Lots going on tonight, and many issues that Engage Barrie has been working hard on. Including fixing up the governance of the Downtown Barrie BIA to bring it in line with the requirements of the Municipal Act, which has been a big push of ours for the last couple years. And a motion that essentially criminalizes poverty, and directs Barrie Police Services to "eradicate" anyone asking for spare change – please see our more detailed post on this issue at https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/say-no-to-the-criminalization-of-poverty-call-your-councillor-join-monday-s-rally
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=913808&GUID=72A25342-3E9B-4A00-810A-CE10712952F9
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/REgPbl7L950
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=913808&GUID=72A25342-3E9B-4A00-810A-CE10712952F9
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=953330&GUID=B030EFE4-41FC-45ED-AC50-DC4453E3DABA&Options=info|&Search=
ON LEAVE: Lehman
💉🚮 Needle Collection Kiosk Pilot Program – Additional Information
Held by N.Harris
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918526&GUID=9B99C4CB-AF4D-48F6-91D7-EFD022B665AF
To receive the report
Amendment put forward by N.Harris:
To approve Alternative 1 of the report: That the pilot program be extended for a further year, utilizing a modified version of the current kiosks, with a total estimated cost of $22,000, to be funded from the Community Benefit Reserve.
Amendment CARRIED – we believe unanimously, though the Zoom votes weren't shown (but both Councillors spoke in favour during discussion)
Motion, as amended, CARRIED (we believe unanimously, but the same issue as above)
🏙📜 Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) Governance Bylaw and Related Documents
Approved on consent
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918529&GUID=6234A1C8-3280-4B21-92EE-5706634C0CB5
Downtown Barrie BIA Constitution: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918491&GUID=78BD1E2B-87B4-40E2-B9E9-A63F8AF7C54D
Downtown Barrie BIA Bylaws: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918492&GUID=FE6DF96D-C559-44B4-BB14-DAE9B2D0D0A7
Authorize the City Clerk to present the draft Governance Bylaw (Appendix A of the Staff Report) to Council for consideration
This Governance Bylaw would bring the BIA governance more in line with the requirements of the Municipal Act, as well as clarify the roles and relationships between the BIA and City of Barrie
Direct the BIA Board to provide these mandatory governance documents (as per the Municipal Act and the Municipal Elections Act), to include the minimum provisions identified in the staff report, by the end of Q2, 2022 (June):
A Procedural Bylaw / Constitution
Policies with respect to the sale and other disposition of land, hiring of employees, and procurement of goods and services
A Records Retention and Disposition Policy
An Election-Related Resources Policy
Approve the BIA Constitution and Bylaws
Direct the Economic and Creative Development Department to develop an operational Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the BIA and City of Barrie to be presented to General Committee, addressing:
Role and services provided by the BIA, in alignment with the Municipal Act
the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally-owned lands within the BIA boundary not generally provided by the municipality
to promote the Business Improvement Area
Role and services provided by the City
Meridian Place programming, Special Events, and Meridian Place Storage Container
🌳🗺 Heritage Park Master Plan
Approved on consent
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918528&GUID=2C99A1C2-188F-435A-A9BB-008F7523F9F9
Heritage Park Master Plan: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918493&GUID=843A9C74-E4F6-4371-A13B-DC673163CC1E
Approve in principle the Heritage Park Master Plan Final Report prepared by SHIFT Landscape Architecture
Consider the Heritage Park project, est. $11,167,292, when preparing the 2023-2032 10-year Capital Plan, including an estimate of the annual operational expenses required upon completion of the project
This plan includes the placement of the controversial Heart Barrie sign – as noted in the SHIFT report, many survey responses were related to this sign, and "the responses to the proposed sign are negative"
🏗📊 Capital Project Status Report
Approved on consent
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918527&GUID=401BB6B7-13A2-496C-B26B-347BB4C63D76
2022 Capital Status Report Appendices: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918525&GUID=BF81575E-D0B3-4E0C-A058-4C9DE60CF9FA
Close completed and cancelled projects
Undertake the New Capital Projects identified, and add the funding commitments totalling $5,924,468
Release funding commitments totalling $41,712,820 for Projects with Excess Committed Funding
Increase funding commitments totalling $6,240,921 for Projects Requiring Additional Funding
Reallocate funding commitments totalling $2,099,808 as described in Projects Reallocating Budget Among Phases and Summary of Funding Adjustments for Phase Reallocation
🚰🧾 Tenant Water Billing
Held by McCann
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918530&GUID=8F09B9A0-BACF-4F14-B9DF-F32CEEA6E4D9
Discontinue the practice of permitting property owners to redirect a property's water and wastewater bill to a residential tenant, effective November 1, 2022
"Grandfather" water accounts directed to residential tenants as of October 31, 2022, so that the bills will continue to go to the tenant until the earlier of October 31, 2023 or the existing tenant vacates the property
Direct Finance and Access Barrie to develop and implement a communication strategy to advise property owners of the changes
Amendment put forward by McCann:
To approve Alternative 3 of the Staff Report (which was not recommended, as there would not be adequate staffing, and this alternative would require more resources than the alternative would generate)
Part way into this discussion, Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest as a landlord himself, for both the amendment and the motion on the floor. J.Harris then declared the same conflict.
