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City Council – Monday, June 27, 2022, 8pm (or immediately after General Committee)

Writer's picture: Accountability TeamAccountability Team

Updated: Jan 5, 2024

The main focus of this meeting will be a presentation giving an update on Invest Barrie [this was deferred to September], as well as the items discussed at General Committee immediately before this meeting.

📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes

📝👥 Committee Reports

📝🏘 Planning Committee Report

🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 219 and 223 Bayfield Street (Ward 2)

🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 17 Sophia St. E, 3-11 McDonald St., 58-60 Clapperton St. (Ward 2)

🗣🏬🏘 Public Meeting – 15 Harvie Road (Ward 7)

📝🏘 Planning Committee Report

🗣🏢 Public Meeting – 667-675 Yonge Street (Ward 9)

🗣🏭 Public Meeting – 518-524 Tiffin Street (Ward 5)

📝📄 General Committee Report #1

  • Report from June 27: not yet available (happening directly before this meeting)

Section A

CARRIED unanimously

🤐🌳 Confidential Instructions to be Applied to Negotiations on Behalf of the Municipality – Negotiation of Potential Park Enhancement Opportunity
  • That the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to negotiate with a national charity, an agreement associated with a potential gift in kind of a park enhancement, based on the general terms and conditions contained in confidential Appendix "A" to Staff Report CCS006-22.

  • That should negotiations be successful, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement to formalize the arrangement, with the form of the agreement to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.

  • That should negotiations be successful, staff be authorized to add a Park Enhancement Gift Capital Project to the 2022 Capital Plan with a budget of $100,000 to facilitate site works and/or connections to the enhanced park, to be funded from the Tax Capital Reserve.

Section B

CARRIED unanimously

🤐🧑‍💻 Confidential Labour Relations Matter – CUPE Negotiations
  • That motion 22-G-133 contained within the confidential notes to the General Committee Report dated June 27, 2022 concerning the discussion of an update regarding a confidential personal information matter - Executive Management Team (EMT) Performance Management, be received.

Section C

CARRIED unanimously

🤐🧑‍💻 2022 CUPE Negotiations
  • That Council ratify the tentative settlement reached on June 21, 2022 with CUPE Local 2380, and that the City Clerk and Director of Human Resources be authorized to execute the new July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2025 collective agreement between The Corporation of the City of Barrie and CUPE Local 2380.

  • That Council approve economic adjustments to the Non-Union Employee Group which is aligned with the annual wage increases for the full-time CUPE Union Employees.

  • That Council approve a policy direction to provide the Non-Union Employee Group with comparable benefits to those of the full time CUPE Union members, where applicable.

  • That Director of Human Resources or their designate be authorized to execute Letters of Understanding (LOUs) and/or Letters of Intent (LOI) between The Corporation of the City of Barrie and CUPE Local 2380 to address matters such as legislative changes, additions or deletions to job classifications, changes resulting from the resolution of a grievance or a complaint, clarification of the intent of the agreement la... [truncated, will fill in when minutes available]

📝📄 General Committee Report #2

  • Report from June 27: not yet available (happening directly before this meeting)

Section A (Committee Report)

RECEIVED unanimously

💰📊 Finance and Corporate Services Committee

Section B (Consent Items)

APPROVED unanimously

🚻♿️ City Facilities – Support for Fully Accessible Washrooms
  • That the Accessibility Advisory Committee supports the inclusion of fully accessible washrooms within newly built City facilities

🔥☺️ Warming Spaces and De-Escalation Training for the City's Contracted Security Services
🛑✋ All-Way Stop - Reid Drive and King Street (Ward 7)
📚🏛 Declaration of Municipal Capital Facility
💰🛣 Acquisition of 851 Veterans Drive (Ward 7)
  • Staff Report:

  • Re: Veterans Drive New Trunk Watermain – Salem to McKay, and Veterans Drive Road Expansion – Salem to McKay

  • City to purchase the property at 851 Veterans Drive

  • Increase the budget for the Veterans Drive New Trunk Watermain by $1,300,000, with $1,105,000 from the Development Charges Reserve and $195,000 from the Tax Capital Reserve

  • Reduce the forecast Capital Budget for the Veterans Drive Road Expansion by $1,300,000, with $1,105,000 reduced from Development Front Ending and $195,000 reduced from the Tax Capital Reserve

📱💻 2022-2026 Council Technology Services
  • Staff Report:

  • Approve the suggested technology services for the next term of Council:

  • Members of Council would have use of a smart phone, a dedicated 4-digit extension within the City's phone network – Councillors' 4-digit extension would be automatically routed to that cell phone, the Mayor's extension would be programmed to a desk phone in the Mayor's office

