***NOTE the change of day and time***
new committee appointments, an anti-SCS group has been given a seat on the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee without discussion or staff recommendation, updated Community Improvement Plan, and Council gives itself sole discretion on grant recipients
Watch Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VawzidT4CFE
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1170507&GUID=19AF7091-31FA-4119-A4CA-06D202C14467
Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🧑⚖️🫅 Student Mayor(s)
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
🏆🏅 Awards and Recognitions
🗣🎙 Deputations
💰🏙️ Proposed Housing Community Improvement Plan
Deputation Request: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12989772&GUID=3FBD882D-6017-48B9-A664-7958FEFA0F94
Greg Jones
💸⚖️ Tax Applications
📝📄 General Committee Report 1
Report from May 29, 5pm: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=1202701&GUID=8F9E358B-7152-4645-B18B-2245BFCC5EF6
Section A
🤐🏷️ Confidential Potential Acquisition of Property Matter - Acquisition of Land for Municipal Purposes
Receive the motion contained within the confidential notes regarding a confidential potential acquisition of property matter, acquisition of land for municipal purposes
Section B
🤐👥 Confidential Personal Information Matter - Committee Appointments
Receive the motion contained within the confidential notes concerning the staff report regarding a confidential personal information matter, committee appointments
Section C
🤐🏷️ Confidential Potential Acquisition of Property Matter - Acquisition of Land for Municipal Purposes
Direct staff to take the actions identified in the confidential staff report concerning the potential acquisition of property for municipal purposes including the creation of recreational, parkland and community uses
Section D
👥✅ Committee Appointments - Business Licencing Appeal Committee, Heritage Barrie Committee, and Youth Council
Appoint Jim Dickie to the Business Licencing Appeal Committee, with term to expire November 14, 2026
Appoint Robert Clarke and Samantha Loney to the Heritage Barrie Committee, with term to expire November 14, 2026
Appoint Councillors Harris, Morales and Courser to the Youth Council, with Councillor Harris appointed as Chair
Amend the Terms of Reference of the Youth Council to reflect up to three members of Council in the Committee composition
Youth Council members will be appointed for a one-year term with an option to extend to a second year term
Amend the Committee Appointment Bylaw to include the above appointments
📝📄 General Committee Report 2
Report from May 29, 7pm: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12989598&GUID=89E7FA60-0679-46C5-8715-CDBA96B0AC3C
Section A (Items Received on Consent)
📋✅ Strategic Plan KPIs
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12970436&GUID=1788C3E6-1A33-4480-A7AD-344571D88CA5 from A. Rier, Business Performance Specialist regarding the Key Performance Indicators for Council's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Annual KPI report for 2023
Refer this back to staff in Business Performance and Internal Audit prior to a presentation to General Committee (this seems to ignore / defer the key issue of the KPIs - absolutely no affordable housing units have been built or even approved to date under this term of Council)
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
🏛️🛝 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee
Section B (Items Approved on Consent)
🚫🛑 Investigation: No Stopping Zone - St. John Vianney Catholic School
Notice of Discussion Item: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12901631&GUID=6F48BE88-C80C-49FC-8F4D-14F0D3874DCE (Harris)
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of implementing No Stopping restrictions adjacent to St. John Vianney Catholic School and report back to General Committee
🚴♀️🚴♂️ Bike Lane - Grove Street
Notice of Discussion Item: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12901632&GUID=AAEB2D5C-EDB8-4B66-B8CC-4DE154886B6C (Riepma)
Direct Development Services to investigate the restriction of parking on Grove Street East from Johnson Street to PEnetanguishene Road to install a bike lane
🛣️🚸 Raised Intersection - Madelaine Drive and Country Lane
Notice of Discussion Item: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12901633&GUID=87623A89-3F8C-4B64-A349-B2296BD56FBB (Nuttall)
Direct Development Services to submit a Capital Project Intake Form for consideration as part of the 2025 Capital Plan concerning the installation of a raised intersection at Madelaine Drive and Country Lane
🛑🚗 Investigation: Three-Way Stop - Anne Street North and Hanmer Street West
Notice of Discussion Item: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12888567&GUID=B69D0667-98D1-41D7-A6FB-477D6FDADBD0 (Courser)
Staff Memo, February 7: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12891737&GUID=07A276B8-4757-475E-B137-AAF21FA8D01D
