preparations for the new Waste Collection Services starting this spring, time to register for Spring Into Clean, and have your say on transportation improvements for Bayfield Street
Circulation List:|&Search=
📑📊 Staff Memos
🗑️♻️ Waste Collection Services
Memorandum: from S. Mack, Associate Director Waste Management and Environmental Sustainability
An update on the preparations for Waste Collection Services
🤐🏷️ Confidential Disposition of Land Matters - City Properties
Memorandum from A. Mills, Manager of Legal Services
👥📃 Committee Agendas
💰🤷 Affordability Committee
✍️📨 Correspondence
🌸🧹 Spring Into Clean
Media Release, April 3: "Spring into Clean registration now open"
Spring into Clean events take place April 19 to 22, with Corporate Cleanup Days, School Participation Days, and Community Cleanup Days, as part of Earth Week
🚚🚍 Commercial Trucking and Driver Job Fair
Media Release, April 3: "Commercial Trucking and Driver Job Fair Coming to Allandale Recreation Centre"
The City and County will host this event on Wednesday, April 10
🛣️🚧 Bayfield Street Transportation Improvements
Media Release, April 4: "Have your say on Bayfield Street transportation improvements, complete the survey and provide comments on the public presentation"
The City wants to hear from residents on their current experience on Bayfield Street, and what changes the City should consider making for the future
Visit to learn more about the project and share your feedback
📑🌱 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Highlights from March Board Meeting:
⏳➕ Late Additions
