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City Council – Monday, October 4, 2021, 7pm (or after General Committee)

Writer's picture: Accountability TeamAccountability Team

Updated: Jan 5, 2024

This meeting is making some very big decisions on housing, and the bylaws around Second Suites and Detached Accessory Dwelling Units. A lot of legalese to wade through, but anyone interested in housing would be wise to wade!

📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes

🗣🗣 Deputations: Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing

📝🏘 Planning Committee Report

🗣🏙 Public Meeting: Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 284 & 286 Dunlop St. W. and 119 & 121 Henry St. (Ward 2)

🗣🏙 Public Meeting: Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 520 & 526 Big Bay Point Road

🏘💰 Community Improvement Plan Grant Approvals Summary (Feb.-May, 2021)

🏘🏢 Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing

  • Staff Report:

  • Recommending to approve the proposed amendment to the Zoning Bylaw 2009-141, with amendments:

    • Require a minimum rear yard setback of 7.0 metres to an accessory building or structure containing a detached accessory dwelling unit

    • A detached accessory dwelling unit is not permitted to have a basement

    • Notwithstanding the Institutional standards when residential uses are located in the same building as an institutional use on a lot zoned institutional, a maximum lot coverage of 50% shall be permitted

  • Approve the amendment to the Site Plan Control Bylaw

  • Update the Fees Bylaw to include a new application fee of $307.77 for scoped site plan review of detached accessory dwelling units

  • Approve the amendment to the Second Suites Registration Bylaw

  • Ask staff to prepare a revised map indicating eligible properties for detached accessory dwelling units by the October 4 City Council meeting (i.e., this one)

📝📄 General Committee Report

  • Report from October 4 not currently available (meeting will be happening directly before this one)

  • If, after watching General Committee at 6pm you wish to request an Emergency Deputation at City Council, email or call 705-797-5353

💰📈 Presentation: City of Barrie's Long-Range Financial Plan

📜📜 Bylaws

Bill 083 - Deeming Bylaw - 271 Codrington St.

Bill 084 - Expropriation, 93 Bradford St.

Bill 085 - City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing

  • (Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)

  • Adding definition for "Tandem Parking Space", deleting definition for "Dwelling, Detached Accessory", re-defining "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit" and "Second Suite"

  • Move "Second Suite" from the list of permitted "Residential Uses" to the list of "Acessory Uses", and continue to permit this use in R1, R2, R3, R4, RM1, RM1-SS, RM2, RM2-TH, RA1 and RA

  • Add "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit" as a permitted "Accessory Use" in R1, R2, R3, R4, RM1, RM1-SS, RM2, and RM2-TH

  • Re-write the subsections "Standards for Second Suites", "Standards for Detached Accessory Dwelling Units", and "Parking Standards"

  • Add the provision that an accessory building or structure containing a detached accessory dwelling unit shall be subject to the development standards in "Standards for Detached Accessory Dwelling Units"

  • Amend Table 14.5.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw


Bill 086 - City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing

  • (Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)

  • Add definition for "Grade"

  • Re-defining "Attic", "Basement", "Dwelling, Duplex", "First Storey", "Dwelling, Multiple", "Storey"

  • Add "two-unit dwelling, three-unit dwelling" after the words "converted dwelling"

  • Rewrite section, including that additional dwelling units shall not be permitted within any area subject to natural hazards

  • Additional standards for residential uses in conjunction with institutional uses (same building and standalone buildings, plus parking requirements)

  • Several housekeeping items


Bill 087 - Amendment to Second Suites Registration Bylaw

Bill 088 - Amendment to Site Plan Control Bylaw 99-312 - Accessory Dwellings

Bill 089 - Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing

Bill 090 - Confirmation Bylaw


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