Including deputations on the Service Partners' budget requests
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📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🗣🎙 Deputations
💰👮 Barrie Police Service Proposed 2023 Budget Request
🗣🎙 Deputation by Michael Speers
💰🤝 Service Partners' Proposed 2023 Budget Requests
🗣🎙 Deputation by Morgan Cope
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A
🏛️🛝 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
Report from February 1:
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
Report from February 15:
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
Report from February 15:
Section B
📝🏘️ Correspondence from Allandale Neighbourhood Association re: Bill 23
Allandale Neighbourhood Association Submission:
Receive the correspondence for information purposes (i.e., no action taken)
🤐🤝 Land Disposition Matter – Victoria Street and Innisfil Street
That staff undertake the actions identified in the confidential item for discussion dated February 1, 2023 concerning a confidential land disposition matter - Victoria Street and Innisfil Street.
👮⏲️ Enhancement of Proactive Property Standards Bylaw Enforcement
Enforcement Staffing Review:
Defer discussion on this item to a Community Safety Committee meeting in the second quarter of 2024.
🏚️🌾 Property Standards
Review of Rental House Licensing:
Review of Licensing, Regulating and Governing Residential Units:
Rental Housing (Absentee Landlord Report):
Defer discussion on this item to a Community Safety Committee meeting in the second quarter of 2024.
🗺️🪧 Heritage Conservation District – Blake Street & Dundonald Street Area
Proposal: That staff in the Development Services Department investigate the feasibility and costs associated with conducting a study related to Section 40(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act to establish a Heritage Conservation District for the north side of Blake Street and the east side of Dundonald Street and report back to the Heritage Barrie Committee.
Receive the correspondence for information purposes (i.e., no action taken)
📋🧑💻 Heritage Planner Position
Proposal: That a Heritage Planner position responsible for heritage conservation, preservation, restoration, and promotion for the community be considered as part of the 2023 Budget.
Receive the correspondence for information purposes (i.e., no action taken)
🏰📜 Municipal Heritage Register - 62 High Street
Add 62 High Street to the Municipal Heritage Register as a listed property
🪧🏰 Designated and Listed Properties Plaque Policy
Approve the policy
🗺️🪧 Heritage Conservation District
Direct staff in Development Services to prepare a report with a description of the Heritage Conservation Districts and report back to the Affordability Committee
🏘️🪧 Municipal Street Naming for Streets in the Mapleview South (Innisfil) Ltd. Plan of Subdivision (Ward 10)
Staff Report:
Street D – Colosimo Crescent
Street F – Giovanni Crescent
Street A – McAush Street
Street B – Terry Fox Drive
Street C – Dallaire Street
Street E – Lotus Road
🚫🛑 Mapleton Avenue Stopping Prohibited (Ward 6)
Staff Report:
Add "Stopping Prohibited" to Mapleton Avenue, both sides, from Ardagh Road to Batteaux Street / Silvercreek Crescent
🏘️📑 Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Summary Report – 2022
Staff Report:
Put application intake periods on hold for the Affordable Housing and Redevelopment Grant Programs offered through the CIP until
Development Services & Finance have had an opportunity to investigate financial implications of Bill 23, as it relates to Development Charge (DC) exemptions and reductions, and
Development Services updates the Affordable Housing Strategy, which may include amending the CIP in response to Bill 23, as well as improving financial incentives offered by the Affordable Housing and Redevelopment Grant Programs
Schedule a Statutory Public Meeting to initiate amendments to section 8.2 of the CIP, to provide further clarity with respect to the eligibility requirements for renovations and improvements to heritage buildings that qualify for funding through the Preservation of Built Heritage Grant Program
Allow staff to schedule Statutory Public Meetings, when appropriate, to amend the CIP
📜⏳ Bill 109 Implementation Update
Staff Report:
Move the implementation date of Bill 109 legislation from January 1 to July 1, or whatever date is identified by the Province through changes to the Bill 109 legislation
💌🎓 Invitation to Present to Council – Lakehead University
Invite Lakehead University to give a presentation on the potential expansion of programming in Barrie, at the Barrie campus
💌🔥 Invitation to Present to Council – Napoleon
Invite Napoleon to give a presentation on their sustainability initiatives
💌🏘️ Invitation to Present to Council – Dr. Mike Moffatt
Invite Dr. Mike Moffatt to give a presentation on housing and marketing dynamics
Section C
🏫🤝 Agreement with School Board – Use of Facilities
Authorize the CAO and GM of Community and Corporate Services to negotiate an agreement with the Simcoe County School Boards to open school facilities for after school and weekend programming, with the following considerations:
initial focus on locations to be in under-serviced areas, including downtown, NW Barrie and SE Barrie, and proximity to vulnerable young people & at-risk youth
programming utilizing community volunteers & organizations to greatest degree possible with the inclusion of community partners
