Deputations on the Bradford Street Corridor Studio Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and ONRoute's Request for Exception from the Sign Bylaw, a new Student Mayor sworn in
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
📜🫅 Swearing In of Incoming Student Mayor
Graysen Main, Willow Landing Public School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🏀⛹️♂️ St. Joseph's Catholic High School Seniors Boys Basketball Team
Recognition for winning the Gold Medal at the OFSSA Boy's AA Basketball Championship
🏀⛹️♀️ Barrie Royals U11 Girls Basketball Team
Recognition for winning the Provincial Championship
🗣🎙 Deputations
🏬🏢 Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Wards 2 & 8)
Deputation Request:
Deputation by Simon Kapteijn on behalf of 244/246 and 248 Bradford Street – speaking against approval of this motion, especially that lands zoned for high density housing would be redirected to road-widening
🚫🪧 Request for Exemption from Sign Bylaw - 201 Fairview Road (Ward 8)
Deputation Request:
Deputation by Shawna Petzold of Permit World
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
May 1 Tax Applications:
Twelve applications for Cancellation of Taxes totalling $92,635.49
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A (Committee Referrals Approved on Consent)
📜⌛️ Ontario Heritage Act – Deadline Extension
Letter from Town of Coburg, March 8:
Coburg is asking for an amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act re: removal of listed (non-designated) properties from municipal heritage records, to extend the designation deadline for five years
Referred to the Heritage Barrie Committee for further discussion
🚪🤗 Doors Open 2024
The Heritage Barrie Committee supports the registration of the City of Barrie with Doors Open Ontario to participate in a 2024 Doors Open Barrie event, dates to be determined
🚍🧓 Investigation: Barrie Transit - Additional Free Transit Options for Seniors
Direct the Transit and Parking Strategy Department to investigate the cost of offering additional free transit options for seniors and the costs of discounts or free transit options for specialized transit riders, and report back to Council with information following the completion of the Provincial Fare Integration Program
📜📬 Correspondence to Municipal Heritage Register Listed Properties
Direct Development Services to send correspondence on behalf of the Heritage Barrie Committee to those listed property owners on the Municipal Heritage Register and include information concerning heritage designation
Section B
🏬🏢 Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Wards 2 & 8)
Staff Report:
Receive the Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Approve the recommended design solution for corridor protection purposes, and direct Development Services to acquire appropriate land conveyances
Direct staff to use access management practices when assessing Planning Act approvals on the Bradford Street Corridor
Direct staff to conclude the Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and publish a Notice of Completion
Direct staff to complete a future Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum prior to undertaking implementation (after 2031) to assess transportation and land use policies, and complete refinements to the recommended design solution to mitigate impacts based on future corridor constraints
Direct staff to complete an in-service safety review for the Tiffin Street and Bradford Street intersection to assess opportunities for interim safety improvements
Section C (Consent Items)
🏘️🌳 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 500 Salem Road (Ward 7)
Rezone from 'Agricultural General' (AG) to 'Neighbourhood Residential' (R5), 'Environmental Protection' (EP) and 'Open Space' (OS)
🏗️💰 2023 Year End Development Charge Reports and Treasurer's Statement
Annual Treasurer's Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement
Municipal Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement
Listing of Section 13 Credits owing where a front-ending agreement existed prior to the first City bylaw under the Development Charges Act 1997
Listing of Section 38 Credits owing where a front-ending agreement exists subsequent to the first City bylaw under the Development Charges Act 1997
💰🌳 2023 Year End Cash In Lieu of Parkland Report and Treasurer's Statement
Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund Statement
Cash In Lieu of Parkland Project Activity
💰🫂 2023 Year End Community Benefits Charges Report and Treasurer's Statement
Receive the Report
💸📊 2024 Tax Rates
Establish the 2024 tax rates and authorize the City Clerk to prepare all necessary bylaws to establish the rates
Section D (Committee Reports Received)
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
