Doors Open Barrie, acquiring waterfront property
Minutes: not yet available
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
Present: Nuttall, Riepma, Kungl, Courser, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey
Late: Harris, Morales, Hamilton
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
📝📑 Reports of Reference, Advisory or Special Committees
💸🤷 Affordability Committee
Report from December 4:
🚪🤗 Doors Open Barrie
Recommendation: Direct the Economic and Creative Development and Recreation and Culture Services Departments to investigate the feasibility of including Doors Open as a City-initiated event, including integration with Culture Days Programming, and report back to the Heritage Barrie Committee
APPROVED on consent
📑🗂 Staff Reports
🤐🏷️ Confidential Proposed or Pending Disposition of Land Matter - Surplus Property
APPROVED on consent
🤐🏷️ Confidential Proposed or Pending Disposition of Land Matter - Surplus Property
HELD by Thomson
AMENDMENT by Thomson:
To add the following language in reference to Appendix C: including further conditions that the agreed agreement of purchase and sale be amended to provide the balance of the purchase price net of deposits and subject to adjustments be paid to the seller on completion by certified cheque
CARRIED, unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
💰🏖️ Waterfront Property Acquisition (Wards 1 and 2)
Authorize the Director of Legal Services to negotiate acquiring the property "Part of Water Lots 26 and 27" lying in front of 185 Dunlop Street East
If these negotiations fail, authorize the Director of Legal Services to start expropriation proceedings for the property instead, to expand and enhance the public waterfront in accordance with the City's Official Plan, Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan, and 2023 Waterfront Strategic Plan Update
City of Barrie to make an application to Council for approval to expropriate the property, with City Clerk executing the required forms
Serve and publish the 'Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate', and have the Chief Inquiry Officer report to Council on any requests for inquiries
Authorize the Director of Legal Services to settle the expropriations or any negotiated agreements relating to the property, with the City Clerk executing all associated and required documents
Authorize the Director of Legal Services and the Executive Director of Development Services to acquire other properties within and surrounding Kempenfelt Bay, as such properties may become available, subject to future approval by City Council
Approve a new Capital Project for the acquisition or expropriation of the property and potential future acquisitions of other waterfront properties, with a budget of $500K, to be funded from the Tax Capital Reserve
APPROVED on consent
📑🗂 Reports of Officers of the Corporation
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
📥🔄 Circulation List Referrals
