Unfortunately, after last month's excitement about a published Agenda, none has been provided for Tuesday's meeting.
Register in advance to watch online (no recording provided): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k1kQt4m4QFuj00RH9EwqyA
Much of the meeting was held in camera. The main item to announce is that Sarah Jensen will be taking over as Chair – Councillor Morales will be stepping down as Chair (nobody was happy with having a Councillor, instead of a BIA member, in that position), but will remain on the Board. No Secretary/Treasurer was named to replace Ms. Jensen.
Re-issue of the Endorsement letter for the CMHA's Supervised Consumption Site application was approved (FOR: Chad Ballantyne, Victoria Butler, Jim Harris, Sarah Jensen, Sergio Morales, Cait Patrick; AGAINST: Daniela Fuda, Colin Hassey, Janet Kemp)
Budget and Constitution amendments. Negotiation of Office Lease.