a deputation on the failed application for temporary agriculture use, establishing a sister relationship with Saginaw, Michigan
Watch Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmPyh3q6eV8
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1170424&GUID=5F766D49-5FA5-4BC0-B883-EC3ADE5C75E4
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
📜🫅 Comments by Outgoing Student Mayor
Gabriel Gagnon, St. Monica's Catholic School
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🎭🎤 National Poetry Month
Poet Laureate, Tyneisha Ternant
April is National Poetry Month
🗣🎙 Deputations
🌾🧑🌾 Temporary Agriculture Use - 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)
Deputation Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12852674&GUID=68838AED-E861-4D31-A148-66EA5A935729
Deputation by Mark Resnick of SmartCentres on behalf of Barrie-Bryne Developments
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 First General Committee Report, April 10
Report, April 10, first meeting: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12849760&GUID=4C9112D8-95C4-468D-8D1E-025D3468CC30
Section A
🤐🧑🚒 Confidential Labour Relations Matter – BPFFA Negotiations
Receive the motion contained within the confidential notes to the report, concerning the discussion of a staff report regarding a confidential labour relations matter related to the BPFFA negoatiations
Section B
🤐🧑🚒 Confidential Labour Relations Matter – 2024 BPFFA Contract Negotiations
Direct the Negotiating Committee to begin contract negotiations with the Barrie Professional Fire Fighter's Association (BPFFA) within the parameters outlined in the confidential staff report, as amended
📝📄 Second General Committee Report, April 10
Report, April 10, second meeting: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12849759&GUID=DC3E8F9E-A59C-4FBE-8E26-C1187C9EF083
Section A (Receipt of Reports)
💵🧑⚖️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
Section B (Items Approved on Consent)
📜📋 International Relations Committee Terms of Reference
Delete the current objectives for the 2022 2026 IRC Terms of Reference and replace with the following:
Economic Objectives for consideration: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12752281&GUID=A28271FF-7023-4C89-9005-B5B3A39B481C
Trade Promotion - increase bilateral trade between sister cities
Business Networking - facilitate networking opportunities for local businesses
Business Ambassadors supporting Invest Barrie - promote Barrie in international networks
Education and Workforce Development - create a well-educated, skilled and adaptable workforce that can contribute to the economic growth, innovation and sustainability for both regions
✍️📮 Correspondence to International Sister Cities / Partnerships
send the correspondence approved February 6 to the City's international sister cities/ partnerships to advise of the new objectives and initiatives of the Committee (correspondence not provided to public)
🤝🏢 Harrogate Business Improvement District (BID) - International Work Exchange Grant (IWEG)
The International Relations Committee in partnership with the Downtown Business Improvement Association (BIA) supports the Harrogate Business Improvement District (BID) International Work Grant exchange program between 2024 to 2028
The Harrogate BID will work with the Barrie BIA to advance the business exchange and learning program
The BIA will be asked to develop the logistics of the program with the IRC supporting areas of the program on a case-by-case basis
💰📊 2023 Investment Management Annual Report
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12735733&GUID=0B5A4206-886A-4C44-9BF6-8A18510FB08C
Receive the report for information
📋✅ Strategic Plan KPIs
Defer this item to the next Finance and Responsible Governance Committee meeting
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12751707&GUID=925E7AE9-9F17-413F-8FF0-AC2DE28AD0C9 from A. Rier, Business Performance Specialist regarding the Key Performance Indicators for Council's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Annual KPI report
🧑🚒🚒 Provincial Trench Rescue Team
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12820234&GUID=3C1A3944-79CB-4C04-B9E5-5DD848FA2D50
Sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Province for Barrie Fire and Emergency Service (BFES) to be designated as a Provincial Technical Rescue (Trench Rescue) team to aid and support the Province's Mutual Aid Plan, with following terms & conditions:
BFES would be part of an Advisory Committee made up of members of all participating members of the Trench Rescue Teams and the Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM)
BFES would provide training and equipment necessary to provide the appropriate level of service and interoperability with other teams, as determined by that Advisory Committee
BFES would have a team of up to 16 emergency responders, with the knowledge and capacity to respond to complex natural or human-caused trench rescue incidents at a Technician level
OFM to reimburse costs for transportation, accommodations or meals associated with scheduled exercises or training
BFES to submit an annual application outlining training, specialized equipment or exercises it requires for potential reimbursement with an annual maximum of $100,000, subject to discretion of OFM
BFES to make best efforts to deploy a Rapid Assessment Team of min.2 qualified personnel, no more than 2 hours from notification of deployment by OFM
OFM responsible for acting as liaison and providing coordination between the Team and municipality where the incident has occurred