Direct Development Services to investigate the feasibility of intersection safety improvements at the intersection of Anne Street North and Hanmer Street West and report back to General Committee
🚪🤗 2024 Doors Open Barrie
That staff in Access Barrie and Economic and Creative Development, in partnership with Tourism Barrie, assist Heritage Barrie with marketing for the Doors Open Barrie 2024 event
🚫🅿️ Sydenham Wells and Penetanguishene Road No Parking
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973564&GUID=045FB388-59BC-4C30-8E70-0838AD0EC08E
Add "No Parking Anytime" to both sides of Penetanguishene Road from Blake Street to Georgian Drive
🛠️📊 2024 Capital Project Status Report Final
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973576&GUID=75395211-7431-4F4B-AE7D-5D1DE187CA28
Appendices: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973566&GUID=E96FFB48-91A7-4A1E-955A-95986F89765C
Authorize staff to close projects with the "Cancelled", "Deferred", or "Completed" status
Authorize staff to release funding commitments of $30.1M and adjust funding plans as described in the Projects Returning Fund and Summary of Funding Adjustments
Authorize staff to increase funding commitments in amount of $3M and adjust funding plans as described in Projects Requesting Funding and Summary of Funding Adjustments
Authorize staff to reallocate funding commitments within the projects resulting in a net zero overall budget change and adjust funding plans as described in Projects Reallocating Fund and Summary of Funding Adjustments
Authorize staff to release funding commitments within capital program projects in amount of $9.8M, reallocate funding commitments between capital program projects, and adjust funding plans as described in Capital Program and Project Closures and Summary of Funding Adjustments
🧾📑 2022 and 2023 Annual Procurement Activity Report and Bylaw Update
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973567&GUID=9D87D8FC-14EA-45D7-B427-C4B20DBAA95D
Bylaw Changes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973565&GUID=DB646766-AB43-4C2C-9086-157E9A050475
Receive the report for information
Change the Procurement Bylaw:
change thresholds
authorize the Chief Procurement Officer to update the Procurement Manual to reflect the new bylaw
🤝🚿 Development Charge Credit Agreement - Hewitt's Creek Secondary Plan Area - Forcemain and Pumping Station
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973579&GUID=FFEBFE87-5B9E-4F81-B67D-D6E012109988
Authorize the General Manager of Infrastructure and Growth Management to negotiate a Development Charge Credit Agreement with the developers for the design of the Hewitts Pump Station and Forcemains
Approve a budget of $3M ($250,000 in 2024, $1,500,000 in 2025, and $1,250,000) for environmental assessments, engineering services, field investigations and city staff costs, with funding from future Wastewater Development Charge Credits
reduce the forecasted budgeted in 2029 and beyond by $3M
Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the negotiated Development Charge Credit Agreement
Authorize the Infrastructure team to oversee the procurement and design phase of the Hewitt Pump Station anf Forcemains Project, with an annual cost of $159,542 to be recovered from the capital project
🌊📑 2023 Municipal Stormwater Management System Report
Stormwater Mangement System Annual Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973557&GUID=5C4BEAB3-4E80-4F45-ACB8-F07B990FD7B4
2023 Municipal Stormwater Managementn System Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973562&GUID=5BF70A78-F671-493F-BC47-8FAF52014A46
Receive the report for information purposes
Section C
🏙️🌆 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 189, 191, 195, 197 Duckworth Street
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973560&GUID=F31F65A4-B281-446C-8A41-67434A2BEF88
Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest, as he and his family own properties that are part of this application
Rezone the property from "Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density" (R2) to "Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions" (RM2)(SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
decrease minimum front yard setback from 7m to 4m
increase minimum rear yard setback from 7m to 10.5m
increase minimum interior side yard setback from 1.8m to 24m
reduce minimum building setback to daylighting triangle from 7m to 1.8m
reduce minimum landscaped open space from 35% to 23% of lot area
increase maximum gross floor area from 60% to 81%
increase maximum building height from 10m to 12.8m
increase maximum density from 53 to 82 units per hectare
reduce unconsolidated amenity area from 12 sq.m to 9.5 sq.m per unit
provide a consolidated amenity space of 126 sq.m
reduce parking ratio from 1.5 to 1.2 spaces per dwelling unit
permit location and storage of refuse within in-ground containers
Section D
👷🛟 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12970694&GUID=65E034E6-EA1F-4C33-9B40-D06A70BBE55F
