They're making up for their week off with a packed Agenda! The Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan is the top highlight. Also the Waterfront Parking Permits, Public Art Program, Pickleball at Painswick, the recommendations from the Needle Collection Kiosks and Public Access Naloxone Kits Pilot Programs, shifting budget money from City Hall Renovation to 8 underfunded projects, and giving RVH space at Allandale Rec. Councillors are also bringing forward first steps to establish a Youth Council, allowing Ryan's Hope to use the Heritage Park gazebo for its Breakfast To Go program, a $210K grant to Cornerstone To Recovery, making Barrie a Bird Friendly City, making the "Heart Barrie" sign even bigger, and finding solutions for school safety.
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💡💨 Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan
Presentation by Adam McMullin, Manager of Energy, and Lucy Duncan & Rosa Yu of the Simcoe County Environmental Youth Alliance
💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Received on consent
Report, March 1:
🏖🅿️ Waterfront Parking Permit Update
Held by Deputy Mayor Ward
Staff Report:
Make a digital Waterfront Parking Permit available through the HotSpot app and website
Issued on a per-vehicle basis
No limit to the number of permits issued per municipal address
Costs to remain the same as the current hangtags, except Barrie residents won't be charged $20 for third and subsequent permits
Resident permit will be valid for 2 calendar years
Existing resident waterfront hangtags will now expire December 31, 2023, and staff will transition away from issuing new hangtags ahead of the summer of 2022
Staff will be given authority to issue permits in exceptional scenarios
[City to approach Service Ontario and/or the two MPP offices about partnering with Service Ontario to issue the City waterfront hangtag when residents renew their plates]- removed by amendment
AMENDMENT by Deputy Mayor Ward:
That staff in the Traffic and Parking Services Department investigate ways to prevent long-term parking by nearby residents in waterfront lots and streets and report back to Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
AMENDMENT by Councillor Riepma
To remove the above point #4 re: approaching Service Ontario
Amendment CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, McCann; AGAINST: Morales)
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
🌇🌃 City Building Committee
Received on consent
Report, March 8:
🎨🗿 Public Art Program – 2022 Temporary Project and Maintenance Budget Allocation
Approved on consent
Report to Committee:
Approve up to $25,000 for temporary public art installations in 2022, funded from the Public Art Reserve
Approve up to $10,000 for maintaining the permanent works of art within the Public Art Inventory, also funded from the Public Art Reserve
Increase the number of Citizen representatives on the Barrie Public Art Committee to 10
Appoint the following to the Barrie Public Art Committee for the duration of the current Council Term (i.e., until November)
Andrea Araujo
Sharon Bagot
Emily Emond
Jenn Guerin
Craig Handy
Sarah Jensen
Laura Kelly
💡💨 Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Plan
Held by Deputy Mayor Ward until after presentation (i.e., just a technicality of timing)
Staff Report:
Inspiring Climate Action In Barrie – Part 1:
Inspiring Climate Action In Barrie – Part 2:
Inspiring Climate Action In Barrie – Part 3:
Letters of Support:
To endorse the plan in principle.
AMENDMENT by Councillor Riepma:
That staff be directed to investigate ways to eliminate the use of gas-powered lawn and garden equipment in the City's own operations, and throughout the City generally, and report back to General Committee at the end of the second quarter in 2022
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
AMENDMENT by Councillor Morales:
That staff in the Facilities Department present a progress report annually to General Committee concerning the Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Plan
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
🥒🎾 Investigation to Construct Professional Grade Pickleball Courts at Painswick Park (Ward 9)
Approved on consent
Staff Report:
To approve "Concept A" to add 8 dedicated pickleball courts with lighting, remove the existing soccer field, relocate the existing ball diamond, expand the existing parking area, and add new accessible pathways with lighting in Painswick Park
Authorize Development Services to proceed with the procurement process, to get started in the 2nd quarter of 2022
Development Services to host a Public Information Centre to seek public feedback on the preliminary design prior to any work proceeding
Transfer the existing budget of $650,000 for Pickelball Courts to Painswick Park Rehabilitation, and use the $1,260,000 already approved for Park Rehabilitation for construction of the proposed facility and associated park renewal
Operations Department to include $25,480 in the 2024 operating budget to offset the increased maintenance expenses
💉🗑 Needle Collection Kiosks and Public Access Naloxone Kits Pilot Programs Update
Held by Councillor N.Harris
Staff Report:
Adopt the Naloxone Kit Program as a permanent city program
Discontinue the Needle Collection Kiosk program
AMENDMENT by N.Harris:
To delete #2, and replace with: That staff be directed to investigate other needle kiosk designs which would only allow needles to be added, and report back to General Committee
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
💰⚖️ Facilities Planning and Development 2022 Capital Funding
Approved on consent
Staff Report:
Increase the budgets for the 8 projects identified in the report, to a total of $798,300, funded from the Tax Capital Reserve
Decrease the budget for the City Hall Renovation Project by the same amount, with the funding returned to the Tax Capital Reserve
🫀🩺 Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program Agreement with the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre
Approved on consent
Staff Report:
Allow RVH to use the Allandale Recreation Centre for their Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program
giving two office spaces for use by RVH Cardiac Rehab Staff
giving them exclusive use to the conditioning room for designated dates and times
fee for this use to be $600/mo, with a 2% increase in 2023, and an annual review about extending the agreement
🚫🅿️ Parking Restrictions – Tomlin Court
Approved on consent
Sponsor: J.Harris
No parking restrictions from 9pm to 9am daily at Dixon Court, Tomlin Court and MacMillan Crescent between Yonge Street and Brunton Cresc.
