news | opinion
Council Follow-up, week of January 17, 2022
General Committee, Monday, November 29, 2021, 7pm
Town and Gown Committee - Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 10am
Here's a Quick Way to Increase Safety
Council needs more Diverse Voices
A Parent’s Perspective on Harm Reduction … and Linguistics?
Sign the UserVoice: Cancel Canada Day - No pride in Genocide
Survey: Strengthening accountability for municipal council members
Deputation re: "Heart Barrie" sign
Event: BPW Barrie and Women's W.O.R.K. Present: Pints and Politics Panel
Downtown Barrie BIA chair resigns months after making 'insulting and derogatory' comments
CTV News coverage re: BIA
Integrity Commissioner's Report: Rob Hamilton, Downtown Barrie BIA
Workplace Harassment - City Response re: corrective actions undertaken
Workplace Harassment Article from
Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders
Open letter to Council - #ChooseToChallenge
Workplace Harassment Case – Following-up
At Issue: A harassment at City Hall
Council Motion re: Workplace Harassment Case
Respectful disagreement and debate is invited and encouraged.
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