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Writer's pictureAccountability Team

City Council - Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 7pm

Updated: Nov 20

deputations on the zoning amendment application for 19 Dundonald Street, a pilot patio program for Flying Monkeys Brewery

Minutes: not yet available

Meeting Location: Council Chambers or online

ABSENT: Mayor Nuttall (family emergency cited)


Because the city's new recording system does not allow us to see the vote, we are unable to claim 100% accuracy in our recording of each councillor's vote. Where we do indicate the vote breakdown, it is now based on how each councillor spoke to an issue during discussion or in media, and what votes our volunteers were able to see and record in the moment. Please share any errors with us and we will be happy to correct.

(We have made a request of City Hall to show the full council during votes, and have met with resistance so far.)

🧑‍⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)

  • Swearing In of incoming student mayor Mateo Gordon from Trillium Woods Elementary School

📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes

🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions

⚾️🥇 8UAA Rep Barrie Baycats

  • Winners of the Ontario Baseball Association (OBA) Championship

🎄🧑‍🎨 2024 Mayor's Christmas Card Contest Winner

📑🗂 Reports from Officers

  • Nil

🗣🎙 Deputations

🚫🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 19 Dundonald Street (Ward 2)

💸⚖️ Tax Applications

📝📄 General Committee Report

Section A (reports received)

🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee

Section B (consent items)

  • APPROVED (presumed unanimously)

🌳🛝 Parks Strategic Plan Update

🏘️🏘️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 830, 864, 912 Lockhart Road (Ward 10)

🚶🚷 Andean Lane Sidewalk Removal Feasibility (Ward 7)

🚶🚸 Intersection Safety Investigation - Anne Street North and Hanmer Street West (Ward 4)

🤐🏷️ Confidential Property Acquisition Matter - Business Attraction

  • Receive the Employment Lands Strategy Update 2024 (as provided in the confidential staff report)

  • Direct staff to prioritize strategies for the development of employment lands, investment attraction and business growth by:

    • incentivization through the development of an Employment Lands Development Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

    • investigation of options for the acquisition and/or cooperative development of employment lands parcels

    • consideration of opportunities for further advancement of capital projects in the Capital Plan to unlock potential employment lands development opportunities

  • Direct the Economic and Creative Development Department to proceed with the public consultation process for the development of an Employment Lands Development CIP based on the proposed framework presented in the confidential staff report, including scheduling the required statutory public meeting as soon as possible, and report back to General Committee in early 2025 with recommendations, including funding and resource requirements

  • Direct the Economic and Creative Development Department to further investigate the options and considerations for the acquisition and/or cooperative development of employment land parcels, as presented in the confidential staff report, and report back to General Committee with development and fiscal considerations as required

  • Give the Chief Administrative Officer authority to allocate up to $100,000 from the Commercial/Industrial Lands Reserve to conduct any preliminary environmental and/or technical analysis related to the acquisition and/or cooperative development of employment land parcels as presented in the confidential staff report

🎡💵 Tourism Barrie and City of Barrie - Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Collection Agreement Renewal and Update of Associated Bylaws

  • Report: 

  • Update the collection agreement to reflect an increase to the MAT from 4% to 6%, under following terms and conditions:

    • Tourism Barrie continues to receive 50% of the MAT

    • Agreement to be five years, expiring March 31, 2029, with option to extend for another five, subject to approval of Council

    • Inclusion of Tourism Barrie's commitment to provide 50% of their half of the 2% MAT increase to the City's to be allocated to the Sadlon Arena Expansion Reserve

    • Keep the same general terms and conditions as the present agreement, under the following principles:

      • must adhere to all applicable law under the Municipal Act

      • remittances to be received on a quarterly basis with a verified summary from Tourism Barrie

        • their donated half of the 2% MAT increase will be remitted semi-anually

      • appropriate fiscal accountability, audit requirements, inspection powers, termination provisions and other requirements to ensure appropriate accountability and oversight

      • commitment of Tourism Barrie to continue to support strategic initiatives with the City within the tourism sector in alignment with the Tourism Master Plan

    • Amend the Bylaws to align with current municipal best practices with the following changes:

      • address adding arrears of the MAT, interest and penalties to the tax roll for the properties registered in the name of the Provider, collected as property taxes

      • include actions available to Chief Financial Officer for MAT, penalties and interest that are past due and in arrears

      • include the definition of those guilty of an offence under the bylaw

      • revise penalties for those found to be guilty of an offence under the bylaw

Section C (presentation received)

  • RECEIVED (presumed unanimously)

💰🧑‍💻 Value For Money Service Audit

  • Presentation:

  • Final report from auditors, investigating the value for service of the current service agreement with the County

