Lots on the table, although most passed by consent at General Committee – likely some discussion on the Council Compensation Review Committee's recommendations. Also a presentation on the International Relations Committee's launch of the International Partners Website, and a presentation by RVH with an update on the RVH Capital Plans.
Minutes: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=M&ID=913790&GUID=2B2A60DC-9DC9-433B-A8DD-B5FAB0F1FCC3
Watch Online: https://youtu.be/YOpW28GZyBk
Agenda: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=913790&GUID=2B2A60DC-9DC9-433B-A8DD-B5FAB0F1FCC3
Circulation List: https://barrie.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=914230&GUID=4FC7E811-9148-4E72-B2E0-B1C37B70CA33&Options=info|&Search=
📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
Confirmed as Circulated
Minutes from City Council, February 14: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10570733&GUID=58B231B3-2DE8-4AD3-B613-46DB54D54289
📝📄 General Committee Report
General Committee, February 28: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10570737&GUID=596B5920-3568-4D75-BF5E-D2906C4B0E90
Section A
Approved unanimously
💰🧑⚖️ Council Compensation Review Committee
Report from January 7: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546817&GUID=8772726E-FBD9-483C-B895-0B1E937A5C03
To receive the report
💰🧑⚖️ Council Compensation Review Committee
Report from February 4: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546818&GUID=47D86BE5-6FD2-475C-9D89-AAFED6C4A912
To receive the report
🌇🌃 City Building Committee
Report from February 8: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10561864&GUID=E84A1DAE-4282-4636-AAB6-4C1A05D57DF1
To receive the report
📑💰 Report of the Council Compensation Review Committee
Report from February 11: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546819&GUID=E6A21EFB-0EC1-4D18-B10E-DDCAE1DD0386
To receive the report
Section B
Approved unanimously
🚽🏭 Wastewater Asset Management Plan
Corporate Asset Management Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10504143&GUID=B4BEF0D8-8A06-4073-B2BA-4077DC2B50BE
2022 Wastewater Asset Management Plan: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10504136&GUID=2B7EA4B1-26E8-4970-8956-3572458DCE69
Approve the plan
📑🏰 Municipal Heritage Register
Add 72 Burton Avenue to the Municipal Heritage Register as a listed property.
🚴🌃 Bike The Night
Endorse a Bike The Night event for September 2022
🏆🤝 Potential Sponsorship Opportunities Between Barrie and District Realtors Association (BDAR) and Heritage Barrie Committee
Investigate potential sponsorship opportunities for BDAR to support future Heritage Barrie Awards or other Committee initiatives and report back to the Committee
🍽🍻 Economic Recovery Programs 2022 – Patios, Open Air Dunlop, Business In The Parks, Patios Everywhere and Downtown BIA Patio Program
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546814&GUID=D76E1CA7-5820-4AEA-8761-D872008D9C66
Patios Everywhere / Downtown BIA Patio Program
Approve the Patio Programs, including refreshment vehicles, running from April 1 - November 30, 2022
Charge only half price for new applications in 2022
Any previously approved patio can be renewed at no charge
Extend patio hours:
Entry / Re-entry until 11:30pm M-Th, 1:45am F-Sa (currently 10:30 all days)
Remaining on the patio until 12:15am M-Th, 2:30am (currently 11:15 all days)
No amplified sound after 11pm, all other regulations and bylaws continue to apply
Non-compliance could result in permits being revoked or further conditions being added
Business In The Parks Program
Extend Pilot Program to December 31
Add Cheltenham Park, East Bayfield Community Park, Eastview Park, Ferndale Park, Golden Meadow Park, Little Lake Park, Lougheed Park, Madelaine Park, Painswick Park, Sandringham Park, Shear Park, St. Vincent Park, and Tyndale Park to the authorized list of parks for the program, and to the list of parks to which the private function permit fees apply
Open Air Dunlop
Support the pedestrianization of Dunlop Street, in partnership with the Downtown Barrie Business Association, through the Open Air Dunlop programming, subject to approval of all required special event permits and the SMDHU requirements
17 consecutive Saturdays on Dunlop St. E between Mulcaster & Clapperton, and on Dunlop St. W between Bayfield and Maple, from June 4 until September 24
3 pop-up closures on the same portions: October 8 (Thanksgiving), October 29 (Halloween), and November 19 (Noella tree lighting)
Contribute $60,000 to support the 20 required road closures