  • Members of Council would have use of a tablet and laptop computer

  • The tablets will be equipped with integrated Wi-Fi and LTE or 5G network connectivity, laptops will have Wi-Fi capabilities to securely connect to staff & public Wi-Fi networks at City facilities

  • Multi-function work-centre units (printing/faxing/copying) would be available in the Mayor's office and Councillors' office and lounge at City Hall

  • The City's service ticketing system would continue to be used to log, track and manage Council technical service requests

  • The expenses associated with each Council Member's technology services would be reported at a minimum on an annual basis

🎭🎫 Georgian Theatre Usage Agreement
  • Staff Report:

  • Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Georgian Theatre use agreement between Georgian College and the City, subject to these terms & conditions:

  • Term to be from July 1, 2022 to June 31st [sic] 2024, with option to extend for an additional 3 one-year terms, subject to mutual agreement of the parties

  • The rental space of ~20,000 sq ft with 650 seats will be made available to the City for theatrical performances, symposiums, conferences, speaker presentations, dance and musical presentations, and a general administrative office and ticket sales will be available in conjunction with the Theatre Operations

  • Annual rent to be $1 plus utilities for the term of the lease of $10,000 – amount to be reviewed & adjusted for any renewal terms

  • City responsible for services supplied to the Theatre, including janitorial services

  • City responsible for repair & maintenance of the Georgian Theatre, with minimum of $20,000/year expended on maintenance & repairs, and any unspent balance payable to the college

  • City will submit a plan for any proposed alteration or additions to Georgian College for approval prior to undertaking, which will be at the City's cost

  • Georgian College shall be provided 320 hours of use at no cost during the Term for academic, administrative or Georgian College Student Association events or presentations, to be staffed with at least one City staff member

  • City will comply with existing food service agreements/arrangements on Campus

  • City will comply with College's parking fees and policies

🛬🤝 Lake Simcoe Regional Airport (LSRA) – Authority for Agreement
  • That the confidential direction set out in the correspondence dated May 4, 2022 from the County of Simcoe concerning the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport be endorsed

🗣📑 Items for Discussion – Considerations for Next Term of Council
  • Include the following proposed amendments to the Council's Procedural Bylaw, as part of the staff report re: procedural matters, at the outset of the 2022-26 term of Council:

  • Items for Discussion will be introduced at Reference Committees, not General Committee

  • Items for Discussion must be:

  • prepared by Councillors on the Notice of Motion form provided by Legislative and Court Services

  • sent to the Legislative and Court Services Department 10 days in advance of Committee meetings to ensure proper wording

  • Notice of Motion forms must be circulated to all Councillors 5 days in advance of the Committee meeting, or when the Agenda is published, whichever comes first

  • Amend the Notice of Motion form to require the Mayor an Councillors to identify the relationship between the proposed item and Council's Strategic Priorities

🌳🏃 Naming of a Park in Recognition of Will Dwyer
  • Direct the Development Services Department to work with the late Will Dwyer's family to identify a suitable park in the City to be named in his honour, and provide a memo to Council once the park location has been determined

🛑✋ Three-Way Stop at Cumming and Stapleton Place (Ward 6)
  • Add a 3-way stop at the intersection of Cumming Drive and Stapleton Place

🌾🦋 Promoting Biodiversity – Yard Naturalization
  • Direct Access Barrie, in consultation with the Enforcement Services Branch, to investigate the creation of communications including yard signage and online educational materials to promote and designate natural gardens and boulevard gardens and report back to General Committee

  • Direct the Enforcement Services Branch to investigate an amendment to the Yard Maintenance Bylaw to allow residents to participate in No Mow May, and direct Access Barrie to investigate the creation of signage and communication tools to clearly communicate the benefits of No Mow May and report back to General Committee

Section C

🚸🚶 Pedestrian Crossovers (Ward 7)
  • Staff Report:

  • Install an all-way stop at the intersection of Thrushwood Drive and Elmbrook Drive / Megan Crescent, and a pedestrian crossover (level 2, type D) at the intersection of Elmbrook Drive and Blackbird Lane, and amend the appropriate traffic by-law to reflect this change.

  • APPROVED [FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales, McCann; AGAINST: Lehman]

Section D

⛺️🎒 Encampments
  • Call on the provincial & federal governments and the County of Simcoe to immediately extend funding for the hotel-model of emergency shelter or other immediate alternative sheltering arrangements with a plan to create permanent social and supportive housing for individuals currently living in emergency shelter.

  • Send a copy of this resolution to local MPPs, local MPs, the Federal Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, the Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Provincial Minister of Children, Community and Social Services.

  • Authorize the CAO to allocate up to $400,000 from the Reinvestment Reserve to the County of Simcoe, and ask the County for a 3:1 cost-share, to support one-time costs associated with the transition out of the hotel model of emergency shelter services in Barrie, prioritizing the highest-acuity individuals, including but not limited to emergency shelter capacity and on-site addictions and mental health services.

