new directions (and deputations) on the Performing Arts Centre and Multi-Use Sportsfield, new members of the Communities in Bloom Committee
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
Comments from outgoing Student Mayor Krista Marie Potestio Sina of St. Peters Catholic Secondary School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes from October 2:
Minutes from October 9:
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🥏🏅 Renee Foessel, Paralympic Athlete
Ms. Foessel won 6th place overall in discus throwing at this year's Paralympic games in Paris
⚽️🏆 2012 Boys Barrie Soccer Club
The team won the 2024 Target USA Cup
⚾️🏆 Barrie Baycats, 2024 Dominico Cup
The team won the 2024 Dominico Cup
📑🗂 Reports from Officers
🗣🎙 Deputations
🏖️🙋 Waterfront Public Consultation Feedback
Deputation Requests:
Brian Miller on behalf of the Friends of Allandale Station Park
Arnie Ivsins on behalf of Southshore Nature Park Task Force
Randy Taylor
Dorothy McKeown on behalf of Nature Barrie
Chuck Ruttan on behalf of Barrie Arts Alliance (emergency deputation request, majority vote required)
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A (Reports to be Received)
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
Report from September 25:
🏛️🫂 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
Section B (Consent Agenda)
💰🧐 Budget Expenditure Approval to Hire Consultant
That a budget of up to $125,000 be approved for the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee to hire a consultant to support the review and any revisions to the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
➕👥 Additional Memberships
That the composition of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee be amended to add member representatives from the County of Simcoe (Social Housing, Emergency Shelters and Homelessness Prevention Programming) and from the Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle [we question why these groups weren't included in the initial committee representatives?]
🏟️♟️ Sports Tourism Strategy
Staff Report:
Endorse in principle the Sport Tourism Strategy, funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Establish a Sport Tourism Working Group to execute the recommendations and actions identified in the report
🌳🚜 Parks, Horticulture and Forestry Service Level Review
Staff Report:
Update Report:
Receive the review for the following purposes:
To assist City Council with options for prioritization and/or rationalization of services provided by the Branch
To allow for staff to develop budgets commensurate with Council's priorities and desired service levels
To estimate operational costs for new park assets and allow staff to plan and budget for anticipated growth or expansion of parks, trails, sports fields and courts
🅿️⏳ Parking on Coronation Parkway and Prince William Way (Ward 10)
Remove "No Parking 8am-5pm Monday to Friday, September 1st to July 1st" from the north side of Coronation Parkway (124m west of Prince William Way to 93m west)
Remove "10 minutes between the hours of 8-9am and 10 minutes between 3-4pm" from the west side of Prince William Way (57m north of Coronation Parkway to 130m south of Sandringham Drive)
Add "10 minutes between 8-9am and 10 minutes between 3-4pm" to the west side of Prince William Way (57m north of Coronation Parkway to Sandringham Drive)
🚸🚶 Pedestrian Crossing Analysis - Blake Street at Huron Street and Rodney Street (Ward 1)
Install a Pedestrian Crossover (Level 2 Type B) on the west leg of Blake Street and Huron Street, approved for the 2025 capital plan, with a budget of $150,000 funded 60% from Development Charges reserves and 40% Tax Capital Reserve
Install a Pedestrian Crossover (Level 2 Type B) on the west leg of Blake Street and Rodney Street, approved for the 2025 capital plan, with a budget of $150,000 funded 60% from Development Charges reserves and 40% Tax Capital Reserve
💰📊 Business Plan Status as at June 30, 2024
Receive the report
Transfer the accumulated $1.6M surplus from the Barrie Police to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve
Increase the final budget for the closed LSRA Runway Expansion project by $91,371 to reflect the outstanding expenses paid to the County at the time of the airport sale
🎭🎶 Barrie Performing Arts and Event Centre
We note that last week's General Committee was the first time "Event" has been added into the description of the Performing Arts Centre - only in the staff report, not the Programming and Concept Design Final Report by the architects
Staff Report:
Barrie Performing Arts Centre Programming and Concept Design Final Report: prepared by Hariri Pontarini Architects with Novita Interpares and Fisher Dachs Associates
Receive the report for information purposes (see "Waterfront Public Consultation Feedback", below, for related direction)
🦹🏡 Property Acquisition - Whiskey Creek Culvert and Channel Improvements, The Boulevard to Brennan Avenue (Ward 8)
Begin expropriation proceedings for the property necessary to facilitate the construction of the Whiskey Creek Culvert and Channel Improvements, The Boulevard to Brennan Avenue (part of 199 The Boulevard and full of 7 Brennan Ave.)
