a deputation on the CIHA for the Fairgrounds, finalizing the 2024 Budget (minus service partners)
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1118016&GUID=8981B0E2-FEFF-4203-8834-A90938CE3C26
Watch Again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28C7DZ6Hq1o
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1118016&GUID=8981B0E2-FEFF-4203-8834-A90938CE3C26
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
🗣️🫅 Comments from Outgoing Student Mayors
Yukan Kirupa, Warnica Public School
Madelane Carter, St. Joseph's Catholic High School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🗣🎙 Deputations
🏗️🏘️ Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator Order - 175 & 199 Essa Road and 50 Wood Street
Deputation by Craig Busch on behalf of Vision Barrie
Additional Deputations:
Darren Vella, Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of the landowner
Norman Speake on behalf of the Barrie Curling Club
Cathy Colebatch
Arnie Ivsins
➡️📜 Direct Motions
Was moved earlier in the Agenda, as many waiting in gallery
‼️🤛 Motion Without Notice - Declaration of an Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Epidemic
Moved / Seconded: Nuttall / Thomson (Nuttall gave Thomson the Chair for this item only)
Introduction CARRIED, unanimously
To declare a Gender Based, IPV epidemic, and call on the Ontario government to do the same
To distribute this motion to the local MPs and MPPs, Solicitor General, Ministry of Women's Social and Economic Opportunity, Premier of Ontario, Barrie Police Services Board, Ontario Provincial Police, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
CARRIED, unanimously
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report
Section A (Reports to be Received)
RECEIVED, unanimously
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
Report from November 15: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12481059&GUID=2A9ED8CB-DFDE-4D0C-B79A-25B55F9549B2
💵🧑⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
Report from November 22: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12485268&GUID=908DD880-35D2-4CDA-8D0F-1F11B157F484
Section B
CARRIED, unanimously
🧑⚖️📰 Legislative Ads in Barrie Today
Referred by General Committee, November 1
Motion to defer this to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee in February
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12467998&GUID=2D07D0BF-7E73-4C51-B0DE-83347DE01E01 from C. Harris, Associate Director, Communications and Customer Service
Now that the Barrie Advance is no longer in print, The City is now using Barrie Today's digital platform to share This Week in Barrie (City-related news, events and activities), as well as all legislative ads on an interim basis. City staff will reevaluate options for This Week in Barrie in 2024.
🅿️🌳 Investigation - Design and Reconstruction of the Main Parking Lot in Painswick Park
Referred by General Committee, November 15
Motion to defer this to a future Finance and Responsible Governance Committee meeting
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of designing and reconstructing the main parking lot in Painswick Park to a fully-accessible asphalt parking lot, and consider the project in the ten year capital budget for completion in 2024 subject to available funding
Section C
Carried, unanimously
🌾🧑🌾 Extension to Temporary Use Bylaw - 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)
To receive the lost motion (i.e., not approve the extension)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12478548&GUID=E7BC4692-DFD5-4E43-8BFB-3EF0797E4EDF
LOST motion: Approve the extension to allow agricultural activity on the property for 3 years, subject to special provisions
Section D
🏗️🏘️ Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator Order - 175 & 199 Essa Road and 50 Wood Street
Greenworld CIHA Submission: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12423664&GUID=7C1A81B7-7DBE-499E-BA48-F2CCE32A7A41
Additional Correspondence from the Barrie Curling Club: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12457253&GUID=C658077A-51EB-4A6C-8974-6A2AD52B3447
Additional Correspondence from the Simcoe County District School Board:https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12457254&GUID=C176C79E-A4FB-4631-B28C-729339C5FA99
Additional Correspondence from the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board:https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12457255&GUID=126A3334-FB13-4052-971C-E132E711F378
Additional Correspondence: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12458521&GUID=B9328E9D-8441-43AF-8E5B-D2973868713D
Submission from Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of Greenworld Construction Inc. -- Report and master plan in support of the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator order (former Barrie Fairgrounds)
