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Barrie Police Services Board - Thursday, June 20, 2024, 8am (*note earlier start)

deputations on the 2025 Police budget, appointments of new auxiliary and special constable members, a presentation on bail reform

Meeting Location: Barrie Simcoe Emergency Services Campus, 110 Fairview Road - Community Room

🧑‍🏫📑 Meeting Opening

📄 Approval of Previous Minutes

  • May 23 Public Board Meeting

❓ℹ️ For Information

🧑‍🏫🤝 Introduction

  • Tom Gervais, Police Services Advisor

🗣🎙 Deputations

💰⚖️ Budget Deputations

  • Michael Speers

🙋✅ Consent Agenda

↔️👮 Directions to the Chief

🫂🤝 Community Partnerships

👮🚫 Auxiliary and Special Constable Appointment Terminations

👥📑 Human Resources Report

🙋🤬 Public Complaints

🧐🧑‍⚖️ Systemic Review Update

📜📊 2023 Annual Report

💰🗓️ 2025 Budget Timeline

❓✅ For Approval

👮👮 Appointment of New Auxiliary Members

  • Connor Brooks

  • Sandra Dicosola

  • Dorsa Gholami

  • Owen McAnulty

  • Thomas McKnight

  • Anna McNab

  • Kate Stevenson

👮👮 Re-Appointment of Special Constable Members

  • Jamie Borneman

  • Jason Clark

  • Teresa Hummell

  • Jeremy Johnston

  • Dave McColl

  • Thomas McOuat

  • Edmund O'Hanlon

  • Kimberley Settle

  • Collin Shaw

  • Tammy St. Pierre

  • Paul Wass

🚔💸 Early Purchase of Vehicles

  • Release $361,000 of 2025 budget capital funds for the pre-ordering of 6 front-line police vehicles

🧑‍🏫📑 Presentations

🏛️💵 Bail Reform

  • Lynne Saunders, Crown Attorney

👮‍♂️📑 Chief's Update

  • Chief Rich Johnston

🗣️👥 For Discussion

👥😳 Community Concerns

🤐🔒 In Camera

🤫🧑‍⚖️ Confidential Personal and Legal Matters

Post: Blog2_Post
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