Summer break is over, we're back with General Committee this Monday, September 13, starting at 7pm.
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🚂🎨 Restoration and Donation of Historic Train
Staff Report:
To obtain approval to donate Engine 1531 to the Simcoe County Museum, subject to the approval of the County of Simcoe and the association capital budget allocations to complete the restoration works needed to maintain the Engine and prepare it for donation
🏨💵 MAT Collection Agreement Renewal
Staff Report:
That Tourism Barrie continue to be the collection agent for the Municipal Accommodation Tax, and continue to receive 50% of the MAT for a renewable 2-year period
That Tourism Barrie be provided a flat rate of $35,000 annually.
🏖🎭 Tourism Master Plan - Implementation Program
Staff Report:
To receive the Implementation Program for the Tourism Master Plan
That staff report back on the progress as part of the Economic and Creative Development Department’s Performance and Budget Reporting
📈📑 Business Plan Status (as of June 30, 2021)
Staff Report:
To receive the report
👩🎨🖥 Agreement with Siva Creative
Sponsor: Lehman
Make an agreement with Siva Creative to provide free website and promotional support to the Anti-Racism Task Force
🎓👩🏫 Invitation for Presentation - Georgian College
Sponsor: Ward
Invite representatives of Georgian College to City Council on October 25 to provide a presentation concerning their operations.
💸🦹♀️ Payday Loan Establishments on Dunlop St.
Sponsor: Morales
Ask Development Services to report on the restriction of payday loan establishments along Dunlop Street when the updated Zoning Bylaw is presented to Planning Committee for consideraton