Direct Development Services to initiate a Community Infrastructure Housing Accelerator (CIHA) application to facilitate the development of the former Barrie Fairgrounds
Includes 4054 residential units (no affordable units proposed)
3956 units in the high-density blocks, 13 towers ranging from 15-40 storeys, with a variety of unit sizes
113 townhouse units fronting an internal street
3 garden apartments
98 3-storey townhouse units internal to the site
5000m2 of commercial space
school block
If neither of the school boards constructs a school in this development, then the designated school lands be given to the City for a park
AMENDMENT by Morales/Hamilton
To delete paragraph 2 (re: school boards) and replace it with: that if neither the SCDSB and SMCDSB exercise the option to construct a school in this development, that the land be conveyed at no cost to the City for the purpose of parkland
CARRIED, unanimously
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED, unanimously
Section E
💰⚖️ 2024 Business Plan and Budget - City Operations and Infrastructure Investment Funding
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12460602&GUID=84F63A87-53AC-485B-AB90-D81C016A7612
2024 Business Plan & Budget: https://www.barrie.ca/government-news/budget
Proposed 2024 Operating Budget:
City Operations and Infrastructure Investment Funding
Table of Contents: https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Table-of-Contents.pdf
Executive Summary (p.1-8): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Executive-Summary.pdf
Operating Budget and Financial Overview (p.9-47): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-and-Financial-Overview.pdf
Infrastructure Investment Funding (p.48): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Infrastructure-Investment-Funding.pdf
Service Areas: Operating Budget, Tax Rate (p.49-177): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Service-Areas-Tax-Rate.pdf
Service Areas: Operating Budget, User Rate (p.178-185): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Service-Areas-User-Rate.pdf
New Investment & Service Recommendations (p.186-221): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-New-Investment-and-Service-Recommendations.pdf
Efficiencies (p.222-231): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Efficiencies.pdf
Proposed Fee Changes (p.232-281): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Proposed-Fee-Changes.pdf
Glossary: https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Operating-Budget-Glossary.pdf
Service Partners:
(will be added in January 2024)
Proposed 2024 Capital Budget:
Table of Contents: https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Budget-Capital-Plan-Table-of-Contents.pdf
Capital Plan Overview (p.1-15): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Budget-Capital-Plan-Overview.pdf
Capital Plan 2024-2033 (p.16-28): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Budget-Capital-Plan-2024-2033.pdf
Capital Plan Project Details (p.29-229): https://www.barrie.ca/Finance/2024-Budget-Capital-Plan-Project-Details.pdf
💪💻 Operating Budget Approvals
Approve the tax-supported base operating budget for City operations and the Infrastructure Investment Fund -- with gross expenditures of $325.5M and a net property tax levy requirement of $191.9M -- with the following amendments:
Temporary position of Project Coordinator (CCI) extended to end of 2024 with budget of $94,828, recovered from CMMS Improvement Project - Cityworks, as described in the intake form in Appendix "F"
Budget reductions of $154,000 for the CAO and Mayor's Division (as outlined in Appendix "E") be included, with an equivalent decrease in the 2024 Tax Levy
Budget reductions of $407,742 for the Access Barrie Division (as outlined in Appendix 'E'), with the exception of $44,000 for reducing This Week In Barrie be included (equivalent decrease in 2024 Tax Levy)
Budget & Tax Levy reductions of $430,331 for the Infrastructure and Growth Management Division (as outlined in Appendix 'E')
Budget & Tax Levy reductions of $2,348,040 for the Community and Corporate Services Division (as outlined in Appendix 'E')
Allow Chief Financial Officer to adjust the budget reductions in Appendix 'E' as necessary to achieve a 0% tax rate increase on City Operations, excluding the Infrastructure Investment Funding and Service Partners
Defer the Carbon Management Software (New Investment and Service Recommendation Form 2864) to 2024, resulting in a reduction of $20,000
Delete Intake Form 2852 - Transportation Engineer, but maintain the $159,542 new tax levy funding and transfer it to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve
Increase the Operations Department budget by $76,000 for street tree pruning, fertilizing and watering (equivalent increase in Tax Levy)
Delete Intake Form 2858 - Downtown Staff Shift Extension - Sidewalk Winter Maintenance and transfer the funding allocated ($167,474) to the Tax Capital Reserve