Amendment FAILED [FOR: Harvey, McCann; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl*, Thomson, N.Harris*; ABSTAINED: J.Harris, Morales – *again, not shown on camera, but assumed from discussion]
Motion (no amendment) CARRIED unanimously
✍️🧑⚖️ Temporary Delegation of Authority to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
Approved on consent
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10918531&GUID=B2C386E7-0EBE-4AD9-B931-4DD4566BFE6F
This motion essentially transfers (temporary) authority to the CAO during the "lame duck" period (the time between municipal election nominations closing and final voting day), as Council is prevented from taking certain actions during the election period.
Temporary authority includes:
Awarding or accepting contracts (purchase of goods, services, or construction from one or more selected suppliers/contractors) where Section 15 of the Procurement Bylaw would normally apply (subject to satisfaction of Director of Finance / Treasurer)
Adjust Capital Project Funding, if the adjustment is in the best interest of the Corporation and necessary for timing (subject to satisfaction of Director of Finance / Treasurer)
Authorize extensions in the period to start construction for a maximum of two years, for lands purchased from the City (subject to satisfaction of Director of Business Development and Director of Legal Services), under certain conditions
Waiving a right of repurchase for a property and removing any restrictions on title (subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and Director of Business Development), under cirtain circumstances
Provide direction in regard to the conduct of litigation or potential litigation, including settlement if fair and reasonable and in best interest of the Corporation (in consultation with the appropriate General Manager and the Director of Legal Services)
Approve of negotiated agreements of purchase and sale or expropriation settlements (subject to satisfaction of Director of Legal Services) resulting from previous Council Direction that declared the property surplus or directed staff to acquire the property
Consider the report of an inquiry officer and approve or not approve a proposed expropriate or approve it with modifications
🚫🅿️ Parking Restrictions on Geddes Crescent
Approved on consent
Sponsor: Ward
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of implementing parking restrictions on Geddes Crescent, especially around the bend on the north end, and report back to General Committee
✈️💰 CFB Borden Request for Support for the 2022 Canadian Armed Forces Day and Air Show
Approved on consent
Sponsor: Ward
Contribute $10,000 from the Tourism Reserve Fund for the Air Show
Waive rental fees for their use of the Southshore Community Centre (June 18-19)
📆🗓 Council Meeting Schedule
Held by Harvey
Sponsor: Thomson
Move Standing Committee and Council meetings to Wednesdays at 6pm for the 2022-26 Council term
Remove this year's August Council meeting cycle, and the second meeting cycle in September
Direct Legislative and Court Services to investigate the feasibility of amalgamating General Committee and Planning Committee meetings and report back to General Committee at beginning of next term
A "friendly" was suggested by Harvey, and accepted by Thomson, to keep the meeting times at 7pm, as it could be difficult for commuters to get to meetings by 6pm. All other aspects of the motion were kept the same.
Motion CARRIED unanimously
📑💵 Economic Development Activity
Held by Riepma
Sponsor: McCann
Direct the CAO to provide a memo within 30 days that details:
expectations for economic growth and housing affordability in 2022
business attraction / retention in 2022
areas where businesses have asked for assistance during the 2018-22 term
business prospects including successes, lessons learned and potential outcomes for 2022
Barrie's competitive advantages and disadvantages provided through business feedback
methodology that Barrie uses to build investor confidence
number of housing units approved in 2022 and the potential number of units to be built
rationale to why the number of units approved aren't all slated for construction
Most of these items have already been the subject of recent staff reports, and/or discussed in Council meetings, and the remaining would be difficult (and likely unnecessary) to produce within 30 days. Furthermore, the time required to produce such a report would take away from the work staff could be putting towards all these issues, to re-provide information already available to Council and everyone else. The 30-day time limit is also questionable, as that would end during the summer recess, so there is no way to present it to Council until much later (especially if the above Council Meeting Schedule item of discussion passes).
Riepma held to ask Council to not support this motion – most of the information being asked for is already available as a report, no point in putting staff to more work; concerned about the "A" part, as it's speculative, and not an appropriate ask of staff; concerned about the "B" part, because not clear what it means or what would be expected
AMENDMENT put forward by Harvey:
To change the opening sentence to: That the Director of Economic and Creative Development present to Council on June 27, 2022, and provide a memorandum within 60 days, detailing the following: [followed by all the points a-h in the initial item)
Amendment CARRIED [FOR: Thomson, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin; UNKNOWN: Kungl, N.Harris]
Motion CARRIED [FOR: Thomson, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin; UNKNOWN: Kungl, N.Harris]
👮🦹 Barrie Police Services Board - Pan Handling and Criminal Activity
Held by Thomson
Sponsor: McCann
As stated above, we have many issues with this item of discussion – for more details, and actions you can take, please visit https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/say-no-to-the-criminalization-of-poverty-call-your-councillor-join-monday-s-rally
Contrary to our usual practise, we will not give a "user friendly" paraphrase, because many of the sentences don't make sense – we're just going to copy verbatim:
That correspondence be sent to the Barrie Police Services Board requesting that it consider and provide recommendations for a pilot program to run from July to October 2022 to:
eradicate pan handling on City streets and highway ramps, including the installation of planters along medians, in consultation with the Ontario Provincial Police and Municipal Law Enforcement; and
end criminal disorder/behaviour drug dealing in Downtown Barrie in order to create a safe place for residents, workers and small business owners, including alternatives to dropping off individuals from the Penetanguishene Jail in the downtown core, the use paid duty officers or a private security firm, and any financial impacts.
