Several Zoning Bylaw Amendments, plus giving semi-exclusive use of a public Community Centre to a private sports team
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
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📑🗂 Staff Reports
🏢🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 447-455 Yonge Street (Ward 8)
HELD by Harris
Staff Report:
Recommendation: Approve the rezoning from 'Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density' (R1) to 'Mixed Use Corridor - Special Provision' (MU2)(SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
Yonge St. is the front yard of the property
permit a partially paved front yard (fully paved currently required)
eliminate minimum building setback to daylighting triangle (1m currently required)
require minimum rear yard setback of 20-33m to recognize the proposed L-shape building (currently 7m minimum permitted)
increase maximum south side yard setback to 6m (currently 3m required)
reduce commercial area from 50% to 34% of the gross floor area of the first floor
increase maximum lot coverage for parking areas from 35% to 39%
reduce minimum setback to underground parking structure from street from 1.2m to 0.6m
A considerable amount of debate on this item (the discussion on this and the following item was combined), with many questions of staff and some heated conversations.
Point of order was called by Councillor Kungl, as Councillor Morales was discussing Councillor Riepma's votes on on selected motions from the previous term, instead of discussing the staff report and recommendations on the table.
CARRIED [FOR: Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Riepma, Harris]
Separate report requested by Morales
🏢🏬 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 427-437 Yonge Street (Ward 8)
HELD by Harris
Staff Report:
Recommendation: Approve the rezoning from 'Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density' (R1) to 'Mixed Use Corridor - Special Provision' (MU2)(SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
Yonge St. is the front yard of the property
permit a partially paved front yard (fully paved currently required)
eliminate minimum building setback to daylighting triangle (1m currently required)
require minimum rear yard setback of 20-33m to recognize the proposed L-shape building (currently 7m minimum permitted)
increase maximum north side yard setback to 11m (currently 3m required)
reduce commercial area from 50% to 39% of the gross floor area of the first floor
increase maximum lot coverage for parking areas from 35% to 42%
reduce minimum setback to underground parking structure from street from 1.2m to 0.6m
CARRIED [FOR: Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Riepma, Harris]
Separate report requested by Morales
🌾🧑🌾 Extension to Temporary Use Bylaw - 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)
HELD by Harvey
Staff Report:
Recommendation: Approve the extension to allow agricultural activity on the property for 3 years, subject to special provisions
Special Provisions:
agricultural activities limited to field crops in an open field
30m naturalized buffer required around Lover's Creek and Whiskey Creek
access to the site for farming purposes is restricted to the entrance at Harvie Road
best management practices must be applied re: use of fertilizer and pesticides
activities related to the Bryne Drive South Extension will take precedent over permission for agriculture use on the portion of the lands identified for the construction of the roadway
FAILED [FOR: Kungl; AGAINST: Riepma, Nixon, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton]
🏘️🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 101-119 Bay Lane (Ward 8)
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Recommendation: Approve the rezoning from 'Residential Hold' (RH) to 'Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density' with Special Provisions (R1) (SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
minimum lot frontage reduced from 22m to 17m
uncurbed gravel surface treatment permitted for private roads and driveways (currently curbed stable surfaces are required)
uses, buildings and structures accessory to residential uses on lots 1-10 will be permitted on Block 11 – accessory uses such as recreational uses/facilities (tennis court), private roadway/driveways, infrastructure and storage will be permitted
🏒🚪 AAA U18 Dressing Room Facility Agreement
APPROVED on consent
Staff Report:
Recommendation: To give the Barrie Colts AAA U18 hockey team semi-exclusive rights to use space at the Peggy Hill Team Community Centre as a dressing room
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
💌🏥 Invitation to Present - Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre
APPROVED on consent
Sponsor: Thomson
Notice of Item: not provided
Invite the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre to provide a presentation to City Council in Fall of 2023
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