Legislative and Court Services to report back in one year
👧👦 Establishing a Youth Council
Held by McCann
Sponsor: J.Harris
Ask staff to include the requirements for establishing a Youth Council to be considered by the 2022-26 Council as part of its Council Committee appointments
include a mandate of providing feedback on social, environmental, and municipal issues that affect youth in our community
CARRIED unanimously
☕️❤️ Ryan's Hope Breakfast To Go Program
Held by McCann
Sponsor: N.Harris
Allow Ryan's Hope to operate its Breakfast To Go program from the Heritage Park Gazebo, 7:45am to 10am daily
Ryan's Hope to be responsible for resulting garbage, etc.
Ryan's Hope to provide insurance, naming the City as an additional insured
To defer this until Simcoe County presentation is made (scheduled for fall)
Amendment FAILS (FOR: McCann; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman)
AMENDMENT by N.Harris:
To make this a one-year trial
Amendment CARRIES, unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIES (FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, Lehman; AGAINST: McCann)
🏥🧑⚕️ Cornerstone Grant
Held by Ward
Sponsor: N.Harris
Provide Cornerstone a $210,042.64 grant, representing the Development Charge fees paid for the proposed facility, funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, Water Stabilization Reserve, and Wastewater Stabilization Reserve
To reduce the amount of the grant to $158,263 (100% of the City of Barrie Development Charge fees), funding of $118,697.68 from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, $14,243.75 from the Water Stabilization Reserve, and $25,322.21 from the Wastewater Stabilization Reserve
Send correspondence to the school boards asking that they consider waiving or rebating Development Charge fees for the remainder
Amendment CARRIED (FOR: Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Riepma)
MOTION, as amended, FAILED (FOR: Aylwin, Ward, N.Harris, Morales; AGAINST: Riepma, Kungl, Thomson, Harvey, J.Harris, McCann)
🦆🦉 Nature Barrie Bird Friendly Designation
Held by J.Harris
Sponsor: Kungl
Support Nature Barrie's application to certify Barrie as a Bird Friendly City
Upon certification, direct staff to explore partnership opportunities with Nature Barrie to communicate and celebrate status
AMENDMENT by J.Harris:
To invite Nature Barrie to provide a presentation to the City Building Committee which outlines:
The benefits of being designated a Bird Friendly City
What it takes to become a Bird Friendly City, including the specific role and work required by City staff, and
The benefits of partnering with Nature Barrie to earn this designation
Amendment CARRIED (FOR: Riepma, Thomson, Harvey, J.Harris, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, N.Harris, Morales)
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
🗿🪧 Heart Barrie Landmark Sign
Held by Aylwin
Sponsor: McCann
Increase the size of the heart in the sign from 8 feet to 10 feet
Aylwin enquired about the location in Heritage Park – how it was determined and how concerns from the landscape architect were taken into consideration; and about the financing of the sign, specifically the donation received from the corporation "Heart Barrie" – who are the donors who funnelled their money through the corporation, and how will they be recognized?
Was directed by Lehman to ask these questions in Enquiries instead
MOTION CARRIED (FOR: Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin)
🏫🚸 School Safety
Held by Harvey
Sponsor: Lehman
Send a letter to the four local school boards, expressing ongoing concern with safety of students in the areas surrounding schools that don't have off-street drop-off facilities, or do not use the available ones.
Ask Development Services to report back on restarting/expanding City programs that can assist in encouraging walking to school (walking school bus, etc.), and the potential to meet with school principals to establish off-street drop–off facilities at City parks and/or other nearby locations, as well as ways to encourage/enforce drop-off at these locations
AMENDMENT by Harvey:
Add "in accordance with the approved site plans, as it is understood all conditions of site plan must be adhered to " to the end of the first paragraph
Amendment CARRIED, unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
