A very quiet week, due to the Holiday Weekend.
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=953329&GUID=993CC5F5-6AA1-4225-A68C-55824A9161DF&Options=info|&Search=
Downtown Barrie BIA
Minutes: not available
Watch Again: not available
Engage Summary: https://manage.wix.com/dashboard/c388576f-649e-4f66-a3ca-d666ff1802fb/blog/cdd90797-03c2-4e1d-8033-727ac7d3a101/edit
Still frustrating that we are back to no Agendas being provided, so BIA members can't know know whether they wish/need to attend. Still no minutes since January, either. Our high hopes for accountability and transparency under "new management" seem to have been dashed.
There will be an Open Air Dunlop on Canada Day. The public piano has made it out to the square. Craig Stevens is back as Executive Director. He's met with Keira Brooks of Barrie Police, reconnecting about the community safety team. Looking at bringing the Bright Spot Program back, there are businesses interested in taking the training. Patio program has 24 locations, with more to come. Looking at reinstating Lawnchair Luminata. And investing in permanent gates to keep Open Air Dunlop happening, with less expense, long-term.
Town & Gown Committee
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=908731&GUID=146C1BB3-6D7A-4DE1-B045-ED9F77F12CB0
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/Obst4CeT2RQ
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=908731&GUID=146C1BB3-6D7A-4DE1-B045-ED9F77F12CB0
Engage's Summary: https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/town-and-gown-committee
No recommendations to bring forward