new planning regulations from the province, Housing CIP grant update and housekeeping, automated speed enforcement update
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📑📊 Staff Memos
🏙️🏗️ New Provincial Planning Statement
Memorandum: from C. Kitsemetry RPP, Supervisor of Growth Management
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has released a new Provincial Planning Statement that came into effect on October 20, which will affect planning decisions immediately
Staff are reviewing our Official Plan to ensure City policies are consistent with the direction of the province
🏘️🏘️ Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Housekeeping Edits
Memorandum: from S. White, RPP, Supervisor of Growth Management (Housing)
A summary of some minor technical revisions made to the Housing CIP
💰🏘️Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Per Door Grant Update
Memorandum: from S. White, RPP, Supervisor of Growth Management (Housing)
An update on the allocation of the Housing CIP Reserve Fund, following the first intake of the new Per Door Grant program
Four projects were funded
🏎️📸 Automated Speed Enforcement Program Update
Memorandum: from M. Banfield, RPP, Executive Director of Development Services and W. Cooke, City Clerk / Director of Legislative and Court Services
An update on the second and third deployments of the ASE program
👥📃 Committee Agendas
🚸🚨 Community Safety Committee
✍️📨 Correspondence
🏦🧑💻 Asset Retirement Obligations
Resolution from Municipality of St. Charles, October 16:
Supporting the resolution by the Town of Cobalt (in support of resolutions by Township of Harley, Coleman Township, Township of Larder Lake, Township of Casey, Township of Hudson, Township of Kerns), calling on the Province to provide financial assistance to municipalities to complete the required accounting of Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO)
🌱🛣️ Green Roads Pilot Project
Resolution from Municipality of St. Charles, October 16:
Supporting the resolution by the City of St. Catharines, directing staff to investigate the feasibility and potential benefits of using bioresin on City road works, to investigate other alternative construction materials and methods for road works that minimizes the City's carbon footprint and are more environmentally sustainable, and to prepare a report on the findings and list of streets where a pilot project may be considered; and that all Ontario municipalities be encouraged to explore and adopt sustainable road surfacing alternatives
💰🚔 Sustainable Funding for OPP in Small Rural Municipalities
Resolution from Municipality of St. Charles, Oct.16:
Supporting the resolution by the Township of Terrace Bay, calling on the Province to immediately implement sustainable funding for small rural municipalities by reabsorbing the cost of the Ontario Provincial Police Force back into the provincial budget with no cost recovery to municipalities
💸🔄 Resuming the Tax Assessment Cycle
Resolution from Municipality of St. Charles, October 16:
Supporting the resolution from the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch & Raglan (in support of a resolution by the Municipality of Callander), calling on the Province to promptly resume the assessment cycle to ensure the stability and predictability of property taxes while the Government conducts its review of the property assessment and taxation system, or respond with an alternative method for every municipality in Ontario to achieve fair taxation
💰🏙️ Canada Community-Building Fund
Resolution from the Municipality of St. Charles, October 16:
Supporting the resolution from the City of Quinte West, calling on the Federal Government to provide a supplement to the allocations provided to municipalities under the AMO CBBF agreement for 2024-28 for the same amount that was allocated, effectively doubling the allocation for those years
🛣️🛟 Establishment of an Ontario Rural Road Safety Program
Resolution from Town of Blue Mountains, October 21:
Calling on the Province to implement the Ontario Rural Road Safety Program proposed by the Ontario Good Roads Association, allowing rural municipalities to make the critical investments needed to reduce the high number of people being killed and seriously injured on Ontario's rural roads
⏳➕ Late Additions
✍️📨 Correspondence
🚬🧑⚕️ Government Regulations of Nicotine Pouches
Resolution from Township of Larder Lake, October 22:
Supporting the resolution by the Municipality of St. Charles, regarding recommendations for government regulations of nicotine pouches
📚🖥️ Barrie Public Library Board
Minutes from September 26:
👮💸 OPP Detachment Billing Increases
Resolution from Town of Wasaga Beach, October 25:
Disputing a 22.8% increase for the 2025 OPP Annual Billing Statement, and calling on the province to absorb any increase above 5%, claiming the additional costs are due to the collective bargaining that was within the control of the OPP and should have been known to be financially unsustainable for municipalities