⛽️💰 2021/2022 Ontario Gas Tax Funding Agreement
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546813&GUID=38F59F69-6072-43A9-B232-0295E5954121
Execute a Letter of Agreement with the Province to allow for the alignment of the program year with the Provincial fiscal year
🏥📊 Invitation to Present – Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH)
Invite the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre to give a presentation to Council re: an update on the RVH capital plans
🚫🅿️ Parking Restrictions – Davidson Street
Add "No Parking" and "No Stopping" restrictions on the east side of Davidson St. from Grove St. E and Parkdale Cresc. between 8am and 5pm, except on Saturdays, Sundays, and Statutory Holidays
📱✍️ Resident Mobile App
Waive the requirements of the Procurement Bylaw and award a contract for the provision of a Resident Mobile App for five years with a limit of $110,000
Section C
Approved unanimously
📜📑 Barrie Arts Advisory Committee Mandate / Strategic Priorities
Amend to add the following mandate:
To advise City Council and staff on all matters regarding the arts and culture in the City of Barrie
Replace the Objectives in Section 3 with the following:
To ensure that arts and culture is appropriately represented in City plans, policy initiatives, infrastructure projects, and budgets, wherever and whenever possible This undertaking has as its purpose, the development of the City of Barrie as a vibrant, unique, and diverse centre for the arts.
Section D
📑💰 Report of the Council Compensation Review Committee
Report from February 11: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10547638&GUID=F58EF9B3-9B4E-41D9-9065-8178360EE9F5
Please note that these are recommendations to come into effect November 15 – i.e., for the newly-elected Council, not the current one
Council Compensation:
Base salary for Mayor to be increased with a phased-in schedule – current is $122,580, raising to $142,008 by 2026
Base salary for Councillors to increase to $40,983
Additional compensation for Deputy Mayor to increase by $2,500/year
Continue to align base salary cost of living adjustment with the annual percentage provided to the Non-Union Employee Group.
Benefits & Pensions:
Provide Members of Council the option to be enrolled in the Non-Union Group Extended Health and Dental Benefits Plan
Life Insurance Policy for Members of Council set at two times their annual remuneration
Enrol Mayor and Members of Council in the OMERS Pension Program
Continue enrolment in Employee and Family Assistance Program for Members of Council
Expense Reimbursements:
Annual Car Allowance set at Councillors $2,400, Deputy Mayor $3,600, Mayor $6,600
Expense account allocations for Mayor and Councillors established on the basis of forecasted population
Members of Council will be reimbursed for successful completion of courses offered through the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (max. $1,600 per year per member)
Council Conference Budget maximum $25,000 annually
Submission of Council Member expenses for reimbursement will be in accordance with the Finance Department's year-end reporting deadlines
2022 Municipal Election Candidate Package will include:
Time requirements and expectations associated with serving on Council
List of external and internal Boards and Committees that require Council member representation
Process for expressing interest in serving as Deputy Mayor
Amendment by Thomson/J.Harris: That motion 22-G-041 of Section D of the General Committee Report dated February 28, 2022 be amended by deleting the following words in paragraph 2 c): "and members of Council"
AMENDMENT CARRIED [FOR: Riepma, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, McCann, Lehman; AGAINST: Aylwin, Morales]
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
Section E
🥒🎾 Investigation to Construct Professional Grade Pickleball Courts
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546816&GUID=159958B8-C337-4D6E-8A05-0216746527DF
To refer the Report back to Development Services to report on the ability to develop 8, 12 and 14 new pickleball courts at Painswick Park, including available procurement options, and report back to General Committee on March 21
Amendment by Kungl/Ward: That motion 22-G-042, Section E of the General Committee Report dated February 28, 2022 be amended to add the following paragraph: "That an Outdoor Racquet Sports Strategy that would provide direction on outdoor pickleball and tennis recreational facilities across the City be included in the 2023 Capital Budget for Council's consideration."
