A quiet week, due to the Easter long weekend. A disappointing backslide from the BIA on the transparency front.
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=951829&GUID=C2331697-E720-4F89-9BDA-9DBF52D2DEAA&Options=info|&Search=
Downtown Barrie BIA
Minutes: not yet available
Watch Online: not made available
Agenda: not made available
Engage's Summary: not possible, since we were not given notice of the date change, nor are members allowed access to the video after the meeting is concluded
A very disappointing step away from transparency and accountability – this meeting was originally scheduled for April 26, and no notice of the change was given to membership. Considering that 1) no Agenda was posted on the website, either, and 2) the BIA voted down allowing member access to meeting videos last month, it appears all members will have to wait several months until they post the minutes to know what was discussed.
Arts Advisory Committee
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=906694&GUID=265A0E2E-CB8C-4BB5-ABB9-6ABE20E0D751
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/uWSY-UyH1Dw
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=906694&GUID=265A0E2E-CB8C-4BB5-ABB9-6ABE20E0D751
Engage's Summary: https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/arts-advisory-committee-tuesday-april-19-10am
A presentation by Dawn McAlpine giving an update on the Performing Arts Centre.
Communities In Bloom
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=908719&GUID=C7BED1F8-4D8E-4506-8341-B2077FD14C53
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/us6RkxzJLsw
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=908719&GUID=C7BED1F8-4D8E-4506-8341-B2077FD14C53
Engage's Summary: https://www.engagebarrie.org/post/communities-in-bloom-committee-thursday-april-21-4pm