A Direct Motion on partnering with the Art and Water Group, a presentation on the Barrie Sports Hall of Fame, and confirming items approved at last week's General Committee meeting
Watch Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs4KRDuiVW4
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1117883&GUID=7BE0BBF4-0487-4E69-A69E-526008620543
🧑⚖️🤴 Student Mayor(s)
Swearing in of Emma Vernon of Innisdale Secondary School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🏈🥇 Simcoe County Rovers Men's Football Club
Recognition of the team winning the 2023 League1 Ontario Championship
🥍🥇 Barrie Bombers Lacrosse Teams
Recognition of two teams winning the 2023 Ontario Box Lacrosse Provincial Championship
U13 Boys C Lacrosse Team
U15 Girls B Lacrosse Team
🥍🥇 Team Ontario Lacrosse Members
Recognition of Team Ontario Lacrosse Members winning the 2023 Team Ontario National Lacrosse Championships
Team Ontario U17 Women's Box Lacrosse Team
Ryley Black, Morgan Lowe, Leighton Therrien, Jorja Whalen
Team Ontario U17 Men's Field Lacrosse Team
Carter Reynolds, Andrew Dowdell
🗣🎙 Deputations
🚫🪧 Request for Exemption from Sign Bylaw – 833 Yonge Street (Ward 9)
Deputation Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12382023&GUID=82CA58C2-3FF8-499A-BC64-2DF09BBDD673
Nathan Jankowski, Pattison Outdoor Advertising
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A (Reports to be Received)
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
Report from September 19: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12366445&GUID=55440493-9D16-49C3-9AD3-41EC4FF72CF3
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
Report from September 27: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364263&GUID=FCE08CCF-89E0-4B53-B69C-E930E928EDC6
💵🧑⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
Report from September 27: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364478&GUID=A1ACD98E-4547-49CE-97B3-68FCBB915FA3
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
Section B (Items Approved in Consent Agenda)
🚴🛣️ Review of Right of Way Design Standards for Salem and Hewitt Areas
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12314156&GUID=2484D7A1-96B0-4FAB-800C-88DC1736B7B1
To defer this item to the next Affordability Committee meeting
🤝🇺🇸 Economic / Trade Partnership Opportunities
Direct the Economic and Creative Economy Department to investigate the feasibility of a potential economic / trade partnership with the State of Michigan and the City's existing International partnerships and sister cities
🚗🔌 Marina EV Charging Stations for Resident Waterfront Parking Pass Holders
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12314640&GUID=A22CDD72-5132-4A2A-A3E6-408BC8AF6E5D
Direct the Transit and Parking Strategy Department to investigate the feasibility of extending the resident waterfront parking permit to include the designated EV charging stations at the Marina parking lot, as part of their comprehensive report on electric vehicle charging stations
💌❓ Update on Provincial and Federal Matters
Extend invitations to Barrie's Provincial and Federal Members of Parliament to provide updates to City Council on Provincial and Federal matters, with members of Council extending questions in advance of the presentation
🛑🚶 Investigation: All-Way Stop or other Pedestrian Safety Measures – Codrington & Rodney
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329590&GUID=737F5AD5-37C6-4193-95B6-3C19A05A9CCB
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of an all-way stop or other pedestrian safety measures at the intersection of Codrington Street and Rodney Street and report back to General Committee
🚫🅿️ Investigation: No Parking Anytime – Sydenham Wells and Penetanguishene Road
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329591&GUID=EE23560A-4EA9-4412-8F9D-448E37FC523E
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of implementing "No Parking Anytime" on all or part of Sydenham Wells and on both sides of Penetanguishene Road from Georgian Drive to Blake Street and report back to General Committee
