While this appears like a lot of items to cover, most of them were passed on consent last week, so are not likely to take much time again. There will be a presentation about extreme wind risk reduction measures for new builds in Barrie, plus recognition of the "I Love Barrie" contest winners, and the Silver Medal-Winning Barrie Sharks. (Go Sharks!!!)
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=913803&GUID=567EF9F1-F97B-4548-BA7D-27C9E21FF502
Watch Again: https://youtu.be/Vab_CelDSxE
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=913803&GUID=567EF9F1-F97B-4548-BA7D-27C9E21FF502
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=953326&GUID=7A2C0C4F-F07A-4D1A-B651-8B0809AEC06C&Options=info|&Search=
ON LEAVE: Lehman
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Confirmed unanimously
Minutes from April 11: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10855387&GUID=7CE999D8-D0FF-443B-98FC-C21F195D89CA
🏆🌟 Awards and Recognition
❤️✍️ Recognition of the "I Love Barrie" contest winners
⚕️🧑⚕️ Recognition of Parkinson Disease Awareness Month
Information from Parkinson Canada: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10857136&GUID=575BA2F2-FB81-4F7B-B3F9-6220F66A4D86
🏒🥅 Recognition of the U13AA Barrie Sharks Women's Hockey Team
Silver Medal Winners of the Ontario Women's Hockey Association (OWHA) Provincial Championship
💸📑 Tax Applications
Carried unanimously
Applications for reduction to taxes, total amount $4,974.82
Applications: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10855369&GUID=00D022EF-0860-41EA-995D-D44FD680B8B4
📝📄 General Committee Report
Carried Unanimously
Report from April 11, Sections B & C: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10855386&GUID=8C271CE2-D0AB-4C13-9811-AA5FC295EF17
Section B
🤫🧑⚖️ Confidential Labour Relations / Employee Negotiations Matter – 2022 CUPE Negotiations
Staff Report
To receive confidential motion re: discussion of a Staff Report regarding the confidential labour relations / employee negotiations matter
Section C
🤫🧑💼 Confidential personal information matter – Staff Position Review
To receive the confidential motion re: confidential personal information matter
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Carried Unanimously
Report from April 12: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10855383&GUID=515B54D2-1593-4D7A-AB75-E57A1BAAA16C
Section A
🏗🏘 Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 521 Huronia Road (Ward 9)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10712213&GUID=543913F8-95D5-4899-87F5-C2248E00D4B3
Amend Official Plan to redesignate from General Industrial and Environmental Protection to Residential and Environmental Protection
Amend Zoning Bylaw to rezone from Agriculture and Environmental Protection to Residential Multiple Second Densitiy with Special Provisions, Hold (RM2 SP-XXX H-XXX) and Environmental Protection
Special Provisions for Residential Multiple Second Density with Special Provisions:
minimum residential parking standard 1.2 spaces per unit (1.5 is standard)
permit back-to-back townhouse units, to maximum of 50% of the total unit count
maximum density 47 units per hectare (currently max 40 u/ha)
minimum consolidated outdoor amenity area provided at 5 sq.m per unit, and 12 sq.m per unit in an unconsolidated form (12 sq.m consolidated is standard)
maximum building height of 12.5m (10m is standard)
minimum landscape area 32% (35% is standard)
Bring bylaw forward to Council to remove the Holding symbol on these lands when the alignment, design and access permissions are confirmed for municipal servicing infrastructure, and the road connection to Loon Ave. across the adjacent property
Owner/applicant is required to provide community benefits per Section 37 of Planning Act and Section 6.8 (Height and Density Bonusing) of the Official Plan
🏘🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 189 Summerset Drive (Ward 6)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703602&GUID=AF235B8D-B5D0-4D96-9067-D9F9E9BD8451
Amend Zoning Bylaw from Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) to Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provisions (RM2 SP-XXX)
Special Provisions:
parking standard of 1.27 parking spaces per unit (1.5 required)
permitted uses to include 6-storey apartment building (max.4 storeys for walk-up permitted), and back-to-back townhouses to a maximum of 50% or 156 units (whichever is greater)
minimum rear yard setback of 2.8m (7m required)
maximum gross floor area of 116% (max 60% permitted)
maximum building height of 21m for the 6-storey apartment building (max. height for 4-storey walkup is 20m), and 13m for the back-to-back and block/stacked townhouse units (max is 10m)
maximum density of 70 units per hectare (40-53 permitted)
12 sq.m per unit of consolidated amenity area in 2 separate locations (12 sq.m consolidated in one location required)
remove requirement for 3m continuous landscape buffer along the side and rear property lines