insurance and liability associated with use of schools
programming to commence Sept.1
Staff in Recreation & Culture Services to report back to General Committee on the resources required to coordinate this program
Staff apply for any available provincial or federal funding that would support the organization & implementation of the programming
Section D
🧑⚖️🛒 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 651, 659, 665, 669 and 673 Mapleview Drive East (Sobeys) (Ward 9)
Staff Report:
Rezone from Agriculture (AG) to General Commercial with Site Specific Provisions (C4, SP-XXX)
Special Provisions to include:
reduce front yard (Mapleview) setback from 6m to 5m
increase maximum building height from 9m to 14m
permit an awning/canopy encroachment of 1m
Section E
🚰📑 Water Operations Branch 2022 Drinking Water System Reports
💌🏟️ Invitation to Present to Council – Tourism Barrie / Consultant for Sadlon Arena Expansion
Invite Tourism Barrie and the consultant retained to review expansion options for the Sadlon Arena to give a presentation
Section F
🐟💰 Freshwater Action Plan Fund
Correspondence from Town of East Gwillimbury, February 1:
Asking the Federal government to honour their commitment to provide this funding, to help benefit the health and protection of Lake Simcoe and its watershed
Refer this correspondence to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee for further consideration
📩🏙️ SkyDev re: Rental and Affordable Housing
Correspondence from SkyDev, February 21:
Refer this correspondence to the Affordability Committee for further consideration
📝🏙️ Staff Memo to accompany Skyline/SkyDev regarding CIP
Memorandum from M. Banfield, Director of Development Services, regarding information to accompany Skyline / SkyDev regarding the CIP
Referred by: Nixon (at Nuttall's request)
Refer this item to the Affordability Committee for further consideration
Section G
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter – Appointment to Various Advisory Committees
Receive the confidential notes for this matter
Section H
👥👥 Appointments to Various Advisory Committees
Seniors and Accessibility Advisory Committee
add a representative of the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)
appoint Wilma Delo, Rebecca Garvin, Catherine Kenwell, Robb Meier, Louise Pope and Elias Saba
Active Transportation and Sustainability Committee
add a representative of the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU)
appoint Jette Boune, Nicholas Flinn, Laurel Hoffarth, John Northcote, Wilf Steimle, Eric van Wesenbeeck and Danielle Waters
Town and Gown Committee
add three citizen members
appoint Daniel Abiodun, Rajesh Kumar, Judy Morozuk and Jeffrey Weston
International Relations Committee
amend the composition: one member of Council, one representative from each of the partnerships (Zweibrucken, Arras, Murayama, Harrogate), one Youth Ambassador representative, four business representatives, one Georgian College representative, one Base Borden representative, one Youth Council representative
authorize the City Clerk to begin the recruitment process
Arts Advisory Committee
appoint Ian Carrington Churchward, Scott Herman, Neda Mazhab Jafari
Communities In Bloom
appoint Dennis Karl Bagnell, Ann Darcene Brooke-Bagnell, Kelly Patterson McGrath, Sharon Posius, Dorothy Ramsay and Vandita Watts
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report, March 8: not yet available (happening directly before this meeting)
💰👮 Barrie Police Service Proposed 2023 Budget Request
Staff Report:
Approve the request, with a net tax supported municipal funding requirement of $63.2 million
💰🤝 Service Partners' Proposed 2023 Budget Requests
Staff Report:
Approve the Barrie Public Library Board's request, with a net tax supported municipal funding requirement of $9.4 million
Approve the County of Simcoe's request, including contributions to the County of Simcoe Capital Reserve, with a net tax supported municipal funding requirement of $27.4 million
Approve the remainder of Barrie's Service Partners' requests, with a net tax supported municipal funding requirement of $3 million
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 016 – 157 Ardagh Road – public highway
Establish Part of Lot 12 Registered Plan 914 as public highway, and name it Ardagh Road
Bill 017 – 30 Hanmer Street West – public highway
Establish 0.30M Reserve Block 108 Plan 51M-975 as public highway, and name it Hanmer Street
Bill 018 – Part Lot Control Exemption, 16-30 Pumpkin Corner Crescent
Exempt Block 173 on Plan 51M-1224 from Part Lot Control
Bill 019 – Part Lot Control Exemption, 2-12 Pumpkin Corner Crescent
Exempt Block 175 on Plan 51M-1224 from Part Lot Control
Bill 020 – Part Lot Control Exemption, 39-44 Hay Lane
Exempt Block 176 on Plan 51M-1224 from Part Lot Control
Bill 021 – Part Lot Control Exemption, 53-65 Hay Lane
Exempt Block 178 on Plan 51M-1224 from Part Lot Control
Bill 022 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 651-673 Mapleview Drive East – Sobeys
Amend the Zoning Bylaw as per motion 23-G-044 from the General Committee Report of March 1
Bill 023 – 2023 Business Plan and Budget
Establish payment of fees for information, services, activities and use of City property, and repeal Bylaw 2022-013, as amended
User Fees:
Bill 024 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings