Public Meeting for a proposed subdivision at 750 Lockhart Road (Ward 10), Public Meeting about the new Community Improvement Plan
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Meeting Location: Council Chambers
🗣️🏙️ Public Meetings
The Public Meetings are now being held in person OR by electronic participation.
If you wish to provide oral comments electronically, please register in advance by emailing: or calling 705-739-4220 x5500 during regular office hours prior to 12pm on the day of the meeting
Once you register, you will be provided information from the Legislative Services Branch on how to make your submission at the Virtual Public Meeting. To participate in the Virtual Planning Meeting virtually, you will need access to a computer with internet service or a telephone.
If you decide to speak after the meeting has started, you need to email or call 705-797-5353.
🏘️🏢 Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Red-Line Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision - 750 Lockhart Road (Ward 10)
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Application to facilitate development of a new subdivision
Presentation by KLM Planning Partners Inc on behalf of Ballymore Building (Barrie) Corporation
Staff presentation by Andrew Gameiro, Senior Planner of Development Services
Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Applying to amend the zoning on a portion of the southern half of the property from 'Residential Hold - Special Provision No.586' (RH)(SP-586) to 'Neighbourhood Residential' (R5) and 'Neighbourhood Multiple Residential' (RM3) to facilitate the development of the lands through a Draft Plan of Subdivision
Red-Line Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision
Purpose is to create 11 blocks on the southern portion of the property, to develop 75 street townhouse units and a 6-storey multi-residential building containing approximately 75 units
🏗️💰 Proposed Community Improvement Plan in accordance with the City of Barrie Official Plan, As Amended
Public Meeting Notice:
Staff Memo:
Reviewing the proposed Community Improvement Plan (CIP), which would replace the existing CIP
CIP will be in effect for eligible projects identified within the area indicated on the CIP Area Boundary Map
The proposed CIP would provide financial incentives designed to increase the supply of housing units and rental housing units, and accelerate the construction of new housing throughout the City, by reducing the cost of new housing development for non-profit and market developers seeking to deliver affordable options and market-rate rental housing
Presentation by Michelle Banfield, Executive Director of Development Services and Shelby White, Senior Planner of Development Services
🧑🏫📑 Presentations
↪️📥 Referred Items
📝📑 Advisory Committee Reports
🏰🗿 Heritage Barrie
Report from April 30: not yet available
🚪🤗 2024 Doors Open Barrie
That staff in Access Barrie and Economic and Creative Development, in partnership with Tourism Barrie, assist Heritage Barrie with marketing for the Doors Open Barrie 2024 event
📑🗂 Staff Reports