🏛️🫂 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
Section E
🎪🎡 Kempenfest
Continue the City's in-kind support for Kempenfest in 2024 at a service level consistent with previous years (direct staff support, site services, coordination, administrative support, parking passes, etc.), valued at approximately $22,000
Ask the Kempenfest Board to seek fundraising sponsorship to support their funding request of $15,000 in shuttle bus service and $10,000 for the Family Side Stage – if unsuccessful, up to $25,000 to be allocated from the Tourism Reserve to support these services
Up to $25,000 to be allocated from the Tourism Reserve to support Recreation and Culture Services and Economic and Creative Development Departments in collaboration with the Kempenfest Board and Tourism Barrie, to retain a consultant to support Kempenfest with assessing the overall economic impact of Kempenfest and a financial and governance review to determine opportunities for operational and financial sustainability
Direct Economic and Creative Development and Recreation and Culture Services to report back on the findings of the economic impact analysis and overall event review and provide recommendations on future support of Kempenfest
Section F
🔌🚗 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Management
Director of Corporate Facilities to issue a request for proposals and be authorized to enter into an agreement with the successful third-party turn-key service provider for the replacement and upgrade of the current downtown Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), with following parameters (subject to approval from Director of Legal Services and Director of Transit and Parking Strategy):
service provider would be responsible for provision and installation of replacement and/or upgrading of existing EVSE in the downtown with universal charging stations, at no cost to the City
service provider would be responsible for the decisions related to the number and location of EVSE in consultation with the City
service provider would be responsible for management of EVSE operations, including maintenance, client services, plus setting, collecting and overseeing fee and charging services
service provider would be responsible for maintenance and other operating costs associated with the equipment
service provider would be responsible for providing the City with data on the use of the EVSE
Section G
🏎️💵 Administrative Penalty System
Implement and Administrative Penalty System for Automated Speed Enforcement matters and future municipal bylaw violations (e.g. parking tickets), and circulate the required bylaws under the the Municipal Act and Highway Traffic Act to Council prior to placing it on a Council Agenda
Authorize the City Clerk to hire two Screening Officers / Junior Prosecutors, funded by additional Automated Speed Enforcement program revenue, plus one officer per additional 40,000 violation issues in Barrie
Authorize Legislative & Court Services to issue an RFP to retain Hearing Officer Services, cost not to exceed $50,000, funded by additional Automated Speed Enforcement program revenue
Approve minor Capital Project 'Cedar Pointe AP Renovations' at $100,000 to renovate for Screening and Hearing Officers required, to be funded from Tax Capital Reserve, offset by a $100,000 transfer to that reserve from additional revenue in the operating budget
Direct Legislative and Court Services to provide an annual memo on the number of violations issued / processed and associated resources that have been retained
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
🚫🪧 Request for Exemption from Sign Bylaw - 201 Fairview Road (Ward 8)
Deny the request
➡️📜 Direct Motions
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 046 - 2024 Tax Ratios
Set tax ratios and define certain property classes for 2024
Bill 047 - 2024 Tax Rates
Levy and collect property taxes for 2024
Bill 048 - 2024 Downtown Barrie Business Association Levy
Levy a special charge on rateable property in the downtown area assessed for commercial assessment
Bill 049 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 500 Salem Road
Rezone from 'Agricultural General' (AG) Innisfil to 'Neighbourhood Residential' (R5), 'Environmental Protection' (EP) and 'Open Space' (OS)
Bill 050 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 50 Worsley Street
Rezone from 'Central Area Commercial Second Density' (C1-2) to 'Central Area Commercial Second Density with Special Provisions and Hold' (C1-2) (SP-657) (H-162)
Bill 051 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 48 Dean Avenue
Rezone from 'Shopping Centre Commercial with Special Provisions' (C3) (SP-161) to 'Residential Apartment Dwelling, Second Density-1 with Special Provisions and Hold' (RA2-1) (SP-658) (H-164)
Bill 052 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