🚦🚦 Investigation: Installing a Stoplight – Johnson Street and Grove Street
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329592&GUID=278A6A8A-8CD7-45BD-8710-12A0FECBFC07
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of installing a stoplight at the intersection of Johnson Street and Grove Street and report back to the Community Safety Committee
🚸🚶 Investigation: Controlled Pedestrian Crossing Livingstone Street West and Longman Drive
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329593&GUID=0B4BB455-DF18-4125-B6C9-C48A98D81EBA
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of a pedestrian crosswalk between Livingstone Street West and Longman Drive and report back to General Committee
🚫🏎️ Speed Reduction on Lakeshore
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329594&GUID=6A53446B-8D58-4B1B-BA98-AB32FA2A9A65
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of reducing the speed limit on Lakeshore Drive from Tiffin Street to Mulcaster Street to 40 km per hour as well as investigating alternative speed control measures and report back to General Committee
⏳🅿️ Investigation: Two Hour Parking Limit – Davidson Street
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329595&GUID=45537EFF-F304-4373-A17F-CE317DD5C855
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of implementing a two (2) hour parking limit on the west side of Davidson Street, in front of Oakley Park Public School, and report back to General Committee
🚫🅿️ Traffic Bylaw Amendment: No Parking Anytime on Quance Street
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329598&GUID=3EC7B813-3237-451C-8E2E-E058C0DAC51E
Remove "No Parking Anytime" from Quance Street, from the east side of Mapleton to 54m south
🛑✋ Investigation for 3-Way Stop – Anne St. N. & Hanmer St. W.
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12330135&GUID=69C2B69F-1142-4AA1-B463-CAFBBF134FE3
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of installing a 3 way stop at the intersection of Anne Street North and Hanmer Street West and report back to General Committee
📜💵 Delegation of Approval Authority for Certificate of Cancellation and Validation of Title
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364261&GUID=CEEFAA76-FFE8-4928-A0F8-9FDFBC702968
Delegate authority to the Director of Development Services to approve applications for Certificates of Cancellation and Validation of Title
Add "Certificate of Cancellation Fe: $751.14" to Schedule "K" of the Fees Bylaw
🏰👷 Alteration to Designated Heritage Building – 142 Collingwood Street (Ward 1)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364257&GUID=00AA4CFA-44A8-4054-B007-EB58CFD43C89
Approve the renovation and repair of heritage attributes and the installation of a heat pump
📛📇 Municipal Names Registry – Additional Names
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364259&GUID=45A3F146-04FE-4AD2-9527-AC47BA8BB539
Add the names Crowe, Irving and Norville to the City's Municipal Names Registry
🚫🚗 Stanley Street - No Parking Anytime Restrictions (Ward 3)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364258&GUID=FA16C620-7ABA-434E-8A7E-4D78CD0A0F61
Add "No Parking Anytime" to the south side of Stanley Street from 67m west of Livia Herman Way to 40 m further west
🤐🐕 Confidential Request for Exemption to Animal Control Bylaw
Confidential personal information matter
💌🎪 Invitation to Present – Carnival Barrie
Invite Carnival Barrie to give a presentation about its September 2023 Carnival Barrie Latin Festival celebration
⚽️👥 Appointment to the Barrie Sports Hall of Fame Board
Appoint Morales to replace Nigussie on the Barrie Sports Hall of Fame Board
Section C
🚫🪧 Request for Exemption from Sign Bylaw – 833 Yonge Street (Ward 9)
Recommending to deny the request
Section D
⚖️🦹 2023 Year to Date Internal Audit Status Report
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12314644&GUID=4F31CB73-23A2-495E-B951-FECB664F69E0
Refer the Report to Recreation and Culture Services in order to bring the Sadlon Tenant into compliance with existing agreements prior to execution of a new lease agreement.