Establish a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee, including:
Councillor Kungl
Mayor Nuttall
a representative from Barrie Area Ontario Health Team to represent Ontario Health or an entity that provides services to improve the physical or mental health of individuals in the community
a representative from Simcoe County District School Board to represent an entity that provides educational services in the municipality
a representative from the County of Simcoe to represent an entity that provides community or social services in the municipality
a representative from Child and Youth Family Services to represent an entity that provides community or social services to children or youth in the municipality
a representative from Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions to represent an entity that provides custodial services to children or youth in the municipality
a representative from the Barrie Police Services Board
Barrie Police Services' Chief of Police, R. Johnston or his designate, and
a representative of Safe Barrie [NOTE: this was a private group created to OPPOSE a Supervised Consumption Site in Barrie, and was NOT included in the staff report or recommendation as even an option - this appointment was snuck in without discussion at General Committee last week]
Approve the draft Terms of Reference
Amend the Procedural Bylaw as follows:
Add the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee to the list of Special and Advisory Committees, with the mandate "To review the City of Barrie's 2021 to 2024 Community Safety and Well-Being Plan: Our Shared Plan for a Safer Barrie and provide advice to City Council on any potential revisions to the Plan as well as reporting on the status of the plan
Add to the chart contained in paragraph 14 of Schedule 'B' the Community Safety Well-Being Plan Committee identifying that it reports to the Community Safety Committee.
Authorize the Committee and staff to collaborate with the County of Simcoe to align Community Safety and Well-being Plans, where appropriate and feasible
Section E
🏎️📸 Lease of Additional Speed Enforcement Cameras
Notice of Discussion Item: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12901634&GUID=D93EA8CE-53F6-4F9B-96F6-644776170B1F (Nuttall)
Authorize Development Services to lease two additional automated speed enforcement cameras to be funded through the program revenue in the operating budget
Direct Access Barrie to prepare a city-wide mailout about the cameras and traffic safety, at a cost of $10,000 to be funded through thte ASE program revenue in the operating budget
Section F
🚸🦺 Adult School Crossing Guard Program
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973558&GUID=B4C96078-60AE-4A82-9FF8-6ED2D3238D37
Refer this to a future Community Safety Committee meeting
Section G
💰🏙️ Proposed Housing Community Improvement Plan
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973580&GUID=7B6AB704-2F06-46AB-B246-669F55E15E3D
Draft Community Improvement Project Area Bylaw: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973568&GUID=4502A5A7-C571-4626-8236-B8ADB07D46B6
Draft Housing Community Improvement Plan Bylaw: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973569&GUID=41D0CE89-E912-495A-B9D1-74958A9D4D2D
Proposed Housing CIP (May 2024): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973570&GUID=C023A91C-4D70-4EB2-9019-2B3589713804
Summary of Proposed Changes to Draft Housing CIP: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973571&GUID=04637EE7-38F7-4C91-83D3-AF0F41A39731
Development Services Housing Bulleting v1.1: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973572&GUID=6E81C538-A52F-47CA-A502-2C216817A3B6
Draft Housing CIP Score Cards: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973573&GUID=F19ECD77-61C2-4331-A65F-5F930868FC74
Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest, as the provisions in the proposed terms of reference could apply to a development he is associated with, potentially resulting in financial gains
Replace Bylaw 2020-006 with the new Housing Community Improvement Project Area Bylaw
Replace Bylaws 2020-007 and 2021-041 with the new Housing CIP Bylaw, to approve the proposed new Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
Reallocate the current CIP Reserve Fund:
$162,082.50 retained for processing any outstanding approved grants under the existing heritage grant program, with remaining funds set aside for a new Conservation of Built Heritage CIP
$4,396,964.50 reallocated to the new Housing CIP Reserve Fund
Any outstanding grant payments under the former Built Boundary CIP, and the affordable housing grant and redevelopment grant programs under the current City-Wide CIP be void upon adoption of the new Housing CIP Bylaw
Allocate $2,000,000.00 from the Federal Housing Accelerator Fund and $3,603,035.50 from the province's Building Faster Fund to the Housing CIP Reserve Fund, and transfer the balance of the Building Faster Fund to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve
