Mayor's Christmas Card Contest winner, Lakehead STEM Hub
Minutes: not yet available
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers or online
PRESENT: Nuttall, Thomson, Riepma, Nixon, Kungl, Courser, Nigussie, Harvey, Harris, Hamilton
LATE: Morales
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
Swearing in of incoming student mayor Nyla Francis of Codrington Public School
Comments from outgoing student mayor Mateo Gordon from Trillium Woods Elementary School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Minutes from November 20:
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🎄🧑🎨 2024 Mayor's Christmas Card Contest Winner
Congratulations to Gerlinde Hasselman for her winning entry, "A Barrie Christmas Wonderland"
📑🗂 Reports from Officers
🗣🎙 Deputations
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report from November 27:
Section A (reports received)
RECEIVED (unanimously, we believe - one councillor attending via Zoom)
🏛️🫂 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
Report from November 13:
💸🤷 Affordability Committee
Report from November 14:
Section B (consent items)
CARRIED, unanimously (as stated by the mayor)
🎾🏸 Outdoor Racquet Sports Strategy (April 2024)
Staff Report:
Outdoor Racquet Sports Strategy:
Approve the Strategy in principle to guide the future planning, capital forecasting, and development of outdoor tennis and pickleball facilities within the City
🚏🚍 2025 Transit Network Adjustments
Staff Report:
Revise Phase 2 of the New Transit Network:
Route 2 and Transit ON Demand (TOD) Zone G Adjustments in the first quarter of 2025
Route 8 and TOD Zones A and B Adjustments in the third quarter of 2025, to align with the opening of the Barrie Allandale Transit Terminal
Route 8 adjustments to new Terminal in third quarter of 2025, to align with the opening of the Barrie Allandale Transit Terminal
Implementation of the new Zones E, F and H as TOD Zones, to align with the delivery of the additional buses
🏢🏙️ Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 196 and 202 Dunlop Street West (Ward 2)
Approve the rezoning from 'Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions' (RM2)(SP-189) to 'Mixed Use Corridor with Special Provisions' (MU2)(SP-XXX)
Special Provisions
change front yard setback to 5.83m for 100% of the lot frontage (currently maximum 5m for 25% of the lot frontage)
permit landscaped open space within the front yard (currently required to be paved and seamlessly connected with the sidewalk)
permit storage of refuse within a privately maintained in-ground waste container (currently required to be stored within main building or an accessory structure)
decrease landscaped buffer area from 3m to 2m along the north and west lot lines
increase minimum rear yard setback from 7m to 19m
💌🧑🏫 Invitation to Present - Empower Simcoe
Sponsor: Morales
Invite Empower Simcoe to present to an available City Council meeting
Section C (presentation received)
RECEIVED, unanimously (Morales asked for recorded vote)
🏫🎓 Lakehead University STEM Hub Campus Investment in Barrie
Section D
CARRIED, unanimously (Thomson asked for recorded vote)
🏫🎓 University STEM Hub Campus Investment in Barrie - Lakehead University
Renovate space at the Transit Terminal (24 Maple Avenue) to support the creation of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) University satellite hub of Lakehead University
Cancel Capital Project 001292 Permanent Market Development, reallocate its funding to this project (total of $6.5M funded from the Tax Capital Reserve) to support the opening of the campus for September 2026
$1.25M for 2025
$5.25M for 2026
Authorize the Director of Facilities to negotiate an initial five-year lease for 24 Maple Avenue:
five year term, including an option for renewal
basic rent of $1 for the premises, inclusive of utilities, and to keep the facility to the standard of a first-class building for the premises
Commit $1M in capital contributions towards Lakehead University to support the start-up capital required to equip and fit-out the space at 24 Maple, through the creation of a 2025 Capital Project to be funded from the Reinvestment Reserve and released over 2 years, commencing in 2025 with a $600K contribution
Commit to provide further funding to Lakehead University for four years, also drawn from the Reinvestment Reserve:
$400K in 2026
$800K in 2027
$600K in 2028
$600K in 2029
Authorize the Director of Economic and Creative Development to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with Lakehead University, and Mayor to execute it
alignment on strategic decisions and directions of Lakehead University with the City's strategic priorities
operational funding commitments
City's recognition of its annual partnership funding contribution
commitment to program offerings to meet the needs of the local community and employers and fill needs not currently met by Georgian College, including engineering at the graduate and post-graduate levels
10-year vision for growth and establishing a larger presence as part of a phase 2 program
(at General Committee last week, there was still no satisfactory, concrete answer as to where these new students will be housed - student housing is already a serious issue for Georgian students, how is the city going to realistically handle this new influx?)
Authorize the Director of Facilities to negotiate a new property lease agreement to relocate the Barrie Police satellite office at 24 Maple to another downtown core location "for a term generally consistent with that of the Lakehead lease"
Authorize staff to waive the City's Procurement Bylaw to meet the project timeline (again, waiving the Procurement Bylaw always sends up a number of red flags for us)
Mayor to send correspondence to the Federal Government to request funding, and staff to apply for any grant funding opportunities that are or become available in support of this project
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
➡️📜 Direct Motions
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
📜📜 Bylaws
🏢🏙️ Bill 134 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment, 196 & 202 Dunlop Street West
Rezone the property from 'Residential Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions' (RM2)(SP-189) to 'Mixed Use Corridor with Special Provisions' (MU2)(SP-XXX)
🧑🚒🏛️ Bill 135 - Appointment of Deputy Fire Chief (added last-minute)
Appoint Eric Duffy MacFadden as Deputy Fire Chief for the City of Barrie
📜✅ Bill 136 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
