Including discussions on the Holly Heritage Project for the new Community Centre, the new Heritage Barrie logo, and the plaque policy for designated and listed buildings. Also, reviewing the development application for 19 Dundonald St., and potentially adding 62 High Street to the Municipal Heritage Register.
Watch Again:
🏫🏘 Peggy Hill Team Community Centre – Holly Heritage Project
🪧™️ Heritage Barrie Logo Update
🚶🗺 Historic Neighbourhood Tour Guides
📮🎁 Historic Box Utility Wraps
🏗🚧 Development Applications Under Review
19 Dundonald Street
RECOMMENDATION: That staff in the Development Services Department investigate the feasibility and costs associated with conducting a study related to Section 40(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act to establish a Heritage Conservation District for the north side of Blake Street and the east side of Dundonald Street and report back to the Heritage Barrie Committee.
RECOMMENDATION: That a Heritage Planner position responsible for heritage conservation, preservation, restoration, and promotion for the community be considered as part of the 2023 Budget.
📜📋 Status of Municipal Heritage Register
62 High Street
RECOMMENDATION: That the property known municipally as 62 High Street be added to the Municipal Heritage Register as a listed property.