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
Section F
Approved unanimously
🚫🅿️ No Parking Any Time – Pepin Court (Ward 10)
Staff Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546812&GUID=33F9D1F9-1D65-48DE-855B-358B61EE7058
Extend "No Parking" zone on Pepin Court on the north side from Prince William Way to 150m east, and on the north side from Prince William Way to 90m east
Section G
🚰🧑🔬 Water Operations Branch 2021 Drinking Water System Reports
Water Operations Branch 2021 Annual Report: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546811&GUID=ED3F5D79-DB21-441E-B969-9B8705E82023
Annual Report, Schedules A - E: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10546810&GUID=1128B028-5E69-441D-B814-572EF3F0D02A
Receive the reports for information purposes
🎨🖼 Community Art Project
Investigate the potential to deliver a community art project in the summer of 2022 (i.e. painting of an art wall or a skateboard park on City property) and report back with the required costs and resourcing, as well as any potential sponsorship opportunities
💸⚖️ Request Province for Plan to Address Joint and Several Liability
Correspondence from Township of South Glengarry: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10519254&GUID=35BCF41C-AF61-4CC9-90C7-CAE477ED57EA
Refer letter to Legal Services for further information and report back to Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Riepma noted that they had been speaking to Legal Services, who indicated they had been supportive of a motion like this for some time, so there was no point in referring this back.
Amendment by Riepma/Ward: That motion 22-G-046 of Section G of the General Committee Report dated February 28, 2022 concerning a Request to the Province of Ontario for a Plan of Action to address Joint and Several Liability be deleted and replaced with the following: [Not read in Council, truncated on Legistar site – essentially, supporting the Association of Municipalities of Ontario's recommendations to align municipal liability with the proportionate responsibility for incidents and capping awards, and joining in their call to the Province]
MOTION, as amended, CARRIED unanimously
🇺🇳🧑💻 International Partners Website
Presentation: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10626337&GUID=0F507DC4-049E-4D86-A11C-E725C5C704A7
Presentation by the International Relations Committee concerning the launch of the International Partners Website
🏥💰 Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre Capital Plans
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 011 - Removal of Holding Provision, 410 Yonge St. & 343 Little Ave.
Approved unanimously
To remove the Holding Provision for Mason Homes Ltd. on 410 Yonge St. and 343 Little Ave. (Ward 8)
Memo from the Planner: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10568681&GUID=0241FE11-4E02-4F10-B262-AF0EB16B02EE
Bylaw: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=7216802&GUID=608B2450-B775-47E5-A268-74D004C97D82
Bill 012 - Expropriation of 356 & 366 Bryne Drive
Approved unanimously
Expropriation of 356 & 366 Bryne Drive for Transportation Improvements, Harvie Road to Caplan Avenue (Ward 7)
Bill 013 - 2022 Business Plan
Approved unanimously
The establishment and requirement of the payment of fees for information, services, activities and use of City property
Bill 014 - Fire Routes - 110 Fairview Road and 12 Kozlov Road
Approved unanimously
Designate private roadways as Emergency Fire Routes
Bill 015 - Proposed City of Barrie Official Plan and Municipal Comprehensive Review
Adopt the new Official Plan, subject to Provincial Approval
Official Plan: https://barrie.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10570695&GUID=F24957A8-4091-4439-8B83-79D4EE370BDE
Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest, and did not vote
Bill approved unanimously by all voting
Bill 016 - Expropriation of 346 Bryne Drive
Approved unanimously
Expropriation of 346 Bryne Drive for Transportation Improvements, Harvie Road to Caplan Avenue (Ward 7)
Bill 017 - Confirmation Bylaw
Approved unanimously
Confirming proceedings of the meeting