Section E
🚫🅿️ No Parking – Downing Crescent
Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12329596&GUID=CB9F78E8-9A7A-47CA-88DB-7205521CDF5B
Direct Development Services to make the south side of Downing Crescent from numbers 1-12, inclusive of the curve in the road east of #12, a no parking zone
Section F
🌳💰 Ecological Offsetting Policy
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364260&GUID=3A805E9A-6ED1-497D-9609-FD242D06663E
Approve the Ecological Offsetting Policy, with the following amendments:
In Section 2.0 "Ecological Offsetting Fees", add that if no tree removal permit is obtained by the landowner, a woodlot tree removal compensation fee of $140,500 per hectare and $1,220 per tree shall be applied
In section 4.2 "Project Prioritization Schedule" add as #1 (and re-number remainder accordingly) that a minimum of 50% of the trees planted citywide in a given year be planted along the waterfront, until 1000 trees have been planted as part of the Waterfront Master Plan
Update the Tree Protection Manual to reflect the new policy
Section G
👧👦 Establishment of a Youth Council
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12364265&GUID=D359D75D-FE0F-4991-B68B-9CE819DAAB51
Establish a Youth Council, and amend the Procedure Bylaw accordingly
Direct Legislative and Court Services to advertise for interested applicants for the positions
Amend the Youth Council's Terms of Reference as follows:
Delete paragraphs 4 b), c) and d), and add a new b) "Up to 12 youth representatives, ages 12-20"
In paragraph 5, delete the first sentence and replace it with "Council members shall be appointed for a two (2) year term, and the Youth Council members will be appointed for a one (1) year term with an option to extend to a second year term"
In paragraph 6, delete the word "quarterly" and replace it with "every second month"
Section H
✍️🇺🇦 Correspondence in Support of IOOF's Funding Request to the Federal Government – Ukrainian Refugees
Send correspondence to the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in support of the IOOF's funding request for their organization to receive compensation for housing and support already provided to Ukrainian refugees in the City of Barrie
Section I
🏷️🤝 Potential Land Disposition, Dunlop St. E. (Oct.18, C3)
Refer the confidential correspondence concerning a potential land disposition matter re: Dunlop Street East area to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee, and invite the proponent or their representative to give a presentation on the matter
🏢🏘️ New Foundations Project: Quick Start for Affordable Housing Projects on Institutional Lands (Oct.4, A1)
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12330382&GUID=C34E45A7-5ACE-426F-A07C-EF16A0063A16 from M. Kowalchuk of Development Services, regarding update on the New Foundations Project: Quick Start for Affordable Housing Projects on Institutional Lands
To refer this item to the Affordability Committee and invite the pastor from Mapleview Church to present to council some of the initiatives undertaken that align with this memo
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
Direct Motions
🎭⛵️ Potential Partnership Opportunity with Art and Water Group
Moved by: Nixon / Hamilton
Notwithstanding the provisions within the Procurement Bylaw, direct Parks Planning Branch to explore a partnership with Art and Water Group and report back to General Committee to discuss a draft agreement to locate the Art and Water boat, programming and operations in the City of Barrie Transient Marina, specifically at the site of the former tour boat berth, including requirements from both parties, the term of the lease and any associated fees and costs
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
🏟️🏆 Barrie Sports Hall of Fame Mandate and Activities
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 112 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 23-38 Hay Lane and 31-37 Silo Mews
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 113 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 25-37 Wagon Lane, 26-38 Silo Mews
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 114 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 1-15 Silo Mews and 2-16 Hay Lane
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 115 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 1, 3, 5 & 7 Hay Lane
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 116 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 25-35 Hay Lane
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 117 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 11-21 Hay Lane
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 118 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 34-44 Wagon Lane
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 119 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Pratt Development and Chrisdawn Construction, 1-13 Wagon Lane and 2-14 Silo Mews
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 120 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 101-109 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 121 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 91-97 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 122 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 79-89 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 123 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 71-77 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 124 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 55-61 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 125 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 43-53 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 126 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 33-41 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 127 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 23-31 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 128 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 13-21 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 129 - Part Lot Control Exemption, Honeyfield Bemp 2, 5-11 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 130 - Designating as Heritage Property, 125-127 Dunlop St. E
Designate 125-127 Dunlop Street East as being of cultural heritage value or interest
Bill 131 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