Implement the Housing CIP as follows:
entirety of initial Housing CIP Reserve Fund ($10M) allocated to the Per Door Grant
one intake period scheduled for the Per Door Grant in 2024
implement the Non-Reserve Fund Community Improvement Programs as soon as the Housing CIP takes effect
implement the remaining Housing CIP programs in 2025, subject to annual budget deliberations
Section H
💰📊 2023 Budget and Business Plan Year-End Report
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973559&GUID=9C1F44FF-1B43-4D12-849D-5EA82830EF68
Receive the report
Have staff give a presentation to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee regarding the status of reserve funds, with recommendations to bring the tax funded reserve levels to the provincial average and to bring the Tax Capital Reserve into conformity with the City's Financial Policy Framework in the fall of 2024
Give Carnival Barrie $5000 from the 2023 year end tax surplus being allocated to the tax rate stabilization reserve, for their festival planned on August 31 and September 1, 2024, subject to event permits successfully being issued by the city
Carnival Barrie to provide an Event Impact Report to Council before March 2025 regarding their 2024 Festival
Section I
💰🏀 Recreation and Sport Community Grant Adjudication Process
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973574&GUID=14EF7492-8A6B-4449-B079-4D56F8F309D5
Change the adjudication panel for this grant to replace the current panel composition with the Director of Recreation and Culture Services, a representative from Economic and Creative Development, a representative from Tourism Barrie, and two members of the community
City Clerk to work with the Director of Recreation and Culture Services to recruit the two citizen members
Have this change take effect immediately, so the new panel can adjudicate the applications received for the Spring 2024 Recreation and Sport Community Grant intake process
In consideration of further changes to the structure of the adjudication process in 2025, staff in the Recreation and Culture Services Department to examine grant processes and models of other municipalities including the City of Guelph and report back to General Committee
Section J
🔆😎 Bright Futures Barrie Grant Adjudication Process
Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12973575&GUID=C6381073-A148-46D4-87C9-1E98ADB778AF
Change the adjudication panel for this grant to be made up of the five members of the Community Safety Committee
Authorize the ex-officio members to appoint an alternate member of Council to serve in their place
Forward the recommendations of the panel to the Community Safety and Well-Being Committee for input and consultation prior to final approval of the recipients to receive the funding
Have this change take effect immediately, so the new panel can adjudicate the applications received for the 2025/2026 Bright Futures Barrie grant intake process in the fall of 2024
This is taking away staff involvement in the decision-making process, and leaving it entirely up to five members of Council who will receive grant money. While the Community Safety and Well-Being Committee will be able to give input, it is still Council Members who will be deciding (in camera) who will receive grant money. This appears to be a highly problematic and unethical setup.
Section K
🏛️📚 Barrie Public Library's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Memorandum: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12987020&GUID=EBFB6786-406F-4303-8188-2895F8531AE9 from Barrie Library Board and Chief Executive Officer
A list of the Library's KPIs, and how they align with the City's Strategic Plan
Refer this to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee meeting in October 2024
🤐🏷️ Confidential re: Acquisition or Disposition of Land - Waterlot
Confidential Memorandum from M. Banfield, Executive Director of Development Services concerning a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality - waterlot.
Refer this to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee for consideration
⏸️⏯️ Deferred Business
➡️📜 Direct Motions
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 056 - Part Lot Control, 1 Milburn Street
Exempt this property from Part Lot Control
Bill 057 - Part Lot Control, 339 Veterans Lane
Exempt this property from Part Lot Control
Bill 058 - Part Lot Control, 90-92 Sagewood Avenue
Exempt these properties from Part Lot Control
Bill 059 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 189-197 Duckworth Street (Ward 1)
Rezone these properties to 'Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density - Special Provision No.660 (RM2)(SP-660)
Bill 060 - Community Improvement Project Area
Update the current designated Community Improvement Project Area
Bill 061 - Community Improvement Plan
Update the Community Improvement Housing Plan
Bill 062 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