City asks Council for approval to expropriate the properties, and have the City Clerk execute the necessary forms
Serve and publish notice of application for approval to expropriate, and forward any inquiries to the Ontario Land Tribunal
Authorize the Director of Legal Services to settle the expropriations or any related negotiated agreements
Section C
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter - Committee Appointment - Communities in Bloom Committee
Appoint Yasemin Balaban, Natalie Shammas and Tyneisha Thomas to the Communities in Bloom Committee, term to expire November 14, 2026
Amend the Committee's Terms of Reference by adding the words "up to" at the beginning of "six (6) citizen representatives"
Amend the Committee Appointment Bylaw to include the citizen member identified in the staff report
Section D
🏖️🙋 Waterfront Public Consultation Feedback
The report shows overwhelming public agreement with the proposals outlined in Marshall Green's report
Receive the report
Notwithstanding the previous Council decisions re: the locations for a Performing Arts Centre and a Multi-Use Sports Field, do the following:
Consider recommended location for Performing Arts Centre
Retain Hariri Pontarini Architects (HPA) - who created the final report (above) on the Performing Arts Centre Programming and Concept Design - to complete a schematic design for a new Performing Arts Centre at the current Sea Cadets site at an estimated cost of $200,000, funded from the Theatre Reserve, with the following considerations:
an approximately 45,000 sq.ft facility that includes both larger (600 seat) and smaller (250 seat) performance spaces
a maximum total building cost of $65M in hard and soft construction costs for the building itself, including fit out of all seating and audio-visual components
Direct staff to undertake required site due diligence (including geotechnical investigations, etc.) to determine the feasibility of using the current Sea Cadets site and any required surrounding City lands for a new Performing Arts Centre, to a maximum cost of $375,000, funded from the Theatre Reserve
Corporate Facilities to immediately retain a full-time Capital Project Manager to coordinate the site due diligence investigations and schematic design work, funded from the Performing Arts Centre Redevelopment Capital Project / Theatre Reserve
Staff to report back to General Committee with results of the due diligence work and schematic design, as well as the estimated required site works and a potential implementation plan
Retain a consultant at an estimated cost of $250,000 with 30% of funding from Development Charges and 20% from the Tax Capital Reserve, and half sourced from the Cash-in-Lieu Parkland Reserve to prepare a design concept and costing to locate a Multi-Use Sports Field at the Central Secondary School site to ensure that the field meets the minimum size requirements to accommodate a sports field of this nature and minimize impacts to the surrounding area and report back to General Committee
Remove the Sea Cadets Parade Ground as one of the uses for the proposed Multi-Use Sports Field, and direct staff to provide a concept including costs for locating a drill square with hard surface to the west of the John Hayter Southshore Centre as an extension to the parking lot and report back to General Committee
Development Services to prepare a design concept to locate a passive park east of the General John Hayter Southshore Community Centre to include a minimum of 2 acres of grass cut area, to allow for overflow parking for historical events that will occur on the property and accessible walkways through the naturalized area and report back to General Committee with the concept and costing. (Note that the wording is "minimum", which means they could potentially raze more than that area of the natural site for event parking. Two acres is also significantly more than what is currently required for Kempenfest's overflow parking.)
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
➡️📜 Direct Motions
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 090 - Assume Streets, Stage 2 of Bear Creek Ridge Subdivision
Accept the "as constructed" municipal services within and complementary to Stage 2 of the Bear Creek Ridge subdivision, and to assume the streets within this plan of subdivision for public use
Mabern Street
Franklin Trail
Polar Mews
Paddington Grove
Bill 114 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings