putting off discussion on the Strategic Plan KPIs further (including the failure to approve or produce any affordable housing units), establishing a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee, a loan to Theatre By The Bay, relocation plans for the Sea Cadets
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1170435&GUID=1DFB7559-1615-4AF4-9017-41016326C7F6
Watch Again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCvvFCIaE8Q
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1170435&GUID=1DFB7559-1615-4AF4-9017-41016326C7F6
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
Started late (7:15pm), all members of Council present.
After the Consent Agenda was read out, Nuttall declared that the Multi-Use Sports Field and Parade Ground, and the Relocation of Sea Cadets to Southshore would be dealt with first (out of order), as well as declaring that he would allow debate on both at once (an unusual and, as later demonstrated, highly prejudicial allowance). He also instructed Kungl to hold her amendment re: the sports field / parade ground, and just put the item on the floor as presented.
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
🚫🪧 Request for Exemption from Sign Bylaw - 201 Fairview Road (Ward 8)
HELD by Harvey
Referred to General Committee by City Council on May 1
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12882900&GUID=36E137BE-4DB2-4AC3-989B-B8E87B66A1F2
Deny the request for exemption
To approve the exemption request "in compliance with the decision and direction from the Ministry of Transportation", and to add paragraph 2: "That all other provisions of the sign bylaw be applied."
After some discussion, the "in compliance with..." clause was taken out of the first part of the amendment
CARRIED [FOR: Nixon, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Riepma, Kungl, Courser]
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED [FOR: Nixon, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Riepma, Kungl, Courser]
📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees
💰🏛️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
RECEIVED on consent
Report from April 23: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1184158&GUID=F267A25F-EF61-4253-9448-DF1ACFF6D1D0
💵📊 Q1 Internal Audit Status Update
APPROVED on consent
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12864675&GUID=35D68D40-D2EE-442A-AE68-08B322F33397
Receive the update as information
🌲🛣️ Tree-planting at Stunden Lane & Mapleview Drive East
APPROVED on consent
Community Project Fund Submission: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12864677&GUID=AAF77A3A-B4CB-49A6-B1F8-9FB49D48C93C from Morales
Planting mature spruce trees at the intersection of Stunden Lane and Mapleview Drive East
🎭💰 Theatre By the Bay
APPROVED on consent
Provide $68,000 to Theatre by the Bay, funded from the Theatre Reserve, for the purposes of clearing their current deficit
Theatre By the Bay to repay the funds to the Theatre Reserve starting in 2025 -- annual contribution of $15K for four years from their annual allocation of the cultural grant budget, with a final contribution of $8K in 2029 from the same source
📋✅ Strategic Plan KPIs
HELD by Courser
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12867708&GUID=3B4B5087-DE47-4E84-AD5B-CA442745F8CA from A. Rier, Business Performance Specialist regarding the Key Performance Indicators for Council's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Annual KPI report for 2023
Refer this back to staff in Business Performance and Internal Audit prior to a presentation to General Committee (this seems to ignore / defer the key issue of the KPIs - absolutely no affordable housing units have been built or even approved to date under this term of Council)
DEFERRED by Courser to the May 29 meeting (when the appropriate staff would be in attendance to answer questions)
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton (Nigussie appeared to be reading something and did not vote)]
🆘🫀 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) at Painswick Park
HELD by Kungl, at Nuttall's request (but then names Morales in the hold)
Community Project Fund Submission: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12864676&GUID=B60227E4-0893-4EC5-BD43-8D5C8FD293A2 from Morales
Installing an AED at Painswick Park
Refer this proposal back to staff in Infrastructure and Growth Management for further information on other municipalities' practices with AEDs in parks, and report back to General Committee on May 8 (this meeting)
Note, the staff memo was provided for the meeting: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12904972&GUID=A2FBC11D-55FB-4828-9674-0BBA76297DEC
AMENDMENT by Morales
To strike the words "report back to General Committee on May 8, 2024" and replace it with "be approved"
Harvey noted the first part of the motion still read to be referred back to staff, Morales removed it as well - leaving the amendment as revoking the entire sentence, and simply approving the proposal.