BFES reimbursed for costs associated with the OFM's decision to activate the team
Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute similar MoU's with the Province for BFES to aid and support the Mutual Aid Plan, should the Province wish to extend to other technical rescue disciplines, subject to satisfaction of Fire Chief / Director of Emergency Services and Director of Legal Services
🏙️🌆 City-Initiated Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 50 Worsley Street (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12823162&GUID=257AD962-20EC-4AA4-85B1-4D9D8F37C39F
Rezone the property from 'Central Area Commercial Second Density (C1-2)' to 'Central Area Commercial Second Density with Special Provisions and Hold (C1-2)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY)'
Special Provisions:
maximum height:
11m / 3 storeys for a base building
20m / 6 storeys for a mid-section of a building
110m / 36 storeys for a tower
minimum height of first storey of a building is 4.5m
minimum setbacks for base building
0m from north lot line
0m from west lot line
3m from east lot line
0m from south lot line
minimum setbacks and step-backs for a mid-section building:
3m setback from north, west and south lot lines
6m setback from east lot line
1.5m step-back from all exterior walls of the base building
minimum setbacks and step-backs for a tower:
40m setback from north lot line
3m setback from west and south lot lines
6m setback from east lot line
1.5m step-back from all exterior walls of the base building
maximum floor plate size of 950 sq.m required for the 13th storey and above of a building
maximum gross floor area 45,440 sq.m
minimum 1,600 sq.m of commercial use
vehicle access only from Clapperton St., maximum of one vehicle access permitted
minimum parking ratio of 0.6 spaces per residential unit (including visitor parking)
Holding Provision to be applied to the site, removed when the following policies and technical requirements have been addressed:
Section 2.3.2 (d) ii) and Section 6.4.2 e) iii) of the Official Plan [Affordable Housing]
Section (d) of the Official Plan [Building Height]
Submission of a Transportation Impact Study and Parking Study providing functional justification for any proposed parking ratio below 0.7 parking spaces per dwelling unit
All other sections, standards and clauses of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw to apply
Legal & Development Services to explore options for addressing parking equilibrium policies from Official Plan through any future purchase and sale process for the subject lands
💸🏙️ 2024 Downtown Barrie BIA Levy (Ward 2)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12820216&GUID=1E5A449A-EA8F-4D1E-B03A-881AB12DA1CD
Establish a special charge of 0.425211% to levy $726,434 on commercial and industrial properties in the Downtown BIA
Approve the BIA's 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets
💸🌆 2024 Tax Ratios
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12820215&GUID=21C410B0-49D9-42F1-B7AF-59157A502C56
Set the tax ratios for 2024
Maintain two sub-classes for Farmland Awaiting Development, with Phase I receiving a 25% discount from the residential tax rate, and Phase II a 0% discount
Continue existing Rebates for Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations, giving a tax rate of 40% of the current year's taxes, applicable only to the leased space occupied by the organization, with eligible organizations continuing to submit an annual application with evidence of taxes paid
🚫🪧 Request for Exemption from Sign Bylaw - 201 Fairview Road (Ward 8)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12825076&GUID=66811552-5817-4C36-B646-1A9143DD5A4D
Deny the request
Section C (Receive Presentation)
🗑️♻️ Waste Collection Changes
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12823275&GUID=03646905-DCF0-4916-B26A-CD0AFE2A27AC from the Waste Management and Environmental Sustainability Department
Update on the changes to waste collection beginning May 1
Section D
🌾🧑🌾 Temporary Agriculture Use - 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12824257&GUID=18771C39-1C26-4686-A74D-5B1C080C8EB4
The proposed motion was defeated:
Approve the 3-year extension of the temporary use bylaw to permit agriculture, with the following special provisions:
agricultural activities are limited to field crops in an open field
a 30m naturalized buffer must be provided around Lover's Creek and Whiskey Creek
access to the site for farming purposes is restricted to the entrance at Harvie Road
best management practices must be applied in use of fertilizer and pesticides
activities related to the Bryne Drive Extension will take precedence over the temporary use bylaw on the portions of the land identified for roadway construction
Section E
🏙️🌆 City-Initiated Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 48 Dean Avenue (Ward 9)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12823209&GUID=ACB247EE-728B-4BE7-ACEA-00E84BD91B98
Rezone the property from 'Shopping Centre Commercial with Special Provisions (C3)(SP-161)' to 'Residential Apartment Dwelling, Second Density-1 with Special Provisions and Hold (RA2-1)(SP-XXX)(H-YYY)
Special Provisions:
maximum height of 36m, contained within a 45-degree angular plane from centreline of the Dean Avenue right-of-way
minimum side yard setback 3m
maximum lot coverage of 57%
maximum gross floor area 209%
minimum parking 0.8 spaces per unit
maximum parking 1.55 spaces per unit
