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Circulation List for March 29, 2023

Updated: Jan 5

Of note to those following the Stopping Abuse and Harassment by Local Leaders campaign: the "final report" for the Heart Barrie sign financing is in (sort of)

📑📊 Staff Memos

💰💸 2022 Council Remuneration and Expenses

🌲🐿️ City Nature Challenge

  • Memorandum:

  • Memo from S. Wideman, Parks Program Coordinator concerning the City of Barrie's Participation in the 2023 City Nature Challenge

  • City Nature Challenge 2023 takes place from April 28 to May 1

  • The annual four-day global bio-blitz is a collaborative-meets-friendly competition to not only see what can be accomplished when communities work toward a common goal, but to also see which cities can gather the most observations of nature, find the most species, and engage the most people in the event.

🗺️🏗️ New Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw Project

🎪🗓️ April 2023 Events Calendar

🎭💰 Arts and Culture Investment Program

🐣🐇 Easter Programming

👥📃 Committee Agendas

Heritage Barrie Committee

Finance and Responsible Governance Committee

✍️📨 Correspondence

Be a Donor Month

Heart Barrie Landmark Sign

A colourful pile of documents, envelopes and letters.

Post: Blog2_Post
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