results of the Business and Employer Data Survey, Crimestoppers funding request, new Concierge Programs for developers and businesses
Circulation List:|&Search=
📑📊 Staff Memos
🧑💼📋 Business and Employer Data Survey
Memorandum: from S. Candrasa, Business Development Analyst, regarding the City of Barrie Business and Employer Data Survey 2024
The report and data is now available publicly at
🤐🧑⚖️ Litigation or Potential Litigation Matters
Confidential memorandum from I. Peters, Director of Legal Services, concerning litigation or potential litigation matters - litigation as of November 22, 2024
🤐🏷️ Waterlot Acquisition or Disposition of Land
Confidential memorandum from I. Peters, Director of Legal Services, concerning a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality - waterlot.
🤐🧑💻 Information Technology
Confidential Memorandum from R. Nolan, Director of Information Technology, concerning a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board - Information Technology.
🚫📬 Changes to Planning Act Applications During Postal Strike
Memorandum: from A. Gameiro, RPP, Supervisor of Planning and Zoning Enforcement, regarding Temporary changes to notifications for Planning Act Applications in response to the Canada Post work stoppage.
During the work stoppage, land owners within 120 metres of the subject property for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning Bylaw Amendments and Draft Plans of Subdivision, or within 60 metres for Committee of Adjustment Applications, will NOT be sent Public Notices by mail.
Applicants are required to install a notification sign on the subject property and the City will continue publishing notices across the City's website on the Public Notices, Committee of Adjustment, and Development Projects webpages.
Planning staff will continue circulating mail notices once regular mail delivery service resumes
👥📃 Committee Agendas
💰🏛️ Finance and Responsible Governance Committee
Agenda for December 11:
✍️📨 Correspondence
🎓🏫 Lakehead University STEM Hub
Media Release, December 5: "Council approves partnership with Lakehead University to bring STEM Hub to downtown Barrie"
🚫🦹 Crimestoppers Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka
Correspondence from District Municipality of Muskoka, December 4:
Asking Council to commit a municipal contribution of $10,000 for 2025, to ensure this service continues.
Crimestoppers Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka may have to close due to a lack of funding. To date, the District of Muskoka is the only municipality who has committed funding.
🏘️🧑💼 Concierge Programs
Media Release, December 5: "Concierge Programs aim to help create more housing and jobs"
The City has launched Concierge Programs, to assist developers in adding new housing, and help businesses create employment opportunities
The Housing Development Concierge Program provides support to developers of strategic housing projects.
Th Employment Development Concierge Program assists businesses in developing or expanding strategic employment projects that create job opportunities, particularly in key sectors like advanced manufacturing and health and life sciences
⏳➕ Late Additions
📑📊 Staff Memos
🍻🍷 Liquor License Application Review - Daal Roti, 222 Mapleview Drive West
Memorandum: from T. McArthur, Coordinator of Elections and Special Projects
Any concerns regarding zoning, non-compliance with bylaws or general objections to the applications may be directed to the City Clerk,
🧐🗺️ Lands Needs Update
Memorandum: from M. Prowse, Cheif Administrative Officer
A summary of the consultant report being presented to Council on December 11
✍️📨 Correspondence
♀🌹 Of all the media releases the City put out on December 6, it is highly disappointing that there was nothing about the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, just boundary expansions and toilets
🗣️🗺️ City of Barrie's Expansion Request
Media Release, December 6: "Joint Statement by Mayor Nuttall, Mayor Greenlaw, Mayor Coughlin, and County Warden Clarke - Update on Discussions regarding the City of Barrie's Boundary Expansion Request"
The municipalities continue to be engaged in facilitated discussions, supported by the Office of the Provincial Land and Development Facilitator.
Each Council will be asked to receive the study and consider re-engaging the consultant to complete a more detailed analysis of the options for further consideration by all parties, to serve as a foundation for further discussions moving forward.
🚽🚯 Toilets Are Not Trash Cans
Media Release, December 6: "City of Barrie reminds residents that toilets are not trash cans"
A reminder of what not to flush down the toilet
🏖️🅿️ Digital Resident Waterfront Parking Permits
Media Release, December 9: Digital resident waterfront parking permit extended to December 2026"