CARRIED [FOR: Nixon, Thomson, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton, AGAINST: Riepma, Kungl, Courser, Nigussie] (as Nuttall never asks for votes against, and these Councillors later voted for the motion in Council, it could be that they were just distracted and didn't vote - it was unclear)
📑🗂 Staff Reports
👷🛟 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee
HELD by Harris
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898210&GUID=A83D8D6C-6F66-417A-8D43-5F8C6A7052D4
Establish a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee, including each of the following:
two City Councillors
a representative of Ontario Health or an entity that provides services to improve the physical or mental health of individuals in the community
a representative of an entity that provides educational services in the municipality
a representative of an entity that provides community or social services in the municipality
a representative of an entity that provides community or social services to children or youth in the municipality
a representative of an entity that provides custodial services to children or youth in the municipality
a representative from the Barrie Police Services Board
Barrie Police Services' Chief of Police, R. Johnston or his designate
Approve the draft Terms of Reference
Amend the Procedural Bylaw as follows:
Add the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee to the list of Special and Advisory Committees, with the mandate "To review the City of Barrie's 2021 to 2024 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan: Our Shared Plan for a Safer Barrie and provide advice to City Council on any potential revisions to the Plan as well as reporting on the status of the plan
Add to the chart contained in paragraph 14 of Schedule 'B' the Community Safety Well-Being Plan Committee identifying that it reports to the Community Safety Committee.
Authorize the Committee and staff to collaborate with the County of Simcoe to align Community Safety and Well-being Plans, where appropriate and feasible
Harris had held to ask staff the details of the decision process for who would sit on this committee
Dawn McAlpine explained there were legislative requirements of the types of individuals or groups who would be represented, and then Council would decide at a later date
Nuttall explained he could have appointed the members through his "Strong Mayor" powers, but chose to bring it to Council
DEFERRED by Riepma to the May 29 meeting
CARRIED unanimously
🚫🅿️ Bear Creek Ridge Subdivision - Residential Parking Control (Ward 7)
HELD by Harvey
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898211&GUID=4DB44458-E9BD-4196-BFCB-6E66838E581B
Add "No Parking Anytime" to
Mabern Street both sides from Essa Road to the westerly limits
Franklin Trail - West and North side form Mabern Street to 515m east
Franlkin Trail - North and West side from Paddington Grove to 245m east
Paddington Grove - West side from Mabern Street to Franklin Trail
Polar Mews - West side from Mabern Street to Alaskan Heights
Alaskan Heights - North side from Brown Bear Street to Kodiak Terrace
Olympic Gate - North side from Brown Bear Street to Kodiak Terrace
Koda Street - North side from Essa Road to westerly termination
Kodiak Terrace - East side from Mabern Street to Koda Street
Andean Lane - both sides form Mabern Street to Koda Street
Brown Bear Street - West side from Mabern Street to Salem Road
Development Services to create and distribute a mailing to all homes within the Bear Creek Ridge development noting the approved parking restrictions, effective no sooner than 30 days following the mail-out
Amend 2 a) to read "Mabern Street - South side from a point 35m west of Brown Bear Street to Kodiak Terrace", and to add paragraph 3 "That staff in Development Services investigate the feasibility of removing the sidewalk on Andean Lane and report back to General Committee regarding the implications."
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Kungl]
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Kungl]
🥅⚓️ Waterfront (Allandale Station Park) Multi-Use Sports Field and Sea Cadets Parade Ground (Ward 8)
HELD by Kungl - discussed at beginning of meeting, side-by-side with the Sea Cadets Relocation to Southshore
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898214&GUID=75A372CD-8761-43FA-8426-7E2CCCFB3B2B
Approve the "Premium Synthetic Turf Multi-Use Sports Field Concept" to guide the planning, design and construction of the multi-use sports field and associated amenities
Approve $4,622,777 in funding for the implementation of the "Premium Synthetic Turf Multi-Use Sports Field Concept" with half the funding from the Tax Capital Reserve and half from the Cash-in-Lieu Parkland Reserve
Include $37,122 in the 2025 Business Plan Operating Budget for future annual maintenance for a parade ground and synthetic turf multi-use sports field in Allandale Station Park
Nuttall began the discussion saying that he'd heard from many members of the public that they hadn't known this was being proposed - he blamed lack of newspapers (as opposed to acknowledging that the City had not made this item or information available to the public in any way, prior to the staff report being added to the City's Legistar site on Friday).