Owner/applicant is required to provide community benefits per Section 37 of Planning Act and Section 6.8 (Height and Density Bonusing) of the Official Plan
✍️🧑⚖️ Delegation of Approval Authority for the Removal of a Holding Symbol
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703596&GUID=41B16A99-AB2B-47F7-B9A8-981A3C0433BC
Delegate authority to remove a holding symbol to the Director of Development Services or their designate
Any member of Council, the applicant, or staff may request that an application with a holding symbol be "bumped up" to Council for approval for unresolved matters
Section B
🗣🏘 Public Meeting – 969, 979 & 989 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
Public Meeting Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703597&GUID=AE41B74C-C974-4124-88FE-092E152B39E8
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703600&GUID=10F789C1-EDCA-4B19-BC83-6277B44078FE
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703598&GUID=EE7BAB75-AE6C-40EB-B1CD-7BF04A6DBE4C
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision in the Hewitt's Secondary Plan Area
Proposal creating 11 blocks – 2 for mixed-use development, 2 for residential development, 1 for road widening, 1 for a stormwater management facility, 2 for the natural heritage system, 1 for a temporary cul-de-sac, 1 for the future road allowance, and 1 for future development (only the first 10 are proposed for rezoning under this application process)
Application submitted by MHBC Planning Ltd. on behalf of Sandy Creek Estates
Seeking to rezone Blocks 1-10 from Agricultural General (AG), Rural Residential (RR) and Environmental Protection (EP) in Town of Innisfil to Neighbourhood Mixed Use with Special Provisions (NMH SP-XXX), Residential Neighbourhood (R5) and Environmental Protection (EP)
Special Provisions proposed include modified setback provisions, vehicular access restrictions to Mapleview Drive, reduced street level floor height to 2.3m and permissions for the stormwater management pond use
🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 947 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 10)
Public Meeting Notice: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703595&GUID=73D59B5F-4C8A-49BF-A66E-FD2B7ED3A3A1
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703599&GUID=52810B5E-464F-497C-9F2F-B088A9E8481E
Staff Memo: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10703594&GUID=8DAE671A-772B-490D-A334-729CC3B14935
Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment in the Hewitt's Secondary Plan Area
Proposal to permit the construction of a 6-storey mixed-use building containing 96 residential units and approximately 300 sq.m of ground floor commercial space, with 158 surface parking spaces
Application submitted by the Goodreid Planning Group on behalf of Mapleview Friday Corporation
Seeking to rezone from Rural Residential (RR) in Town of Innisfil to Neighbourhood Residential Multiple Zone - Special (RM3 SP-XXX) with site-specific provisions
Site-specific zoning provisions include:
recognizing the Mapleview Drive East frontage as the front lot line
front yard setback of 0m (3m required)
landscaped buffer strip with minimum width of 2.6m along side & rear lot lines (min. 3m required)
maximum parking lot coverage of 45% of the lot area (max. 40% permitted)
📝📄 General Committee Report
Carried Unanimously
Report from April 25: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10859623&GUID=87FB3CCA-0088-445C-8D70-E77BAE77AB58
Section A
💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Report from April 4: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819933&GUID=EECA7C80-4C58-480C-853F-F12892A61CE7
Receive the report
🌇🌃 City Building Committee
Report from April 12: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819934&GUID=FE781048-23ED-48B9-A371-4B89B1126FD5
Receive the report
Section B
🧕🏾👨🏽 Investigate City Procedures and Policies to Encourage Greater Diversity on City Committees
Direct the Legislative and Court Services Department, in consultation with the Anti-Racism Task Force, to revise the Discretionary Committee application procedures and policies to encourage and recruit a greater diversity of membership on City Committees and report back to General Committee
🏁🚦 Participation in the "It Starts With Me" Initiative
Direct Access Barrie, in consultation with the Anti-Racism Task Force and the County of Simcoe, investigate opportunities for the City of Barrie to participate in the “It Starts with Me” initiative and report back to General Committee.
🧓🧑⚕️ Nominating a Senior / Caregiver Of The Year
Refer to next Spirit Catcher Committee meeting: "That staff in the Legislative and Court Services, in consultation with the Seniors Advisory Committee, establish an award in recognition of seniors and be included as part of the Annual Spirit Catcher Award."
📑🏰 Municipal Heritage Register - 56 William Street
Add 56 William Street to the Municipal Heritage Register as a listed property
📃🏰 Heritage Designation 125-127 Dunlop St. E.