  • Call on the County to immediately facilitate a meeting with all stakeholders surrounding the homelessness crisis in Barrie, including all levels of government, to create an immediate plan to relocate anyone not able to be sheltered when the Travelodge program expires, and to work together to establish permanent social and supportive housing for individuals currently living in emergency shelters which includes discussion regarding additional funding options from all levels.

  • APPROVED [FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Kungl, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales; AGAINST: McCann]

Section E

👷✅ Ontario Build It Right
  • This item was defeated in General Committee – this is just to receive the details

  • McCann declared a conflict and did not vote

  • Ask the Province to include, in the next edition of the Ontario Building Code, tiered energy efficiency standards and a timeframe for when higher tiers would become the minimum energy efficiency requirements in the Code, consistent with the draft Tiered National Model Building Code

  • Ask the Province to adopt a more ambitious tier of the draft Tiered National Model Building Code as a minimum energy efficiency requirement than the tiers currently proposed for the next edition of the Ontario Building Code

  • Ask the Province to provide authority to Municipalities to require increased performance in energy efficiency through the implementation of tiered Green Development Standards

  • Ask the Province to facilitate capacity, education, and training in the implementation of the Tiered National Model Building Code for municipal planning and building inspection staff, developers, and homebuilders to help build capacity

  • Provide a copy of this resolution to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to area MPPs, and to all Ontario Municipalities

  • LOST [FOR: N.Harris; AGAINST: Riepma, Aylwin, Ward, Thomson, Harvey, J.Harris, Morales; ABSTAINED: McCann; UNKNOWN: Kungl]

    • This is a bit of a conundrum – the votes weren't against the motion (as the motion had already lost), they were about whether to receive the details. So perhaps a protest, but we aren't quite sure how to interpret?

Direct Motion without Notice: Amendment to Rate of Speed By-law 2002-191 Salem Road

  • Moved by Harvey, Seconded by N.Harris

Permission to introduce motion without notice (requires 2/3 majority)

  • CARRIED unanimously

Amendment to Rate of Speed By-law 2002-191, Schedule C, Salem Road:

  • That Rates of Speed By-Law 2002-191, Schedule C, Authorized rates of maximum speed 60km/h, as amended, be further amended by deleting the following: "The street Salem Road, between Highway 400 to Veterans Drive"

  • That Rates of Speed By-Law 2002-191, Schedule C, Authorized rates of maximum speed 60km/h, as amended, be further amended by adding the following: "The street of Salem Road from Highway 400 to the City limit"

  • CARRIED unanimously

Direct Motion without Notice: Service Levels for Barrie Transit 2, 3, 4 and 7

  • Moved by Aylwin, Seconded by Ward

Permission to introduce motion without notice (requires 2/3 majority)

  • CARRIED unanimously

Service Levels for Barrie Transit 2, 3, 4 and 7

  • That Barrie Transit routes 2, 3, 4 and 7 be reinstated to a 30 minute service level at a cost of $450,000, to be funded from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve for 2022

  • CARRIED unanimously

💰📈 Invest Barrie Update

  • Presentation:

  • At 11pm, there was discussion about deferring this presentation (and the accompanying report) to a future meeting, although there was some resistance. Lehman put it to a vote. [NOW: Aylwin, Harvey, Morales, McCann; DEFER: Riepma, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, J.Harris, UNKNOWN: Kungl]

  • Presentation DEFERRED to September 12

  • Deferring the written report [FOR: Riepma, Aylwin, Ward, Thomson, N.Harris, Harvey, J.Harris; OPPOSED: Morales; ABSTAINED: McCann; UNKNOWN: Kungl]

  • MOTION by Ward/Aylwin: That the Invest Barrie Update be deferred until the General Committee meeting on September 12, 2022, and the report will be scheduled for 60 days after presentation. CARRIED (although new vote not taken, was based on previous)

📜📜 Bylaws

Bill 062 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 290-302 Georgian Drive

Bill 063 – Mapleview Drive West Expansion

Bill 064 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 63-73 Greer Street

Bill 065 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 51-61 Greer Street

Bill 066 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 35-49 Greer Street

Bill 067 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 520-526 Big Bay Point Road

Bill 068 – Updating Downtown Barrie BIA Constitution and Bylaws

Bill 069 – Declaration of Municipal Capital Facility

Bill 070 – Amending Council Meeting Schedule

Bill 071 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment: 157 Ardagh Road

Bill 072 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 63-75 Valleybrook Road

Bill 073 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 54-68 Valleybrook Road

Bill 074 – Part Lot Control Exemption: 28-38 Valleybrook Road

Bill 075 – Overnight Waterfront Parking and Traffic Bylaw Updates

Bill 076 – Confirmation Bylaw


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