open delegation from Theatre By The Bay, Bradford Street Corridor Environmental Assessment
Watch Online:
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
🎭🎪 Theatre By the Bay
Presentation: not yet available
Open Delegation with information about TBTB and its accomplishments to the community and economy
↪️📥 Referred Items
🏬🏢 Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Wards 2 & 8)
Staff Report:
Received the Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Approve the recommended design solution for corridor protection purposes, and direct Development Services to acquire appropriate land conveyances
Direct staff to use access management practices when assessing Planning Act approvals on the Bradford Street Corridor
Direct staff to conclude the Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and publish a Notice of Completion
Direct staff to complete a future Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum prior to undertaking implementation (after 2031) to assess transportation and land use policies, and complete refinements to the recommended design solution to mitigate impacts based on future corridor constraints
Direct staff to complete an in-service safety review for the Tiffin Street and Bradford Street intersection to assess opportunities for interim safety improvements
📝📑 Reports of Advisory Committees
🎭🎨 Arts Advisory Committee
Report from February 27:
🌼🌸 Communities in Bloom Committee
👟♻️ Active Transportation and Sustainability Committee
📑🧑💻 Reports of Officers of the Corporation
💡🗣️ Items for Discussion