Receive the Heritage Evaluation Report, which demonstrates that 125-127 Dunlop St. E. is of heritage value or interest to the community
Proceed with the issuance of the notice of the intention to designate 125-127 Dunlop St. E
📈📉 Budget and Business Plan Year-End Report (2021)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819927&GUID=5D6E26F7-3C9D-422F-8CF1-A5AFD84022A2
To receive the report
😷🎚 Safe Restart
Use $1,406,509 of Safe Restart Funding (Municipal Operations) in addition to the budgeted $1,322,000 of Safe Restart Funding to offset COVID-19 pressures related to expenses and lost revenues associated with Tax Rate supported services
Use $1,044,533 of Safe Restart Funding (Municipal Operations) to offset pressures related to expenses and lost revenues associated with Parking Services
Use $270,010 to offset pressures related to lost revenue in Wastewater Services as a result of freezing the rates at 2020 levels
Use $1,958,872 of Safe Restart Funding (Transit) to offset pressures related to expenses and lost revenues associated with Transit Services, in lieu of drawing from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve (to support the reserve balance for ongoing Transit pressures in 2022)
💵↔️ Reserve Transfers
Make the following adjustments, and the remaining Tax Rate surplus of $579,862 be allocated 70% to the Tax Capital Reserve and 30% to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, in accordance with the City's Financial Policies:
$1,886,627 transferred to County of Simcoe Capital Reserve to support future capital requirements
$800,000 transferred to WSIB Reserve to fund anticipated 2022 expenses
$356,379 transferred to Fleet Management Reserve re: capital gains on sale of fleet vehicles
$350,000 transferred to the Tax Capital Reserve for leasehold improvements of the Holly Library
$225,000 transferred to Tourism Reserve to offset diminished revenue throughout 2021
$400,000 transferred from Development Charge Discounts Reserve to offset impact of DC Discounts
$150,000 transferred from Legal Reserve to cover increased expenses for summary judgement hearing preparation
Water Rate surplus of $1,153,401 allocated 70% to the Water Capital Reserve and 30% to the Water Rate Stabilization Reserve in accordance with City's Financial Policies
After the wastewater-related Safe Restart funding allocations, Wastewater Rate surplus of $732,017 allocated 70% to Wastewater Capital Reserve and 30% to Wastewater Rate Stabilization Reserve in accordance with City's Financial Policies
After the parking-related Safe Restart funding allocations, the Parking Rate surplus of $887,504 allocated to Parking Capital Reserve
A new capital project be created for Holly Library Leasehold Improvements with a budget of $350,000 funded from Tax Capital Reserve
➕🧾 Other
That $2,921,754 in discretional Development Charge discounts and exemptions granted during the year be recovered from the related rates as follows:
$2,033,239 from the 2021 year-end Tax supported operating results;
$301,489 from the 2021 year-end Water Rate operating results; and
$587,026 from the 2021 year-end Wastewater Rate operating results.
💰📊 2021 Year End Development Charge Reports and Treasurer's Statement
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819930&GUID=03510572-351D-42D1-BB2A-C7C4FC93823B
Appendix A – Annual Treasurer's Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement:https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819922&GUID=D6EFB1E9-4581-4B80-A098-E4C561A4A929
Appendix B – Municipal Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement with Project Activity:https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819923&GUID=8F7DC688-1996-462C-B8C9-0D4E1E1D39E9
Appendix C – Listing of Section 13 Credits (owing where a front ending agreement existed prior to the first City bylaw under the Development Charges Act, 1997): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819924&GUID=EDA73CF1-0D64-4A9E-8DCB-2C147F93DE86
Appendix D – Listing of Section 38 Credits (owing where a front ending agreement exists subsequent to the first City bylaw under the Development Charges Act, 1997): https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819925&GUID=1CE7545D-01C3-49FA-96FA-2438222ADECF
To receive the report and appendices
💰🏞 2021 Year End Cash In Lieu of Parkland Report and Treasurer's Statement
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819926&GUID=4DFF5638-53C5-4FC3-B424-1F6E64CC593D
To receive the statements
💸✋ 2022 Tax Ratios and Capping Policies
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819928&GUID=1BFFAA99-BA64-46B8-84CD-9DD65A8F064B
Establish the tax ratios for the 2022 taxation year:
Residential/farm property class 1.000000
New Multi-residential 1.000000
Multi-residential 1.000000
Commercial Occupied 1.433126
Industrial Occupied 1.516328
Pipelines 1.103939
Farmlands 0.250000
Managed forest 0.250000
Landfills 1.067122
Discontinue the capping phase-out option for commercial class, as no properties remain within the capping parameters
Maintain two sub-classes for Farmland Awaiting Development in each of the multi-residential, commercial, and industrial property classes at the following discounts:
Phase I – 25% discount from residential tax rate
Phase II – 0% discount from applicable property class tax rate