That the Barrie Police Services Board be requested to hold special meetings, if required, to expedite a response to the City on the matters identified in paragraph 1.
That if the Barrie Police Service Board provides a response recommending that the items in paragraph 1 cannot be accomplished, staff investigate the feasibility a pilot program to run from July to October 2022, to:
retain a private security firm to monitor the situations of pan handling and drug dealing in the downtown area and report any concerning actions to Barrie Police to address, with the security personnel wearing attire that is non-threatening or invasive, including the costs of establishing the program and report back to General Committee prior to summer recess.
New MOTION put forward by Thomson:
1. That the Barrie Police Service be requested to present an implementation framework to City Council outlining how they are going to carry out their legislated responsibility to meet the objectives of the provincially-legislated City of Barrie Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, and continued collaboration efforts with all service partners to support those experiencing mental health crisis, addiction and homelessness.
2. That as part of their 2023 Budget, the Barrie Police Services Board present Council with a budget inclusive of the full complement of members required to support the Community and Safety Well-Being Plan and implementation of the Barrie Police Service Strategic Plan.
3. That correspondence be sent to the Ontario Provincial Police requesting them to continue their efforts to address the safety of the Highway 400 ramps.
4. That correspondence be sent to the Provincial Government and local MPPs requesting them to make increased investment in resourcing social service agencies, and continue the collaboration on the improvement work of improving discharge plan from provincial institutes such as hospitals, correctional institutes and mental health facilities a priority.
5. That correspondence be sent to the federal and provincial governments requesting them to make significant investments in housing for low-income individuals and families to address the current housing and homelessness crisis.
AMENDMENT put forward by Aylwin:
To remove paragraphs 1-3 (calling on police the lead on supporting people experiencing mental health crisis, addiction, and homelessness, rather than addressing root causes)
Harvey declared a conflict, under Police Services Act
Amendment FAILED [FOR: Aylwin (no question as to who was against)]
AMENDMENT put forward by Aylwin, to add:
6. That correspondence be sent to local MPPs, the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, and the Premier in support of immediately raising Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support (ODSP) social assistance rates above the poverty line
Amendment CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Thomson, J.Harris, McCann (assumed FOR: Kungl, N.Harris); AGAINST: Morales]
AMENDMENT put forward by Aylwin, to add:
7. That staff investigate the feasibility of a pilot program to retain outreach workers and/or social workers to assist people experiencing homelessness and living in poverty in the downtown area to connect to services and to act as a resource for downtown residents and businesses and report back to General Committee
A "friendly" was put forward by Ward and accepted by Aylwin to remove "in the downtown area" and make it city-wide
Amendment CARRIED unanimously
AMENDMENT put forward by N.Harris:
To remove paragraph 3 (re: Highway 400 ramps) – felt it was too vague and ran the risk of criminalizing panhandlers
Amendment FAILED [FOR: Aylwin (N.Harris assumed); AGAINST: Riepma, Thomson, J.Harris, Morales, McCann (Kungl assumed)]
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
Amended motion going to City Council next Monday:
1. That the Barrie Police Service be requested to present an implementation framework to City Council outlining how they are going to carry out their legislated responsibility to meet the objectives of the provincially-legislated City of Barrie Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, and continued collaboration efforts with all service partners to support those experiencing mental health crisis, addiction and homelessness.
2. That as part of their 2023 Budget, the Barrie Police Services Board present Council with a budget inclusive of the full complement of members required to support the Community and Safety Well-Being Plan and implementation of the Barrie Police Service Strategic Plan.
3. That correspondence be sent to the Ontario Provincial Police requesting them to continue their efforts to address the safety of the Highway 400 ramps.
4. That correspondence be sent to the Provincial Government and local MPPs requesting them to make increased investment in resourcing social service agencies, and continue the collaboration on the improvement work of improving discharge plan from provincial institutes such as hospitals, correctional institutes and mental health facilities a priority.
5. That correspondence be sent to the federal and provincial governments requesting them to make significant investments in housing for low-income individuals and families to address the current housing and homelessness crisis.
6. That correspondence be sent to local MPPs, the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, and the Premier in support of immediately raising Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support (ODSP) social assistance rates above the poverty line
7. That staff investigate the feasibility of a pilot program to retain outreach workers and/or social workers to assist people experiencing homelessness and living in poverty to connect to services and to act as a resource for residents and businesses and report back to General Committee
