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Circulation List for September 18, 2024

Agendas for the coming week (Council is back from holiday), Mayor's Innovation Awards, Doors Open Barrie

📑📊 Staff Memos

  • Nil

👥📃 Committee Agendas

💰🤷 Affordability Committee

💰🏛️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee

🛟📋 Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee

🏘🧑‍🎓 Town and Gown Advisory Committee

🧓♿️ Seniors and Accessibility Advisory Committee

✍️📨 Correspondence

🏆💡 Mayor's Innovation Awards

🚪🤗 Doors Open Barrie

⏳➕ Late Additions

✍️📨 Correspondence

🧑‍🏫👥 System Training

  • System Training for Council will occur on Wednesday, September 18 from 4:30 to 5pm

🌳📛 Park Renaming

🪧🪖 Dedication of Roundel

A colourful pile of documents, envelopes and letters.



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