Continue with existing Rebates for Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations Program providing a tax rebate at a rate of 40% of the current year's taxes, applicable only to the leased space occupied by the organization – eligible organizations continue to submit annual application
🏫📃 Southshore Community Centre Facility User Agreement Renewal
Renew Southshore Community Centre Facility Use Agreements with the Barrie Canoe and Kayak Club, the Barrie Rowing Club, the Rotary Club of Barrie, and the Rotary Club of Barrie-Huronia
term from May 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026, with option to extend for 5 years
Barrie Rowing Club and Barrie Canoe and Kayak Club continue exclusive use of the lower level of the Southshore Community Centre
The two Rotary Clubs continue to have right-of-first-refusal to book the Community Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays for their weekly lunch hour meetings
Community Parters shall fund the following facility improvements:
Rotary Clubs funding technological improvements focused on enhanced internet connectivity, value $40-50,000
Rowing and Canoe Clubs to fund facility repairs, value $8-10,000
Rental rates paid by Barrie Rowing Club will include all occupancy costs including electricity, water and natural gas, in amount of $1,110 per year, payable by January 1st of each year – fee subject to increase based on consumer price index (CPI)
Rental rates paid by Barrie Canoe & Kayak Club will be equivalent amount and terms
🚶🚦 Pedestrian Safety – Collier St. & Bayfield St. Intersection
Direct Development Services to investigate pedestrian and cyclist safety and possible signalled crossings at the intersection of Collier St. & Bayfield St. and report back to General Committee
💊🧑⚖️ Support Bill C-216
Send correspondence to the Prime Minister, and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, in support of Private Member's Bill C-216 "An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to enact the Expungement of Certain Drug-related Convictions Act and the National Strategy on Substance Use Act"
Section C
🚴🌃 Bike the Night
Direct Access Barrie to work with the Active Transportation and Sustainability Advisory Committee to produce promotional materials for the Bike the Night event, including printed material and social media assets, with a budget of $2000 to be funded by an internal transfer from Councillor Aylwin's expense budget.
Section D
📛🪧 Municipal Names Registry – Additional Names
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10819932&GUID=2BC1CADD-1D52-4496-8DE3-0B3D4020C49C
Approve and add the following names to the City's Municipal Names Registry:
Give consideration to adding the names of the Barrie Flyers players identified in the correspondence dated March 30, 2022, to Councillor Kungl from C. & A. Gariepy, to the Street Name Listing
Section E
🌉👷 Jonathan Court Catwalk
MOTION LOST: Direct Operations to investigate the feasibility of closing the access to the catwalk from Jonathan Court to Davidson St., due to ongoing safety issues, and report back to General Committee before summer recess
Receive the vote on this motion
🌪🏗 Extreme Wind Risk Reduction Measures for New Builds in Barrie
Presentation from the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) concerning extreme wind risk reduction measures for new builds in Barrie
Expressed frustration that the City hadn't implemented incentives for builders. For only a few hundred dollars per home, the damages caused by last year's tornado would have been eliminated, and would be severely reduced for a stronger tornado. There need to be measures put in place while waiting for changes to the Ontario Building Code.
📜📜 Bylaws
All carried unanimously
Bill 031 – Barrie Public Art Committee Appointments
appoint Andrea Araujo, Sharon Bagot, Emily Emond, Jenn Guerin, Craig Handy, Sarah Jensen and Laura Kelly for the duration of the current Council Term
Bill 032 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, 95-125 Fairlane Ave (odd numbers only)
Release subdivision Block 8
Bill 033 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, 80-100 Fairlane Ave (even numbers only) and 139-159 Gateland Drive (odd numbers only)
Release subdivision Block 9
Bill 034 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, 1-21 Haven Lane (odd numbers only) and 140-160 Gateland Drive (even numbers only)
Release subdivision Block 10
Bill 035 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, 2-22 Haven Lane (even numbers only) and 131-151 Turnberry Lane (odd numbers only)
Release subdivision Block 11
Bill 036 – Shepherd Drive
Create the public road Shepherd Drive
Bill 037 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, part of 101 Blue Forest Cresc
Release part of subdivision Block 1
Bill 038 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, part of 100 Blue Forest Cresc
Release part of subdivision Block 2
Bill 039 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, part of 36 Blue Forest Cresc
Release part of subdivision Block 3
Bill 040 – Part Lot Control Exemption Bylaw, part of 39 Blue Forest Cresc
Release part of subdivision Block 5
Bill 041 – Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the meeting's proceedings
