This meeting is making some very big decisions on housing, and the bylaws around Second Suites and Detached Accessory Dwelling Units. A lot of legalese to wade through, but anyone interested in housing would be wise to wade!
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📜📜 Confirmation of the Minutes
City Council Minutes, September 20:
🗣🗣 Deputations: Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing
Deputation Requests:
Deputations from
Clint Taylor on behalf of Ward 1 Residents Association
Michael Lato
Brady McDonald on behalf of BK Real Estate Investing
Colby Marshall
Arlene McCann
Chris Franco
Cathy Colebatch
Arnie Ivsins
Terry Forrester
Brenda and Christopher McCauley
Kam Naisbitt
📝🏘 Planning Committee Report
Planning Committee, September 21:
🗣🏙 Public Meeting: Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 284 & 286 Dunlop St. W. and 119 & 121 Henry St. (Ward 2)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application for a zoning bylaw amendment, submitted by MHBC Planning Limited on behalf of Arten Development Group, to facilitate the development of a 16-storey tower with 124 rental apartment units, 1052m squared of ground floor commercial space and underground parking
Seeking to rezone from Residential Multiple Dwelling First Density (RM1) and General Commercial (C4) to Mixed Use Node (MU1, SP), with site specific provisions
Requested special provisions include a reduced landscape buffer, increased height, reduced parking requirement for commercial space and reduced outdoor amenity area
🗣🏙 Public Meeting: Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 520 & 526 Big Bay Point Road
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Additional Correspondence:
Application for a zoning bylaw amendment, submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. on behalf of Morriello Construction Ltd.
Seeking to rezone from Residential Single Detached Dwelling First Density (R1) to Residential Apartment First Density with Special Provisions (RA1-2, SP) to facilitate the development of a 6-storey, 46 unit apartment building
Requested special provisions include, but are not limited to, increased height and gross floor area, reduced front, west side, and balcony setbacks; a reduced parking standard and increased lot coverage for parking; and reduced landscape open space
🏘💰 Community Improvement Plan Grant Approvals Summary (Feb.-May, 2021)
Staff Report:
That 50% of the funds from the current balance associated with allocations for redevelopment and preservation of built heritage grant programs within the CIP Reserve be reallocated to the Affordable Housing Grant Program, to replenish the balance and continue funding development charges and per door grants for affordable housing projects in 2021
🏘🏢 Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing
Staff Report:
Recommending to approve the proposed amendment to the Zoning Bylaw 2009-141, with amendments:
Require a minimum rear yard setback of 7.0 metres to an accessory building or structure containing a detached accessory dwelling unit
A detached accessory dwelling unit is not permitted to have a basement
Notwithstanding the Institutional standards when residential uses are located in the same building as an institutional use on a lot zoned institutional, a maximum lot coverage of 50% shall be permitted
Approve the amendment to the Site Plan Control Bylaw
Update the Fees Bylaw to include a new application fee of $307.77 for scoped site plan review of detached accessory dwelling units
Approve the amendment to the Second Suites Registration Bylaw
Ask staff to prepare a revised map indicating eligible properties for detached accessory dwelling units by the October 4 City Council meeting (i.e., this one)
📝📄 General Committee Report
Report from October 4 not currently available (meeting will be happening directly before this one)
If, after watching General Committee at 6pm you wish to request an Emergency Deputation at City Council, email or call 705-797-5353
💰📈 Presentation: City of Barrie's Long-Range Financial Plan
Presentation by Watson and Associates Economists Ltd.:
📜📜 Bylaws
Bill 083 - Deeming Bylaw - 271 Codrington St.
To deem certain Plans of Subdivision or parts thereof not to be a Registered Plan of Subdivision (Lovers Harbour Inc and 2292324 Ontario Inc, 217 Codrington Street)
Bill 084 - Expropriation, 93 Bradford St.
To expropriate the land for Watercourse and Storm Drainage improvements
Bill 085 - City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing
(Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)
Adding definition for "Tandem Parking Space", deleting definition for "Dwelling, Detached Accessory", re-defining "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit" and "Second Suite"
Move "Second Suite" from the list of permitted "Residential Uses" to the list of "Acessory Uses", and continue to permit this use in R1, R2, R3, R4, RM1, RM1-SS, RM2, RM2-TH, RA1 and RA
Add "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit" as a permitted "Accessory Use" in R1, R2, R3, R4, RM1, RM1-SS, RM2, and RM2-TH
Re-write the subsections "Standards for Second Suites", "Standards for Detached Accessory Dwelling Units", and "Parking Standards"
Add the provision that an accessory building or structure containing a detached accessory dwelling unit shall be subject to the development standards in "Standards for Detached Accessory Dwelling Units"
Amend Table 14.5.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw
Bill 086 - City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing
(Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)
Add definition for "Grade"
Re-defining "Attic", "Basement", "Dwelling, Duplex", "First Storey", "Dwelling, Multiple", "Storey"
Add "two-unit dwelling, three-unit dwelling" after the words "converted dwelling"
Rewrite section, including that additional dwelling units shall not be permitted within any area subject to natural hazards
Additional standards for residential uses in conjunction with institutional uses (same building and standalone buildings, plus parking requirements)
Several housekeeping items
Bill 087 - Amendment to Second Suites Registration Bylaw
(Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)
Re-define "Second Suite", add definition of "Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit"
Add "or Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit" wherever "Second Suite" is mentioned in the provisions.
Bill 088 - Amendment to Site Plan Control Bylaw 99-312 - Accessory Dwellings
(Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)
Add a new section to the Site Plan Control Bylaw stating that detached accessory dwelling units be designated as a use subject to scoped site plan control in all residential zones
Bill 089 - Proposed City-Wide Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 for Affordable Housing
(Note, this motion is listed in tonight's Planning Committee Report, and in the Circulation List)
To amend the Approved Fees in "Schedule K - Planning and Building Services" for permits and services related to the new changes
Bill 090 - Confirmation Bylaw
Confirming the proceedings of Council at tonight's meeting