an open delegation on the results of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, making school board facilities available to the municipality, making public transit more affordable for seniors and specialized transit riders
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers, or electronically
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
🎤🙋 Open Delegations
🚸🦺 Our Shared Plan for a Safer Barrie
Open delegation by Mike Slinger, concerning the measurable results year-by-year of the 2021-2024 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
🧑🏫📊 Presentations
↪️📥 Referred Items
🤝🏫 Amenity Sharing with School Boards
Letter from Town of Aurora, March 6:
Aurora is calling on the Province and Minister of Education to assist in making school board facilities available to local municipalities on a priority, at a cost recovery rate, plus asking local school boards to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for the shared use of school gymnasiums on evenings and weekends
Referred by General Committee for further discussion
📝📑 Advisory Committee Reports
🧓♿️ Seniors and Accessibility Advisory Committee
🚍🆓 Barrie Transit – Specialized Transit Riders
Direct the Transit and Parking Strategy Department to investigate the feasibility of discounts or free transit options for specialized transit riders, and report back to the Seniors and Accessibility Advisory Committee
🚍🧓 Barrie Transit - Additional Free Transit Options for Seniors
Direct the Transit and Parking Strategy Department to investigate the feasibility of offering additional free transit options for seniors and report back to the Seniors and Accessibility Advisory Committee
💡🗣️ Items of Discussion
