The big focus tonight will be the Budget Requests from the Barrie Police Service, Barrie Public Library, and County of Simcoe.
Engage's Follow-up:
all present
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes, January 18:
ADOPTED as printed and circulated
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report, January 25:
Section A
CARRIED unanimously
🏢🤝 Limiting Distance and Encroachment Agreements with Debut Waterfront Residences
Staff Report:
Authorize the Director of Legal Services to negotiate and register these agreements with Debut Waterfront Residences:
A Limiting Distance Agreement for 24 Maple Street (current Transit Terminal) where no new building or structure may be constructed within 5m of the north property line abutting 55 Dunlop St. W.
Encroachment Agreements to facilitate canopies over the entrances to the site (which encroach on City-owned land)
In return, Debut Waterfront Residences shall pay:
$10,000 to the city as compensation, as well as an administration fee of $600 to cover staff time
Standard encroachment application fee of $525 and annual encroachment fees of $68.25 for each encroachment
City's costs for preparing reference plans
Insurance for any encroachments over City property
Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Limiting Distance Agreement, and the Chief Building Official to execute the Limiting Distance Agreement
Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Encroachment Agreements
🧑⚖️🫴 Ontario Land Tribunal Report – Acquisition of 922 Veteran's Drive to facilitate McKay Road Row Expansion and Veteran's Drive New Trunk Watermain (Ward 7)
Staff Report:
Results and recommended actions from the Ontario Land Tribunal Report re: the acquisition of 922 Veteran's Drive to facilitate the McKay Road Row Expansion – Reid Drive to west of Highway 400, and Veteran's Drive New Trunk Watermain
To receive the Inquiry Officer's Report
Present the Expropriation Bylaw to complete the acquisition of the property
Authorize staff to continue with the expropriation process
Section B
CARRIED unanimously
🥬🏪 Update on Permanent Market
Staff Memo:
Memorandum from S. Schlichter, Director of Economic and Creative Development, with an update on the Permanent Market action and response to the RFP
That the memo be referred to a future Finance and Responsible Governance Committee meeting
Section C
RECEIVED unanimously
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter – Appointments to Committee of Adjustment
To receive the notes from the discussion
Section D
CARRIED unanimously
🤐👥 Appointments to Committee of Adjustment
Appoint Andrea Butcher-Milne, Jay Dolan, Graydon Ebert, Carol Phillips, and Stephen Trotter to the Committee of Adjustment for a term ending November 14, 2006
🧑🏫📊 Presentations
💰👮 Barrie Police Service Proposed 2023 Budget Request
Asking for a 7.28% increase over 2022
💰📚 Barrie Public Library Proposed 2023 Budget Request
Asking for a 2.58% increase over 2022
💰🏛️ County of Simcoe Proposed 2023 Budget Request
Asking for an 8.5% increase over 2022
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 004 – Procedural Bylaw Updates and Structures of Committees of Council
amendments to the Procedural Bylaw and Committee Structure
Bill 005 – Part Lot Control Exemption – 100 Blue Forest Crescent
Exempting part of Block 2 of Plan 51M-1193 from part lot control
Bill 006 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings