The inaugural meeting of this brand-new committee.
Engage's Follow-Up:
Committee Members in Attendance: Hamilton (Chair), Nuttall, Thomson, Nigussie
Other Councillors in Attendance: Riepma, Nixon, Courser, Harvey, Harris, Morales
⚖️💰 Capital Project Prioritization and the 2023-2032 Capital Plan
A presentation on how the City prioritizes capital projects and spending, overview of investments in the capital plan, and of investments and projects not in the capital plan
Presentation by Kelly Oakley, Associate Director of Corporate Asset Management & Rick Pews, Director of Corporate Facilities
Items for Discussion
The Committee moved in to closed session to discuss these items
🤐🤝 Confidential Potential Land Disposition Matter – Victoria Street & Innisfil Street
Sponsor: Riepma
This portion of the meeting will be held in camera (not available to the public)
MOTION - that staff undertake the actions identified in the confidential item for discussion dated February 1, 2023 concerning a confidential land disposition matter – Victoria Street and Innisfil Street
MOTION CARRIED [vote not recorded]
🤐🤝 Confidential Acquisition of Property Matter – Mulcaster Street and Dunlop Street
Sponsor: Riepma
This portion of the meeting will be held in camera (not available to the public)
MOTION LOST [vote not recorded]