A presentation on Kempenfest 2023, and Public Art for the new Transit Terminal
Minutes: not yet available
Watch Again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3QjlnKlxak
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1147917&GUID=52976FB2-71A0-40DF-B39D-61C805C953D1
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
ALL COMMITTEE PRESENT: Hamilton (Chair), Nuttall (although he did leave after the Kempenfest item), Thomson, Riepma, Nigussie
GUESTS: Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Harvey (also left after Kempenfest item)
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
🎪🎉 Kempenfest 2023 Sponsorship Report
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12593287&GUID=498C1C29-C021-4F80-9E96-121D9FBF2D5B by representatives of the Kempenfelt Board of Directors
MOTION by Nuttall - to have staff in the City of Barrie work with the Board and organizers of Kempenfest alongside Tourism Barrie on both the costs that have been outlined ($50,000), and the study into what can be done in future years to improve the financial situation and the general reception of individuals who are visiting, and report back on where we should or shouldn't intercede, and the costs associated with the study going forward.
CARRIED, unanimously
↪️📥 Referred Items
📝📑 Reports of Advisory Committees
👟♻️ Active Transportation and Sustainability Committee
Report from December 7: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12593289&GUID=8001B676-8989-44E7-A06E-15BF6F1A8A1B
RECEIVED [FOR: Thomson, Riepma, Nigussie; ABSENT: Nuttall]
📑🧑💻 Reports of Officers of the Corporation
🚉🧑🎨 Barrie Allandale Transit Terminal Public Art Commission
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12593290&GUID=95A061DF-F18F-4636-9CA0-C2C4906A8418
Recommending that the artwork, Exhale, by Studio F Minus be approved as the selected artwork for the proposed Transit Terminal
APPROVED [FOR: Thomson, Riepma, Nigussie; ABSENT: Nuttall]
💡🗣️ Items for Discussion
