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code of conduct | about


policy statement | engagebarrie

Engage Barrie Organization (EBO) has adopted a Code of Conduct, which is intended to protect the integrity of the organization, its Directors, Members, volunteers, employees, and its decision-making processes.  This Code of Conduct is intended to supplement the exercise of good judgement in all circumstances where conflicts may arise.

Engage Barrie Organization is committed to creating and maintaining an organizational environment characterized by constructive, productive and supportive relationships.

You may find the full policy here

General Principles:

This Code of Conduct was designed to provide a solid framework within which employees and volunteers can work.  While it is not expected that every situation will be clearly addressed by the Code of Conduct, the intent is that the principles of the Code will be extended and used in good faith to guide us through difficult situations.

Directors, Members, employees, volunteers and participants should also be aware that leaving Engage Barrie Organization does not relieve them of duties surrounding privacy and confidentiality of Engage Barrie Organization information.

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