Privately Owned Public Space (POPS) located within the defined front yard setback
minimum front yard setback of 9m and maximum front yard setback of 19m
minimum rear yard setback of 3m
Holding Provision to be applied to the site, removed when the following policies and technical requirements have been addressed:
Section 6.4.2 e) iii) and iv) of the Official Plan [Affordable Housing]
design process, including opportunity for community input, identifying appropriate size, location and layout, and design treatment of a Privately Owned Public Space (POPS) located within the front yard setback
demonstration of due diligence and best efforts to create shared access with adjacent property owners
All other sections, standards and clauses of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw to apply
Section F
🏙️🌆 City-Initiated Zoning Bylaw - 29 & 35 Sperling Drive (Ward 3)
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12823276&GUID=E1D0C377-2C01-4CF6-A19D-99C798CF9662
Rezone from 'Highway Industrial (HI)' to 'Residential Apartment Dwelling Second Density-2 with Special Provisions, Hold (RA2-2)(SP-659)(H-163)
Special Provisions:
decrease front yard setback to 5m (RA2-2 specifies 7m)
increase maximum lot coverage to 52% (RA2-2 specifies 35%)
increase gross floor area to 265% (RA2-2 specifies 200%)
decrease parking standard to 0.87 spaces per residential unit (standard is 1.5)
All other sections, standards and clauses of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw to apply
Holding Provision to be applied to the site, removed when following complete:
owner/applicant undertakes and agrees to satisfy the requirements of a Certificate of Property Use and/or Record of Site Condition accepted by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks under the Environmental Protection Act prior to any site works or issuance of a Building Permit
owner/applicant satisfies the requirements of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment prior to approval of a Site Plan Application
Section 6.4.2 e) iii) of the Official Plan [Affordable Housing]
Development Services to further examine any additional standards that Committee deems worth exploration beyond the permissions in the Official Plan – including a special policy area to permit increased height and density on the site – and report back to General Committee in June, 2024
Section G
🚶🚸 Pedestrian Crossing Analysis - Mapleton Avenue and Hurst Drive (Wards 6 & 10)
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12820486&GUID=23C25BC5-D7E0-4A52-85E2-0D90C15E69EE
Install a Pedestrian Crossover (Level 2 Type B) at the north leg of Mapleton Avenue and Batteaux Street / Silvercreek Crescent
That $150,000 be considered as part of the 2025 Capital Budget for the design, permitting and construction of a pedestrian crossing installation at Hurst Drive and Manor Gate
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
➡️📜 Direct Motions
🇨🇦🇺🇸 Sister City Relationship with Saginaw Michigan
Moved/Seconded by: Harris, Thomson
Establish a Sister City Relationship with Saginaw, Michigan, under the following terms and conditions:
the agreement reflects the activities that support the approved economic mandate of the International Relations Committee
the agreement be for a term of not more than 4 years, for the purpose of review the relationship with optional renewal, measuring success based on the economic objectives of the International Relations Committee
Send an official delegation in late May with elected officials, members of the International Relations Committee and staff to formalize the agreement, with the travel expenses funded from the International Relations Committee budget, not exceeding $5,000
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 032 - Part Lot Exemption 52 & 54 West Oak Trail
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 033 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 48 & 50 West Oak Trail
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 034 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 44 & 46 West Oak Trail
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 035 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 40 & 42 West Oak Trail
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 036 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 14 & 16 West Oak Trail
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 037 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 182 & 184 Durham Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 038 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 166 & 168 Durham Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 039 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 1 & 3 Amsterdam Drive
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 040 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 11 & 13 Amsterdam Drive
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 041 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 21 & 23 Amsterdam Drive
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 042 - Part Lot Control Exemption, 25 & 27 Amsterdam Drive
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 043 - Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Permit Four Units on Residentially Zoned Lands
Allow up to four residential units on residentially-zoned lands
Bill 044 - Waste Management Bylaw - Alignment with Waste System Changes
Adjust the Waste Management Bylaw to reflect the changes with the new system coming in on May 1
Bill 045 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
