Pedestrian and bike lanes on the Sunnidale Road Overpass, the Barrie Arts and Culture Investment Program, assisting those affected by this year's tornado, and more!
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🛣🚴 Sunnidale Road Overpass (Wards 2 and 4)
Staff Report:
To receive the report for information purposes
🎭🎨 Barrie Arts and Culture Investment Program
Staff Report:
2022 Program – Implementation of Recommendations - Cultural Grant Program Review
Approve the new Arts and Cultural Investment Program Guidelines for the 2022 Program year (replacing the existing Cultural Grant Program)
Move $80,000 from the Reinvestment Reserve to the 2022 Operating Budget in the Economic and Creative Development Department for the Arts and Cultural Investment Program, for one-time pandemic recovery assistance
💨🌪 Hurricane Straps and Financial Assistance to Homeowners Affected by the 2021 Barrie Tornado
Staff Report:
Provide financial assistance to homeowners affected by the 2021 tornado by:
Continuing to waive fixed water and wastewater billing charges until such time as water is being used, and
Waiving late charges on unpaid 2021 final property tax amounts until January 1, 2022
🤫👤 Confidential: Appointments to Active Transportation and Sustainability Advisory Committee
🏭♲ Holland Marsh Polder Phosphorus Recycling Facility
Sponsor: Morales
To express support for York Region's capital project, Holland Marsh Polder Phosphorus Recycling Facility
🚫🅿️ No Parking Anytime on Golfdale Road (Ward 4)
Sponsor: Ward
Ask staff to investigate feasibility of implementing "No Parking Anytime" on Golfdale Road between Coulter St. & Glenwood Drive.