Hello Engagers!
After the announcements of this week, it appears that election season is upon us!
Quick reminder that our next "Elections 2022" meeting is happening this coming Wednesday, March 2, at 5:30pm. We'll be holding it virtually again, at meet.google.com/ish-yyuq-yha .
As before, non-members are welcome to attend, but we ask that all attendees use their own name to identify themselves (as opposed to a company or organization), and start with their camera on for a quick "hello", to ensure the comfort and safety of all in attendance. ("Creating safe spaces" is, of course, one of our founding principles!)
Members are invited to join the Forum discussion at https://www.engagebarrie.org/forum/municipal-election-2022, where we'll post the Agenda (and meeting notes, when complete!)
Agenda is now available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ClI3GD_UDw95xISFl3KZP6-H5O3ltdbepo_OV4guevM/edit?usp=sharing (link to previous meeting's notes enclosed).
As part of the "homework", take a peek at https://www.ielecthamilton.ca and https://www.horizonottawa.ca – at the last meeting, we discussed doing something similar for Barrie. What are some of the elements and issues from these sites that might be usable for ours? What might we want to do differently? (Both organizations have expressed interest in working collaboratively, as has Engage Peel.)
Looking forward to the brainstorming!
Alyssa, Paige, Kenzie, Myrna & Rob