Transfer $150,000 from the Municipal Accommodation Tax Reserve to the Tax Capital Reserve for the 2023 & 2024 Budget years
🚰🚜 City Operations and Infrastructure Investment Funding
Approve the 2024 budget request for City Operations, with a net tax-supported municipal funding requirement of $191.9M (averaging 1.06% tax rate increase for City operations and 2% increase associated with Infrastructure Investment Funding)
Approve the New Investment and Service Recommendations as outlined on p.20 of the 2024 Business Plan with net cost of $1.6M (operating) and $228K (capital) with a net property tax levy requirement of $925K with additional funding of $237K from the water rate, $28K from the wastewater rate, $460K from capital projects, offset by $21K going to reserves
Approve the Water base Operating Budget (gross expenditures & revenues of $34M) and proposed 2024 Water Rates
Approve the Wastewater base Operating Budget (gross expenditures & revenues of $43.6M) and proposed 2024 Wastewater Rates
Approve the Parking Operations base budget (gross expenditures & revenues of $2.4M) and proposed 2024 Parking Rates
Exclude the following estimated expenses from the 2024 Business Plan:
Amortization expense - $65.5M
Post-employment benefit expenses - $1.8M
Solid Waste Landfill closure and post-closure expenses - $200K
AMENDMENT by Thomson/Harvey:
Add to paragraph 1 "x) a) That $136,303 be approved as part of New Investment and Service Recommendation form 2828 - Parks Horticultural and Forestry Staff (page 191) for permanent, seasonal/temporary staff, with the remaining $173,966 of the new tax levy funding to be maintained and transferred to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve.b) That $310,000 of capital funding be approved as part of New Investment and Service Recommendation form 2828 - Parks Horticultural and Forestry Staff (page 191) for the purchase of a truck, mower, trailer and Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) to be funded from the Development Charges Parks and Recreation Reserve.c) That staff in the Operations Department undertake a review of the service levels, staffing and resource requirements for the Parks and Forestry operations branch in order to: i. To assist City Council with the prioritization of services offered in relation to the Branch; ii. Allow for staff to develop budgets commensurate with the desired service levels; and iii. Prepare for anticipated growth or expansion of parks, trails, sport fields and courts and report back to General Committee. d) That there be no closures of parks, playgrounds, courts, and sport fields prior to the report back to General Committee."
CARRIED, unanimously
AMENDMENT by Thomson / Harvey:
Delete paragraph 1 j) and replace with "That the Operations Department Budget be increased by $76,000 for the purposes of street tree pruning, fertilizing and watering with $51,000 being funded through the tax levy and $25,000 being funded from the Ecological Offsetting Reserve."
CARRIED, unaniously
AMENDMENT by Thomson / Harvey:
Add the following to paragraph 9: "That capital project 001202 Operations Centre Redevelopment Phase 2 Implementation (page 100) be further phased and the project funding changed to $1.5M in 2024 and $3.0M in 2025 with both years funded from the tax capital reserve and the remainder of the phase 2 funds in the amount of approximately $26M to be included as a forecast to be prioritized as part of the 2025 capital budget process."
CARRIED, unanimously
AMENDMENT by Kungl / Thomson:
Add the following to paragraph 9: "That a new Capital Project be created for the Rehabilitation of the Stanley Stormwater Pond Footbridge in the amount of $20,000 with funding in 2024 from the Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland Reserve."
CARRIED, unanimously
AMENDMENT by Hamilton / Nixon:
Add the following to paragraph 9: "That Capital Project FC1139 City Hall Redevelopment (page 79) amount of $1,847 million from Tax Capital Reserve be reduced to $1 million for 2024 and reduce the annual funding to $1 million each year extending the project to 2028 from the Tax Capital Reserve to accommodate the reduced annual contributions for a total new funding of $5 million out to 2028."
CARRIED, unanimously
AMENDMENT by Harvey / Nigussie:
Add the following to paragraph 9: "That the funding for Capital Project 001259 (page 95) be reduced from $550,000 to $500,000 funded from the Marina Reserve."
CARRIED, unanimously
AMENDMENT by Harvey / Thomson:
Add the following paragraph: "That City Services be maintained at a 0% impact with any motions lowering the impact below 0, having those funds transferred to the Tax Capital Reserve."
AMENDMENT by Harvey / Thomson:
Add the following paragraph: "That City Services be maintained at a zero percent impact, that funds be taken from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve to accomplish this."
CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Kungl, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton, Nuttall; AGAINST: Courser]
🏢🛣️ Capital Budget Approvals
Approve the 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 Capital Budget relating to new capital spending requests of $41M, $78.3M, $71,2M, $37.4M, and $24.9M, with the following amendments, and receive the 2024-28 Capital Budget items not requiring spending approval as forecast information:
Increase approved funding for IT 1056 - Fleet Management System by $115K, to be funded from the Fleet Management Reserve
Increase approved funding for EN1346- Brownfield Redevelopment Readiness (Contaminated Lands Management Framework) by $130K to be funded from the Canada Community Building Reserve (formerly Federal Gas Tax)
Reduce budget of EN1097 - Mapleview Drive East Improvements, by $120K [funded from DC Reserves ($96,061.18), Wastewater Capital Reserve ($14,226.90), Tax Capital Reserve ($5,859.45), Local Improvements Revenue ($3,799.34) and Water Capital Reserve ($53.12)] AND increase the budget of EN1467 - Lovers Creak Mapleview LSCRA Compensation by $120K [funded from DC Reserves ($54,000) and Tax Capital Reserve ($66,000)]
Add "Waterfront 1000 Tree Planting Program" to the 2024 Capital Plan with a budget request of $50K for 2024 and forecasts of $50K per year for next 9 years to be funded from the Ecological Offsetting Reserve
Delete Projects F1028 - Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Program ($955,836) and FI1026 - Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Runway Extension ($91,373)
Change Project FC1312 - EMS Campus - Solar Panel PV Installation ($1,275,000) to a forecast, and defer it to 2025
Reduce the Heritage Park Capital Project from $11.6M funded from the Tax Capital Reserve to $2.6M, allocated as $0 for 2024, $866,666 for each of 2025, 2026, and 2027, and the additional $9M being allocated as forecasted funding for 2028 and beyond
Reduce Project FC1085 - Hewitt's Community Centre land acquisition/design by $600K in 2024 funded from Cash-in-lieu of Parkland, with the funds being added to EN1182 Painswick Park Rehabilitation in 2024 for the reconstruction of Painswick Parking Lot
Reduce the Facilities Forecasted Needs 2024 budget request from $3,557,288 to $1M funded from the Tax Capital Reserve, and direct staff to provide more details in the 2025 budget process to explain the $42M forecast over the next ten years
Any Industrial Development Charge Discounts in 2024 to be funded by any year-end surplus, with any remaining balance funded from the appropriate capital reserve
🧑⚖️💼 Bylaw Update and Forecasts Received for Information
Effective May 1, 2024, appeal Bylaw 2022-013 and replace with a bylaw incorporating the fees and charges presented in the 2024 Business Plan
Receive the operating forecast information for 2025-2027 for information
💼️✍️ Council and Staff Authorization Requests
Authorize the Executive Management Team (EMT) to add temporary non-comlement positions to the end of the budget year utilizing existing approved funds to deal with any unforeseen circumstances that impact delivery of City Operations
Authorize the EMT to implement the economic adjustment for the Non-Union Group of employees (including full time, part time and students), effective Jan.1, 2024
Authorize staff to submit applications for grants that would reduce expenditures associated with projects, programs and services approved as part of the Operating and Capital Budget
Authorize two of either the Mayor, Clerk, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer or their designates to execute any agreements required to accept grant funding from other levels of government or other partners, to reduce expenditures associated with programs, services, and/or capital projects
Authorize staff to submit applications for grants that would reduce future capital expenditures, fund service enhancements, or enable capital projects to be advanced, with a report or memo presented prior to the execution of any such agreement
Authorize the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to make the necessary alterations to the transfer to and/or from reserves to reflect changes since the 2024 Business Plan's publication on November 15, 2023
Authorize the City Clerk to prepare all necessary bylaws to implement the above recommendations
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Nixon, Kungl, Thomson, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Morales, Hamilton, Nuttall; AGAINST: Courser]
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
➡️📜 Direct Motions
✍️🤐 Motion Without Notice - Signing of Non-Disclosure Agreements
Moved / Seconded: Thomson / Harvey
Introduction CARRIED, unanimously
Motion: Authorize the CAO to sign non-disclosure agreements on behalf of the City, as overseen by the Legal department
CARRIED, unanimously
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
🙋🧐 Enquiries
🙋📣 Announcements
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 155 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 582 Essa Road
Rezone from 'General Commercial' (C4) to 'Mixed Use Corridor with Special Provisions, Hold' (MU2)(SP-651)(H-160)
Bill 156 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 229 McKay Road West
Rezone from 'Neighbourhood Residential' (R5) to 'Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions' (R5)(SP-653) and 'Neighbourhood Residential with Special Provisions' (5)(SP-654)
Bill 157 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 2-12 Prudhoe Terrace
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 158 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 14-20 Prudhoe Terrace
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 159 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 2-16 Rochester Drive
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 160 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 1-15 Prudhoe Terrace
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 161 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 60 & 62 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 162 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 64 & 66 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 163 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 68 & 70 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 164 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 72 & 74 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 165 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 76 & 78 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 166 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 80 & 82 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 167 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 84 & 86 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 168 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 88 & 90 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 169 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 92 & 94 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 170 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 113 & 115 Greer Street
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 171 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 97-111 Greer Street
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 172 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 83-95 Greer Street, odd numbers
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 173 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 52 & 54 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 174 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 56 & 58 Phoenix Boulevard
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 175 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 43-53 Gateway Drive, odd numbers
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 176 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 29-37 Gateway Drive, odd numbers
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 177 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 78 & 80 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 178 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 74 & 76 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 179 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings