Note the later time! Still, lots on the agenda.
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
The Public Meetings are now being held in person OR by electronic participation.
If you wish to provide oral comments electronically, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 x5500 during regular office hours prior to 12pm on the day of the meeting
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting virtually, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353.
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
💵🧑⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
💰📊 2022 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
2022 Consolidated Financial Statements:
Deloitte Report to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee:
Recommendation: Receive the 2022 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements.
🥗🏪 Update on Permanent Market
Staff Memo:
Memorandum from S. Schlichter, Director of Economic and Creative Development, dated January 25, concerning an update on the Permanent Market action and response to the request for proposals
Recommendation: to defer the memo to a Finance and Responsible Governance Committee meeting in Fall, 2023
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🥗🏪 Barrie Farmers' Market - Mobile/Pop-up Markets and Request for Additional Winter Vendor Space
Staff Report:
Receive the report
Authorize the Farmers' Market to apply for a grant to create additional winter vendor spaces for an outdoor winter market at City Hall
Direct Corporate Facilities Department to continue to support the Farmers' Market in the review of potential additional winter vendor spaces
🏬🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 17 & 27 Jacob's Terrace (Ward 8)
Staff Report:
Approve rezoning from 'Light Industrial' (LI) to 'Transition Centre Commercial with Special Provisions, Hold' (C2-2)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY)
Special Provisions include:
reduce parking spaces to 0.8 per residential unit (currently 1 required)
increase minimum front yard setback to 4m (currently 0 permitted)
require west side yard setback of 5m, with additional 1.5m above a building height of 14.5m
require east side yard setback of 11m, with additional 1.5m above a building height of 14.5m
increase height provisions:
allow maximum 4 storey podium, setback min. 4m from front lot line to height of 14.5m, with additional step backs of at least 1.5m above a building height of 14.5m
allow maximum 4 storey podium, setback min. 10m from lot flankage to height of 14.5m with additional step backs of at least 1.5m above a building height of 14.5m
allow maximum tower heights of 61m (19 storeys) and 73m (23 storeys), excluding mechanical penthouse & other exclusions
Remove the Holding provision once the owner satisfies the requirements of a Certificate of Property Use and/or Record of Site Condition accepted by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) under the Environmental Protection Act prior to any site works or issuance of a Building Permit
🏘️🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision - 844 Veteran's Drive (Ward 7)
Staff Report:
Approve rezoning from Agricultural General (AG) to Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions (R5)(SP-XXX) and Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions (R5)(SP-YYY)
Special Provisions for (R5)(SP-XXX) - Blocks 1-5:
increase maximum height to 4 storeys (currently 3)
Special Provisions for (R5)(SP-YYY) - Blocks 6-10:
increase maximum height to 4 storeys (currently 3)
any patio/terrace, amenity area - outdoor or landscaped open space area located on the 4th storey must be oriented to front onto Street 'A'
any patio/terrace, amenity area – outdoor or landscaped open space area located on the 4th storey will not contain an articulated non-interior opening facing the rear lot line
🖼️🗿 Public Art Exhibition 2024
Staff Report:
Direct the Public Art Coordinator to pursue an outdoor temporary public art exhibition in 2024
The estimated budget of $150,000 to be funded from up to $75,000 from the Public Art Reserve, and a further $75,000 fundraised through the Barrie Public Art Committee
Authorize the Director of Economic and Creative Development to apply for grant funding, and authorize the City Clerk to execute any funding agreements upon approval
💵🚾 2023 Capital Funding for Dorian Parker Exterior Washroom
Staff Report:
Increase the 2023 budget for this project by $39,000, funded from the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Reserve
💰📊 Capital Projects Status Report
Staff Report:
Appendices A-E:
Authorize staff to close projects that are "Cancelled" or "Completed"
Release $30,307,673 in funding commitments and adjust funding plans as described in "Projects Returning Funding" and "Summary of Funding Adjustments"
Increase $4,256,027 in funding commitments and adjust funding plans as described in "Projects Requesting Funding" and "Summary of Funding Adjustments"
Authorize staff to reallocate funding commitments within projects, resulting in a net zero overall budget change and adjust funding plans as described in "Projects Reallocating Funding" and "Summary of Funding Adjustments"
Authorize staff to undertake the new capital project "New Vacuum Truck", requesting $700K of development charge funding
🌊⛈️ Funding Request for Sophia Creek Owen Tributary Storm Outlet from Memorial Square (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Increase the approved budget by $1,300,000
🔏🤫 Secured Delivery Method for Confidential Items
Staff Report:
Direct staff to include the requirements associated with a secure electronic delivery method for confidential items as part of the holistic analysis of the City's electronic document management needs, as part of the Corporate Records and Information Management Strategy Systems Upgrade
Put a hold on implementation of an electronic delivery method for confidential information until this electronic document management needs analysis is completed
🌳🌿 North Shore Trail Vegetation Management Plan Review
Staff Report:
North Shore Trail Vegetation Management Plan, October 22:
Direct the Operations Department to implement the recommendations for vegetation maintenance improvements
Direct the Development Services Department to include the recommendations for shoreline erosion mitigation, including ditch outfall improvements, for the North Shore Trail
Direct the Development Services Department to rezone the City owned lands along the North Shore of Lake Simcoe from Heritage Park to Penetanguishene Road to Greenspace with special provisions to restrict uses during the next comprehensive review of the Zoning Bylaw – uses are to be restricted to compatible purposes such as passive recreation, erosion and sediment control, trails, lookouts, stairs, open air structures, public swim and/or fishing platforms
⚽️🥅 Sports Field Allocation Policy - 5 Year Review
Staff Report:
Approve the revised Sports Field Allocation Policy 2024 to 2028, governing the equitable assignment and management of sports fields, and implement starting May 1, 2024
🚗🚙 Closed Portion of McDonald Street (Courthouse) Parking Lot License Agreement (Ward 2)
Staff Report:
Execute a License Agreement between the City and Province for the closed portion of McDonald Street "Courthouse" Parking Lot, subject to:
Payment of $61,000/year to the City in fees from the Province for use of the property (including 6 reserved spots) for an initial term of 5 years
Permission to the Province to use the property for 5 years, starting September 1, 2023, ending on August 31, 2028
Authorize the Director of Transit and Parking Strategy to renegotiate the fees and approve the extension of the agreement for no more than two separate 5-year terms, and allocate the annual fees to the Parking Reserve