  • The report put an end to the frequent Council complaint that Barrie is being under-serviced by its agreement with the County, and recommends that the City is better off continuing the partnership - however, the mayor appeared to "move the goalposts", saying it didn't give the information he was looking for (even though all the information asked for was given)

Section D

  • APPROVED (presumed unanimously)

💰🧑‍💻 Value for Money Service Audit Report

Section E

⁉️📋 Additional Information on Key Performance Indicators for Council's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

  • Report: 

  • Receive the report for information purposes

  • AMENDMENT by Hamilton: delete paragraph 1 and replace it with "That the Key Performance Indicators for Council's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan be amended as follows: Under 'Community Safety' by adding the KPI 'reduction in crash rate for highest-rating intersections and road segments', by adding the KPI 'percent implementation of Community Safety and Well-being Plan', by removing the KPI 'number of Code inspections'; under 'Infrastructure Investment' by adding the KPI 'Infrastructure Capital Plan amount approved and amounts spent', 'actual capital spending as a percentage of total budget', and by reporting the KPI related to 'total kilometers of paving for new road lanes' separately for construction and resurfacing, and under 'Responsible Governance' by adding the KPI 'total cost avoidance associated with continuous improvement initiatives'

    • Amendment CARRIED [FOR: Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton; AGAINST: Kungl, Courser - these are all assumed, based on the discussion, remaining did not speak]

  • MOTION, as amended, CARRIED [no discussion, cannot guess on breakdown]

Section F

🚫🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 19 Dundonald Street (Ward 2)

⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business

  • Nil

➡️📜 Direct Motions

🍻⛱️ Pilot Patio Program - Flying Monkeys Brewery/Restaurant

  • Moved By: Nixon / Nigussie

  • Issue a Right of Way Permit in support of a pilot patio program allowing Flying Monkeys Brewery / Restaurant to have their patio remain open until April 14, 2025, at a reduced allowance of 8 feet from the building, at which time an updated permit for the summer / fall season will be issued

  • All other provisions within the Business Licensing Bylaw and Snow Clearing (Downtown) Bylaw remain in effect

  • Staff to review the outcome of this pilot program to determine any operational impacts for potential continuation or expansion and report back to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee or General Committee

  • AMENDMENT by Nixon: delete paragraph 1 and replace it with: "That notwithstanding business licensing bylaw 2006-266 as amended, staff issue the following: a right-of-way permit in support of a pilot patio program allowing Flying Monkeys Brewery / Restaurant to have their patio remain open until April 14th, 2025, at a reduced allowance of 8 feet from the building, at which time an updated permit for the summer / fall season will be issued, and up to two additional right-of-way permits to support two additional patios to open between March 15, 2025 and April 14, 2025, at a reduced allowance of 8 feet from the building, at which time an updated permit for the summer / fall season will be issued.

    • Amendment CARRIED [no way to determine vote breakdown]

  • MOTION, as amended, CARRIED: [FOR: Kungl, Courser, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton - camera did go wide partway through vote, did not show Nixon's hand up, but we can presume he voted in favour, likely Nigussie as well, unsure of Riepma, but because Nixon & Nigussie's hands were already down, he may have been in favour as well]

🧑‍🏫📑 Presentations

  • Nil

📜📜 Bylaws

🛣️🚰 Bill 119 - Yonge GO Village Acceptance of Municipal Services Phase 1 - Fairlane Avenue, Gateland Drive, Turnberry Lane, South Park Lane, Westwood Avenue

🏘️🗺️ Bill 120 - Part Lot Control Exemption - 15 & 17 Hampton Lane

🏘️🗺️ Bill 121 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 1 to 13 Hampton Lane, odd numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 122 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 2 to 16 Hampton Lane, even numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 123 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 1 to 15 Pearen Lane, odd numbers, and 2 to 16 Ennerdale Street, even numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 124 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 17 to 27 Pearen Lane, odd numbers, and 18 to 28 Ennerdale Street, even numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 125 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 29 to 43 Pearen Lane, odd numbers, and 30 to 44 Ennerdale Street, even numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 126 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 76 to 86 Pearen Lane, even numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 127 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 60 to 74 Pearen Lane, even numbers

🏘️🗺️ Bill 128 - Part Lot Control Exemption  - 48 to 58 Pearen Lane, even numbers

🏢🗺️ Bill 129 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 515 Big Bay Point Road

🏘️🗺️ Bill 130 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 830, 864 and 912 Lockhart Road

📸👮 Bill 131 - Administrative Penalty system for Automated Speed Enforcement

🚫🏎️ Bill 132 - Amendments - Administrative Penalty Bylaw

Bill 133 - Confirmation Bylaw



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