Nuttall then gave a presentation in defence of the proposal.
Nuttall failed to be transparent, at any time during this presentation, of his long-standing relationship with the Barrie Soccer Club which - as evidenced by the deputations at City Council the following week - is apparently the only sports group fighting for this artificial turf sports field being built in the currently protected naturalized area (Michelle Banfield also referred to it solely as a soccer field when answering questions of Jim Harris.)
Nuttall alluded to those with concerns as being either mistaken or dishonest - a gross disrespect of Barrie residents and their concerns.
Nuttall then allowed the discussion to begin, but instead of starting with Kungl (who held the item), he turned the floor to Harris - which is outside of the normal procedure
The following discussion was highly disrespectful of the public, with "arguments" full of strawman arguments, red herrings, and other (disrespectful) logical fallacies.
We were also highly upset at the way certain councillors, especially Deputy Mayor Thomson, portrayed those with concerns about the proposal - referring to them as "obstructionists", and intimating they were against the Sea Cadets and/or children's sports if they had any concerns about developing a fenced-off sports field at the waterfront.
This disrespect of the public and the public process seems to have become a hallmark of this term of Council.
It was also disappointing to hear Councillors Harvey & Riepma refer to the Conservation Authorities being able to veto the project if there were any environmental concerns - as they both sit on the Nottawasaga and Lake Simcoe CAs, respectively, they would know that those authorities do not have jurisdiction over that particular section of Kempenfelt Bay, and that their powers to preserve public lands have been consistently eroded by the Province in favour of developers' desires.
EBO is very concerned about the complete lack of public consultation on this issue, especially since this proposal has apparently been "in the works" since last summer, and involves a very large chunk of public land at the waterfront being removed from public access, as well as the de-naturalization of a beautiful natural waterfront area.
Amend paragraph 2 with a new revenue source: "That the funding in the amount of $4,622,777 be approved for the implementation of the 'Premium Synthetic Turf Multi-Use Sports Field Concept' with 30% of funding from the Development Charges, and 20% from the Tax Capital Reserve, and half of the funding sourced from the Cash-in-Lieu Parkland Reserve"
CARRIED, unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Harris]
🚫🏎️ Community Safety Zone - Prince William Way, Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
APPROVED on consent
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898210&GUID=A83D8D6C-6F66-417A-8D43-5F8C6A7052D4
Remove Prince William Way - Sovereign's Gate to Sandringham Drive (any time) from the Community Safety Zone
Add Prince William Way - Sovereign's Gate to Lally Terrace (any time) and Mapleview Drive East - 224m west of Christensen Drive to Prince William Way (any time)
🏗️⚓️ Sea Cadets Relocation to Southshore
HELD by Harris (Courser also asked for a hold, but Nuttall gave it to Harris, presumably as he is Ward Councillor)
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898215&GUID=BB053AAF-34F9-4D62-B843-AB4A2772A84A
Relocation Options: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898216&GUID=E39A7050-485E-49C0-B4CA-78126BE325A0
Endorse in Principle "Option B - Southshore Community Centre Addition " to guide the additional planning, design and construction of the Southshore Community Centre Addition
Approve additional funding of $300,000 under Project #FC1318 for the for the planning and design of this option, to be funded from the Tax Capital Reserve
Direct staff to report back to General Committee for future construction funding approval once costing is refined through the design process
Direct staff to continue to meet with the stakeholders to obtain additional input on design and program requirements
This item was discussed at the beginning, together with the "Waterfront (Allandale Station Park) Multi-Use Sports Field and Sea Cadets Parade Ground" item - please refer to that item (above) for discussion notes
CARRIED, unanimously
🚫🅿️ Albert Street No Parking (Ward 2)
APPROVED on consent
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12898213&GUID=0E2992D7-5B17-4F43-9BDB-D49D0119F63D
Change Parking Restrictions on Albert Street to:
"No Parking Anytime" - Albert Street West side from Eugenia Street to Amelia Street
"No Parking, 8am-5pm excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays" Albert Street both sides from Codrington to Eugenia Street, and Albert Street both sides from Eugenia Street to 75m south
📑🗂 Reports of Officers of the Corporation
🤐📨 Confidential Correspondence
APPROVED on consent
Trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
📥🔄 Circulation List Referrals
