consolidated is standard)
maximum building height of 12.5m (10m is standard)
minimum landscape area 32% (35% is standard)
Bring bylaw forward to Council to remove the Holding symbol on these lands when the alignment, design and access permissions are confirmed for municipal servicing infrastructure, and the road connection to Loon Ave. across the adjacent property
Owner/applicant is required to provide community benefits per Section 37 of Planning Act and Section 6.8 (Height and Density Bonusing) of the Official Plan
🏘🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 189 Summerset Drive (Ward 6)
APPROVED on Consent
Staff Report:
Amend Zoning Bylaw from Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) to Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions (RM2 SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
parking standard of 1.27 parking spaces per unit (1.5 required)
permitted uses to include 6-storey apartment building (max.4 storeys for walk-up permitted), and back-to-back townhouses to a maximum of 50% or 156 units (whichever is greater)
minimum rear yard setback of 2.8m (7m required)
maximum gross floor area of 116% (max 60% permitted)
maximum building height of 21m for the 6-storey apartment building (max. height for 4-storey walkup is 20m), and 13m for the back-to-back and block/stacked townhouse units (max is 10m)
maximum density of 70 units per hectare (40-53 permitted)
12 sq.m per unit of consolidated amenity area in 2 separate locations (12 sq.m consolidated in one location required)
remove requirement for 3m continuous landscape buffer along the side and rear property lines
Owner/applicant is required to provide community benefits per Section 37 of Planning Act and Section 6.8 (Height and Density Bonusing) of the Official Plan
✍️🧑⚖️ Delegation of Approval Authority for the Removal of a Holding Symbol
APPROVED on Consent
Staff Report:
Delegate authority to remove a holding symbol to the Director of Development Services or their designate
Any member of Council, the applicant, or staff may request that an application with a holding symbol be "bumped up" to Council for approval for unresolved matters