Engage Barrie Forum
Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions. (Log in for full access to all categories.)
Forum Information
Information shared publicly by our Admins and Moderators. (Public - for all other categories, please log in.)
2General Conversation
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversation.
14Questions & Answers
Get answers and share knowledge.
2Member Information
A place to gather info about our meetings, organize information shared, etc.
24Electoral Reform
Ranked Ballots, electronic voting, and other methods of improving electoral democracy
0Harm Reduction / SCS
Discussions around the proposed Supervised Consumption Site, and other Harm Reduction
6Housing / Unhoused
Discussion on the local housing crisis, and helping those without homes.
2Municipal Election (Members)
Please remember our "Safe Spaces" principle. We'll also be posting resources publicly on our Elections pages.
4Public Safety
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.
0Accountability Team (Private)
If you would like to join this committee, please email admin@engagebarrie.org or contact a Board Member
0Elections Committee (Private)
If you would like to join this committee, please email admin@engagebarrie.org or contact a Board member.
- Forum InformationThis "General Information" category includes information shared publicly by our Board, Admins and Moderators. There are many other categories available to members – please log in to join the conversation! And if you aren't a member yet, please visit https://www.engagebarrie.org/become-a-member to sign up and get Engaged. When posting in the other categories, please remember our "Creating Safe Spaces" founding principle, as well as Engage Barrie Organization's values, policies and other founding principles. Thank you!Like
- Forum InformationWe want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: • Respect each other • Keep posts relevant to the forum topic • No spamming • Please remember our Mission, Mandate and Values, Founding Principles, and Anti-Harassment Policy, which you agreed to when you joined!Like